"But we haven't got the money..."

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by wreckferret, Apr 24, 2005.

  1. wreckferret

    wreckferret Guest

    You may well have. I for one don't echo that sentiment.
    wreckferret, Apr 28, 2005
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  2. wreckferret

    BGN Guest

    On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 22:24:36 +0100,
    I'm sure some more stupid questions will be thrown around shortly, as
    I just noticed that the bike is due its 15,000 mile service in 1,000
    miles time. Strangely enough, that means I've done over 3,500 miles
    on my ER-5 since 8th Mar when I passed my test.
    BGN, Apr 28, 2005
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  3. wreckferret

    BRC Guest

    This is indeed a very fair and valid point! <looks around her>
    Finished yours yet?
    BRC, Apr 28, 2005
  4. wreckferret

    BRC Guest

    This is fair, and I hafta say that rental is something I never want get back
    into. My sister is renting and is just having one problem after another
    just now with very little back up or support from anywhere these days.
    BRC, Apr 28, 2005
  5. wreckferret

    BRC Guest

    Know that feeling, we didn't really start doing anything to the house
    (except painting over the appalling wallpaper & ripping up some of the more
    vile carpets). We're doing bits & pieces as and when we can afford them or
    can be bothered now! As you say tho, at least its a roof over your head.
    Fair point. What you need is a beer & paint party....... with a little more
    emphasis on the paint being whatever you need doing at that point and beer
    at the *end* of it all :eek:)
    BRC, Apr 28, 2005
  6. wreckferret

    darsy Guest

    I'm still interested to know why you think I have a large percentage of
    people in a "bozo bin"?

    I read almost everyone's posts.
    darsy, Apr 28, 2005
  7. wreckferret

    Ben Guest

    I'm looking fort something like that. After spending 4 years in one
    that I originally planned to strip and re-fit everything and haven't,
    I've discovered the most I want to do is put a bit of paint on the
    Ben, Apr 28, 2005
  8. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ
    Fucked up this time then, didn't you?

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets
    and Ducati Race Engineer.

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Apr 28, 2005
  9. wreckferret

    PeterT@Home Guest

    Bear proposed
    Ok, will stop poking a resting Bear then. ;-)
    PeterT@Home, Apr 28, 2005
  10. wreckferret

    PeterT@Home Guest

    Paul Corfield proposed
    PeterT@Home, Apr 28, 2005
  11. This will probably be "faulty logic" but you only reply to a select
    number of posters on group. I therefore assumed you had opted to only
    read a similarly select number of posters.

    You have a well crafted "air of disdain" that you convey both in writing
    and when you talk to people. That has given me the impression that you
    are selective as to what / who you read and what / who you talk about /

    As an example at the last London drinks you arrived. I was pleased to
    see you. You said "oh it's just like 1998" (or similar) and walked off.
    Now for you that was probably humour. For me, and I wasn't very well
    that day, I assumed that was your way of saying "why have you turned
    up?". Your facial expression didn't convey a welcome either. Now you'll
    tell me I'm an over sensitive ninny or someone will say "it's only a
    darsy". I'm just saying how it was for me.

    You have categorised several people on the group - either in truth or as
    a wind-up - as being not worth expending your brain power on.

    I'm sure you can rationalise or dismiss all of the above but there you
    go by way of a reply.
    Paul Corfield, Apr 28, 2005
  12. wreckferret

    darsyx Guest

    darsyx, Apr 28, 2005
  13. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ
    Well, forgive me is I'm wrong, but there was a bloke claiming to be your
    step-father making considerable noise with 'ammers, saws and similar on

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets
    and Ducati Race Engineer.

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Apr 28, 2005
  14. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ
    Only the last 20% to do then, eh?

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets
    and Ducati Race Engineer.

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Apr 28, 2005
  15. wreckferret

    Alex Ferrier Guest


    water heater, hot water tank, bedroom, garage?

    BMW R1150GS
    Windy's "little soldier"
    Alex Ferrier, Apr 28, 2005
  16. wreckferret

    zymurgy Guest


    So you were about 5 minutes from me and Mups and you didn't pop in to
    say hello.



    zymurgy, Apr 29, 2005
  17. wreckferret

    tallbloke Guest

    Are you two dossing on the embankment?
    tallbloke, Apr 29, 2005
  18. wreckferret

    Simes Guest

    Hi Powered City Job = Busking by the Eye.
    Simes, Apr 29, 2005
  19. wreckferret

    mups Guest

    tallbloke tallbloke@palmpilot says...
    We provide vital services to the words greatest financial markets.
    mups, Apr 29, 2005
  20. wreckferret

    mups Guest

    Simes says...
    mups, Apr 29, 2005
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