Right, that does it. Having had my battery on charge for 24 hours, I go to the '6R to start it up and go for an evening blat. Opening the garage door, I hear a faint crunching sound, and a brief 'ptooie', as my Datatool Stealth chews up and spits out yet another fucking battery, due to it deeply discharging them every time I leave the bike alone for more than a nanosecond. Sure enough, when I disconnect the charger (one of them fancy ones wot 'maintains' the battery once charged), I get five seconds of cranking and no start, before the last remnants of charge dripple out into the atmosphere. So - how does one go about disentangling one of these things from my bike's long-suffering electrical systems? The hit on insurance systems can't possibly be more than the forty quids I'm regularly forking out on new batteries.