buy a motorcycle jack today ?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Lynn McGuire, Jan 2, 2004.

  1. Lynn McGuire

    Brian Walker Guest

    I won't post about my education because it would take too long and
    everyone here has gotten the gist before.
    I would suggest you go try and negotiate your "futures" prices next
    time you sell at market.

    Better yet, "oh most uneducated one", go spend a little time in a
    community college of your choice and maybe read a book on financials
    to figure out what you're talking about. I believe it was day THREE of
    my business class that we learned about stocks and futures. The first
    day was being introduced to the professor and day two was getting the
    curricullum(sp?) and books.
    It would seem you're in the manure business if you're trying to say
    you're getting "future" prices at market.
    Have you EVER been in a business/financial class?
    Walmart (even under the "Buy American" program) never has sold solely
    U.S. goods. Today, they sell cheap "high gross" goods to a public who
    only looks for price rather than quality. It's always been this policy
    of Walmart, but only today, they don't care who knows it.
    And? Hillary Clinton was/is an attorney. Not that she makes policy or
    creates buying/marketing strategies...only that she keeps her client's
    butt out of high-end courts. In order to do the best job for
    companies, attorneys ARE on the board of directors with any
    company...larger than "Dixon Cattle Ranch".
    Brian Walker, Jan 7, 2004
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  2. Lynn McGuire

    Bill Walker Guest

    And that my good friend is the attitude that contributed to our being tossed
    out of the Whataburger in Austin.. BTW.. I'm working on it.. whoo

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 8, 2004
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  3. Lynn McGuire

    Brian Walker Guest

    Record noted.

    Also for the record, I noticed he didn't have a problem with Richard
    Cheney being on the executive level of Haliburton which by coincidence
    is now a key element and involved in the "rebuilding" of Iraq.

    Next time we invade a country and have Walmart involved in a
    "rebuilding" project of that country...and have Hillary Clinton where
    she can have a hand in deciding who does/doesn't get contracts of such
    magnitude, then maybe 'ole Dix would have something to say. Until
    then, he's nothing more than a faceless, anonymous, "most uneducated",
    redneck selling hog shit for future stink.
    Brian Walker, Jan 8, 2004
  4. Lynn McGuire

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'm in.. Hico might be a good jumping off spot.. Be there from here in about
    two hours and the country around it is sure good riding.. Don't be late..
    Soto.. leave the tools at home, we don't want to be making furniture on the
    road.. IceMan, be sure to bring the pistol for shooting critters.. Maybe the
    Waco kid and Oma could bring lunch.. All that is left to do is round up
    Brian and let's hit it.. The Blacksmith just might be enticed on a run like
    that.. LOL.. Sounds like he is financially recovered by now.. Fullstate and
    Bling just might be ready to run, if Fullstate can find enough batteries to
    keep that Eyetalian motorcycle running for a while.. Hell.. that is almost a
    crew as we know it... See ya' out there.. BTW.. Hico is just a suggestion,
    don't really have a preference..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 8, 2004
  5. Lynn McGuire

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yes, I understood it...he was just wanting to interpret what HE wanted
    to get from it.

    Every large retail chain of stores are "anti-union" (ie: Walmart,
    Target, Sears, JC Penneys, Dillards...). I have no "first hand
    knowledge" of this, but I have heard from people in exec levels of a
    couple these chains who said they would close a store before allowing
    a organized labor of employees. Now, people like this guy would say
    that's a good thing. However, unless he's the one working under the
    conditions he has no room to speak.
    I avoid Walmart only because of the cheap products they sell. It's
    fine if you buy the name brand, but then there's not much savings
    compared to other chains which are more convenient to me.
    Brian Walker, Jan 8, 2004
  6. Lynn McGuire

    Brian Walker Guest

    The last time I tried to meet everyone down in Austin for a day's
    ride, I ended up getting caught in a HUGE storm and sliding down a
    lane, through a ditch and into a gas station. It looked like a motor
    boat! I pulled up to the pump and the people next to me (after a
    couple minutes of staring with their mouths open wide) asked "are you
    okay man?". I said "sure I am, ain't you folks ever seen someone pull
    into a gas station from the motorcycle lane before?". I didn't tell
    them that I needed to bang out that new button hole in my seat from
    what I'd done. I figured that might not be a good day for riding down
    there. BTW, I didn't need gas at the time, it's just where I ended up
    after sliding. It was either that, or I could've fought the bike and
    ended up going down avoiding the ditch.

    Charles told me on that day that they did a good day's riding and
    didn't have a cloud in the sky.

    Anyway, if everyone wants to meet up halfway for a day's riding, I'd
    be up to it...AFTER IT GETS WARM AGAIN! I'm not too good of a rider
    when it comes to cold weather and having to bundle up. I'll do it when
    I have to and get caught in it, but I ain't jumping out there in it. I
    get REALLY bitchy (more than normal) when I get cold and/or wet. In
    good weather, I just ride the shit out of everyone and people tend to
    get pissed because they can't keep up. I'm still trying to find my one
    place where I'm not bitchy and not riding out....when I find it, I'll
    let you know. :)

    Funny story that might explain my personality (and goes along the

    I was in church one day and my minister was trying to make a point to
    everyone about feeling insecure or uncomfortable. I'd just finished
    playing the music, so I was standing near him with my bass guitar. He
    turn toward me and said "Brian, have you ever went to a function where
    you arrived and found you weren't dressed according to what was
    expected?". I thought for a quick second and made this puzzled look on
    my face. I turned back to him and replied "No Brother Tim, I've been a
    bunch of places though where everyone else was dressed wrong". He
    quickly did a double take, as this was obviously not the answer he was
    seeking and in a chuckling voice said "knowing you like I do, I would
    find this easily to believe".
    Brian Walker, Jan 8, 2004
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