Budget waterproof boots - help?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Fr Jack, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    I'm looking for a waterproof boot, but I'm on a budget.

    I was hoping to score a pair of Pro Boots - as worn and approved by
    the ginger pixie. They seem to be as rare as hen's teeth in my size

    Though the Pro Boot is expensive (to me), They would be worth buying,
    as I could get away with wearing them in the office.

    I have seen similar boots - Lowa, and the like, but have been unable
    to find any reviews, so may avoid.

    The end result is that I find myself in the situation of looking for
    an inexpensive boot, preferably waterproof, if such an animal exists.
    I can use the spare cash to get some shoes to keep at the office.

    Anyone have any recommendations, under £100 and preferably not more
    than £75, if possible?

    I am fully aware of the "get what you pay for" POV.

    Lozzo, do Nitro do anything to suit?


    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    Fr Jack, Dec 1, 2004
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  2. Fr Jack

    wessie Guest

    Fr Jack emerged from their own little world to say
    wessie, Dec 1, 2004
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  3. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    Heh! BTDT, melted on the engine inside 20 mins! ;-)

    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    Fr Jack, Dec 1, 2004
  4. Fr Jack

    Steve Parry Guest


    You're welcome

    Steve Parry



    K100RS SE
    (not forgetting the SK90PY)
    Steve Parry, Dec 1, 2004
  5. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    Fr Jack, Dec 1, 2004
  6. Fr Jack

    Molly Guest

    Why not just buy some waterproof overboots?

    If you insist on waterproof boots then you won't go far wrong with
    SIDI black rain
    Molly, Dec 1, 2004
  7. Fr Jack

    Lozzo Guest

    Fr Jack says...
    You'll be lucky to find anything worth buying at that sort of price. I
    doubt there are any good quality guaranteed waterproof bike boots under
    150 quid.
    Not guaranteed waterproof, though all of them do hold up reasonably well
    from what I'm told. Try looking at Swift and Akito boots. Both are
    reasonably priced and some have waterproofing guaranteed. As you've
    proabably guessed by now, they are made by the same people.
    Lozzo, Dec 1, 2004
  8. Fr Jack

    Steve Parry Guest

    waterproof *check*
    Size 12 *check*
    inexpensive *check*
    50p OK?


    Steve Parry



    K100RS SE
    (not forgetting the SK90PY)
    Steve Parry, Dec 1, 2004
  9. Fr Jack

    SteveH Guest

    He's northern - wouldn't be seen dead in M&S bags ;-)
    SteveH, Dec 1, 2004
  10. Fr Jack

    Lozzo Guest

    SteveH says...
    When I had those god-awful Dainese piece of shit boots that I used to
    wear, I used the carrier bags *inside* the boots. Please don't tell me
    the big northern fairy put them over the outside of his boots.
    Lozzo, Dec 1, 2004
  11. Fr Jack

    Mo Childs Guest

    I just bought a pair of good walking boots from Millets, Goretex liner,
    completely waterproof, reasonably warm (but cold feet have never been a
    problem for me) and they cost about £60/- I'm pretty sure they'd do quite
    well in an off but I haven't tested that yet and I'm trying not to.
    Mo Childs, Dec 1, 2004
  12. Only afford one, eh?
    Whinging Courier, Dec 1, 2004
  13. What about a pair of Sealskinz goretex socks?

    I think the dearest I've ever seen them is £25 and I know you can get
    them cheaper than that.
    Whinging Courier, Dec 1, 2004
  14. Fr Jack

    Kevin Seal Guest

    Apart from the 4 pairs I had in under 3 years or so that all leaked
    within 6 months.
    Kevin Seal, Dec 1, 2004
  15. Fr Jack

    Spete Guest

    Which big northern fairy. IIRC, SH is from somewhere around these regions as


    Occasionally, I'll be consistent
    Spete, Dec 1, 2004
  16. Fr Jack

    flash Guest

    Did you seal them correctly?
    flash, Dec 1, 2004
  17. Fr Jack

    Kevin Seal Guest

    Well, I balanced them on my nose. Maybe that's where I went wrong...
    Kevin Seal, Dec 1, 2004
  18. <Seal noise>

    Arr, arr

    <Flaps flippers>
    Whinging Courier, Dec 1, 2004
  19. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    Fr Jack, Dec 1, 2004
  20. Fr Jack

    Fr Jack Guest

    I was going to trundle over to the one in Northwich, sometime soon.

    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    Fr Jack, Dec 1, 2004
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