bye ya'll

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mike Alvey, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. Mike Alvey

    Mike Alvey Guest

    well, the kids (EOB) have started again. It was nice, fun, and
    intelligent in here for a while; but here they go again. I've seen at
    least one new person in here lately that I'm sorry I won't get to know
    better. That would be BJ. You're an intriguing (sp?) guy BJ and I like
    your writing style. I think you're sharp enough to separate the wheat
    from the chaf you're about to witness in this ng showing up in the
    "Founded this Tx.Group" thread. As for myself, I choose to turn my back
    on the children and leave this crap for a year or so. I'm truely tired
    of their sniviling boring childish behavior.

    Yea I know, don't open the thread... well they're like a nasty infection
    that turns up just everywhere. I'm just plain leaving.

    See ya'll on the road sometime,
    Mike Alvey
    Mike Alvey, Sep 10, 2004
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  2. Mike Alvey

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn.. I sure hate to hear that Mike.. I can't really say that I blame you
    one damn bit.. This crew isn't worth it and they only believe they are a
    majority on this group.. The good guys on here, like bjay and others that
    you've met, are the ones that make it worthwhile.. As long as those good
    guys hang in here, I will be here .. too.. Think about it..OK

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 10, 2004
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  3. Mike Alvey

    fullstate Guest

    Hey Mike -

    Sorry you will be departing us. I'll see you at a meeting or on the
    road somewhere in the near future. I enjoyed the discussions and
    debates and appreciate all the insight and information you provided.

    Take care!


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Sep 10, 2004
  4. Mike Alvey says)
    well, the kids (EOB) have started again. It was nice, fun, and
    intelligent in here for a while; but here they go again. I've seen at
    least one new person in here lately that I'm sorry I won't get to know
    better. That would be BJ. You're an intriguing (sp?) guy BJ and I like
    your writing style. I think you're sharp enough to separate the wheat
    from the chaf you're about to witness in this ng showing up in the
    "Founded this Tx.Group" thread. As for myself, I choose to turn my back
    on the children and leave this crap for a year or so. I'm truely tired
    of their sniviling boring childish behavior.
    Yea I know, don't open the thread... well they're like a nasty infection
    that turns up just everywhere. I'm just plain leaving.
    See ya'll on the road sometime,
    Mike Alvey
    BJAY here: I will have to say, that after reading down the thread
    line...of the "founded" subject, (that I started.)......I found it hard
    to believe that all of sudden, there was some kinda serious matter being
    discussed....that I became confused.....First" I thought they were
    carrying on, like when they kidded me about the Feller pissing in Dr
    Phyl's lemon aid........But after reading your Post here...
    It seems there was some fire amunst all that smoke (bull) that was being
    thrown and blown around......I didnt know hardly how to
    respond.........O well.....I stll enjoy all these good opinions about
    I enjoy opinionated folks, cause I am one of check on Us
    ever nowNthen
    Mike.............bjay 9-10-04
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 11, 2004
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