Burkha under my helmet

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Ms Margaret Cornes, Sep 1, 2003.

  1. Good Grief..

    I've come back to have a look at my post and there are hundreds of messages
    in the thread!

    I'm sorry to see some people have taken my post in the wrong way and
    brought racism arguments etc into it.

    My interest in the "dilemna" is purely technical. ie. What would happen if
    I pulled my helmet off and instead of uncovering my shock of red hair :)
    there was actually a burkha under there.

    Well I've decided to go the next step and in the next couple of weeks (when
    I summon up the courage) I'm going to borrow a burkha from one of my Muslim
    girlfriends (one advantage of living in Broady) and try it under my helmet
    at next fillup time.

    I'll report back here then !

    Byeeeee ..
    ('95 Suzuki Across 250 - 2.7 months to go!)
    Ms Margaret Cornes, Sep 1, 2003
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  2. Ms Margaret Cornes

    Boxer Guest

    Better wear a bullet proof vest.

    Boxer, Sep 1, 2003
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  3. Is 2.7 months your life expectancy :)
    Rainbow Warrior, Sep 1, 2003
  4. Ms Margaret Cornes

    Albm&ctd Guest

    No, the across will give birth to a new helmet.


    2003 insult page awaits your contribution
    Albm&ctd, Sep 1, 2003
  5. Ms Margaret Cornes

    vinyl Guest

    We hate racists, don't we Pete? Our trailertrash redneck homophobic days
    are long gone too, no doubt!

    vinyl, Sep 2, 2003
  6. Ms Margaret Cornes

    D Walford Guest

    Only advantage of living in Broady is there are lots of good roads out
    of the place:)
    BTW I lived in Glenroy for 21 yrs.

    D Walford, Sep 2, 2003
  7. Ms Margaret Cornes

    RM Guest

    redhead...rides...adventurous...has friends...Ms...whats your phone number?
    googles for 'broady'...finds it in melbourne...hmmm...innit cold down that
    no worries, people from victoria are always going to Qld...i saw it on the
    telly!...and on their number plates 'victoria, on the move'

    Someone let D Walford at loose on an internet
    connection and the result was:
    RM, Sep 2, 2003
  8. Ms Margaret Cornes

    Smee Guest

    You are 3 years too late
    When kennet lost the vics stopped leaving.
    New plates now say "Victoria the revenue state"
    Smee, Sep 2, 2003
  9. Ms Margaret Cornes

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "RM" wrote

    Can't you read? She has friends, doesn't need you.

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 2, 2003
  10. Ms Margaret Cornes

    RM Guest

    female friends who wear the burka...mmmm

    Someone let Theo Bekkers at loose on an internet
    connection and the result was:
    RM, Sep 2, 2003

  11. Maybe he should be introduced to BT....

    Postman Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Sep 3, 2003
  12. Ms Margaret Cornes

    D Walford Guest


    D Walford, Sep 3, 2003
  13. Ms Margaret Cornes

    CoRkS Guest

    why would you want a small nepalese soldier under your helmet ???

    "scratches head, wanders off thinking theese eastern staayters they crazzee
    CoRkS, Sep 3, 2003
  14. CL3500/4300/4000->GH2600->2A2000/3000->GJ1600/2000->RR3500/3900->GQ4200

    Rainbow Warrior, Sep 4, 2003
  15. Top shot. At least I know that that all means.
    I've been thinking of taking a jaunt into aus.moto for 'years' and sticking
    it to the bigheads about their inane sigs - you might have saved me the
    trouble of that venture, for a little while anyway:)
    Toby Ponsenby, Sep 4, 2003
  16. What I want to know is a "zx7r" a 7cc R/C model aeroplane? :)
    And are M/C's using "Z" & "X" to try to counter balance the rampant use of
    vowels in the english language?

    Brisbane, Australia
    Rainbow Warrior, Sep 4, 2003
  17. Yes, _their_ inane sigs.

    Way to show your support for sticking it to 'em!!

    You wacky guys really know how to have a good time!!

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Sep 4, 2003
  18. Damm right!
    At least my sig is a real joke.
    Toby Ponsenby, Sep 4, 2003
  19. They're also well know for a very short sense of humour, you'd think all
    that cruising round the hills in open air would make them less highly
    strung. :)

    Brisbane, Australia

    Suspension by Slinky
    Who needs lockers when you have secondaries.
    Rainbow Warrior, Sep 4, 2003
  20. Ms Margaret Cornes

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Toby Ponsenby" wrote
    My Latin is a bit rusty, it has been 45 years, but I'll have a go.

    wankwank short dick
    I'm sitting watching videos.

    Is that close enough?

    You're right, it is a funny sig.
    Theo Bekkers, Sep 5, 2003
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