Buddy Helscel Still Rides

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Some of you have had the pleasure of meeting and riding with my old friend
    Buddy Helscel.. Almost three years ago, Buddy was diagnosed with cancer in
    his face.. There were more than two of them.. The damn things were
    inoperable because they'd developed toward his brain.. The doctors didn't
    think much of his chances, at the time.. They commenced treatments on him
    and he suffered through months of pure hell.. Late last year, progress was
    being made after him being fried and toasted, blistered and dehydrated...

    One of his examinations revealed that the cancer was also in his colon..
    Damn.. they attacked that area at the same time they were treating the ones
    in his facial cavities.. During all this, I made a couple of trips to visit
    him and he of course, came to Texas to see me.. I watched that old and dear
    friend suffer and fail.. His courage kept him going, he always had that
    smile and good word.. But.. it was extremely difficult for me to see my old
    friend losing all the good health that he'd held so dear..

    Today.. Buddy called me.. He'd just come out of his doctor's office in the
    VA hospital in Long Beach.. He was making his way through the parking lot to
    his pickup.. Soon as I said my "hello".. he said.. "Guess what, pard.. I am
    cancer free"..

    I have to admit .. we kinda' cried together, just a little..That is the best
    news that anyone could have given me..

    For those who know him.. he'll be back . For those who haven't had the
    pleasure, look forward to meeting him.. He's one of a kind.. We've shared
    the bonds of friendship for thirty years or thereabouts.. He's a Biker of
    the old school.. One of the best motorcycle handlers, I've ever known..
    Buddy Helscel is a friend without equal.. to many..

    When we ended our conversation, he told me to look for him in a couple of
    weeks, he will be here.. Knowing that we'll share some more miles and our
    friendship for years to come, gives me a lot of pleasure..

    Just thought I'd post this and share with you guys.. Many become discouraged
    over trivial matters in our lives.. Don't let those trivial things get you
    down.. Life is worth living and you were meant to enjoy it with all the zest
    possible.. We all share the enjoyment of our motorcycle interests.. That is
    important.. If we can just make the best of each day that God allows us,
    then we are fulfilling a purpose..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 31, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    If everything works out for him, he'll be here in a couple of weeks.. He
    will leave California for a while and go home to Casa Grande, Arizona for a
    few days.. When I talked to him today, he was so excited about the news from
    those doctors, he was literally beside himself..

    As James Wilson is to you, Buddy Helscel is to me.. A man is blessed to know
    such a friend .. I'm sure that he would be delighted to make your
    acquaintance.. We'll try our best to make it down to your area.. Take care..
    my friend..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 1, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    I can't wait to meet him, Outrider.
    Wakko, Sep 1, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The thought never entered my mind.. LOL.. Thanks..
    Yeah.. I am.. I'm good lookin' too..
    Bill Walker, Sep 1, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Thanks Waco.. Buddy Helscel is a "legend" in his own time.. Even though
    there are too many miles that separate us, we keep in touch, by telephone,
    several times each month..

    You can be sure that he's heard about you..and that ol' Gucci Springer, that
    you ride so well, and hard.. <chuckle>

    I'll post again, when he gets in here.. Maybe .. we can do a little run
    together, or just arrange a little cook-out over here.. Some of my
    "world-famous" Chili .and Cornbread might be a good idea, if the weather
    co-operates and cools a bit..

    Take care, my friend.. best regards..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 1, 2004
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