Buggery bollox

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by petrolcan, May 23, 2004.

  1. petrolcan

    petrolcan Guest

    I've had a small oil leak on the beemer for a few weeks now and had put
    it down to a gasket that needed replacing.

    Today I discovered that it wasn't a gasket but a crack in the cylinder
    head near an exhaust stud that was helicoiled as part of the recent

    I wonder if I have grounds to go back and get it sorted for free.
    petrolcan, May 23, 2004
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  2. petrolcan

    petrolcan Guest

    TBH I don't know either way. I'm not very up on my consumer law.
    petrolcan, May 23, 2004
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  3. petrolcan

    'Hog Guest

    If there is still plenty of meat (5mm+) around the insert then I would be
    asking. Cack handed repair if there is.
    Don't despair though, it could be repairable anyway.
    'Hog, May 23, 2004
  4. petrolcan

    petrolcan Guest

    The Ins. Co. wrote it off. It was rebuilt by a local mechanic using the
    petrolcan, May 23, 2004
  5. petrolcan

    Molly Guest

    Go getem boy.
    Molly, May 23, 2004
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