Bus Stunt lady police Swoop

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sweller, Nov 12, 2003.

  1. sweller

    sweller Guest

    sweller, Nov 12, 2003
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  2. sweller

    Catman Guest


    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l. Really, Sprint 1.7
    Ducati Monster 600 Metallic
    Catman, Nov 12, 2003
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  3. sweller

    darsy Guest

    the OP hasn't shown up here yet, but it all makes perfect sense to me.
    darsy, Nov 12, 2003
  4. sweller

    sweller Guest

    Bollocks, I thought I'd cancelled the fucker [1].


    I've received a witness statement request thing with regards to crazy
    door lady. I get the impression that it's been done with a view to
    prosecute the bus driver. In my view wrongly.

    I was on a bus, with darsy, stood by the front doors. As the bus started
    to pull away mad stunt lady attempted to force the doors open to get on.

    Unfortunately she was about as effective as a pissed seal holding a
    millstone trying to jump through hoops. She sort of got stuck, flailed
    about a bit and then fell under the bus, as it picked up speed (ftv of
    bus speed).

    Shouting and confusion then ensued. We decided it would quicker to walk
    the 500 yds to the last stop.

    IIRC darsy commented "don't worry, I've never seen a corpse sit up"

    [1] After hitting return instead of backspace, which had the unfortunate
    effect of sending it before I'd written anything.
    sweller, Nov 12, 2003
  5. sweller

    darsy Guest

    I agree, though I didn't get as good a view as you...
    ....as I was looking the other way until I noticed her sort of stuck
    half in the door and half under the bus.
    I think, in retrospect, our decision was the right one.
    something like that. I take the view in such situations that, as:

    a) there are lots of other by-standers getting involved &
    b) I know nothing about first-aid[1]
    c) the person was moving around and making moaning noises and hence
    not actually dead yet

    that it's best to get off-scene before situation (c) changes and legal
    shit starts to happen.

    Call me a callous fucker if you like, but if I thought there was
    actually any point in hanging around I would.
    shoddy news clients, eh?

    [1] and b2) <fx: mod=Hog> she didn't look British and hence probably
    was a single mother with AIDS.
    darsy, Nov 12, 2003
  6. sweller

    CT Guest

    [snip stuff]

    Yes, yes - but what the **** were you doing on a _bus_
    in the first place?
    CT, Nov 12, 2003
  7. sweller

    darsy Guest

    going from one place to another, saving a 20min walk. I know, it's a
    bit pikey, but we were just walking past the stop when the bus came
    along so we hopped on it.
    darsy, Nov 12, 2003
  8. sweller

    Eddie Guest

    Perhaps it was the "other" bus.
    Eddie, Nov 12, 2003
  9. sweller

    simonk Guest

    Woo.. dangerous. Last-minute buses always *look* like they're going up the
    very obvious main road that you're walking along - until they dart off down
    some side street to spend half an hour picking up old ladies for the weekly
    catfood-and-pension run
    simonk, Nov 12, 2003
  10. sweller

    CT Guest

    Or not. As in this particular case.
    CT, Nov 12, 2003
  11. sweller

    darsy Guest

    sure, but this is the bus that runs down the street on which I
    actually live - I know exactly where it goes (at least in the one
    direction in which I'd care to go on it) so we were fairly safe.

    Unlike the stunt woman dragged beneath the wheels...
    darsy, Nov 12, 2003
  12. sweller

    darsy Guest

    what, with mine and Sweller's reputation?

    I think *not*.

    I'll have you know we'd spent all afternoon fixing motorbikes, and
    were on our way for few manly pints of Guinness and a motherfucking
    hot curry.
    darsy, Nov 12, 2003
  13. Ah, a Renaissance Man's afternoon off.
    William Grainger, Nov 12, 2003
  14. sweller

    simonk Guest

    I avoid this by never, ever going to Slough
    simonk, Nov 12, 2003
  15. sweller

    darsy Guest

    darsy, Nov 12, 2003
  16. sweller

    Catman Guest

    Well, you were there, allegedly

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l. Really, Sprint 1.7
    Ducati Monster 600 Metallic
    Catman, Nov 12, 2003
  17. darsy wrote
    You don't have to justify it to us, we understand you well enough.
    steve auvache, Nov 12, 2003
  18. sweller

    darsy Guest

    no, I was there, actually.
    darsy, Nov 12, 2003
  19. sweller

    sweller Guest

    I used to work freights up there, I think you'll find the service from
    H&H is the same as W-Drayton. More stop at Slough though.

    Of Slough signal box - "the only thing that runs through Reading is the
    fucking Thames"
    sweller, Nov 12, 2003
  20. sweller

    dwb Guest

    Bloody long bus journey to get to Didcot - have you tried the train? [2]

    Seriously though, wouldn't it be faster (and a lot more comfortable) to go
    to Paddington and catch a FGW train instead?

    Having commuted on Thames Trains for a year, and now 6 months on FGW I'd
    rather wait 30 minutes and get a FGW then get on the pikey-infested shit
    heap that is a Thames Turbo [1]. Be interesting to see what happens now
    they're being run by the same company though.

    [1] especially one that goes through Hayes,Iver,Langley or anywhere else
    that allows groups of yobs with petrol and lighters to climb on-board.
    [2] What are you doing in Didcot these days? Studying the locals? Can I
    volunteer and get paid? :)
    dwb, Nov 13, 2003
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