Went on a corporate freebie and took my Dad and my son, Archie, who is five today. Great fun and some staggering offs and stretcher cases. The best crash was Archie on the kids quad bike. He has no sense of braking and a love of speed. The back slid out on a bend, the bars slapped and he was highsided into the air. "I've broken my back" he screamed.... well, he hadn't but it was fucking funny. The bikers watching greeted him as a newly baptised brother. "good crash son" Quote of the day also goes to Archie. Upon leaving he walked up to thank our host, shook his hand and said. "thankyou very much for my present and all the food, I hope it doesn't make me fat [pokes the bloke in his large stomach] ... like you" -- cane [at] ukrm.org ¦ fireblade, r30 botafo t#50 f#03 YTC #15 bbb #6 pm #6 apostle [kotl] New? http://www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html Rideout? http://www.horrible.demon.co.uk/botafof/ "What was your crime Spazpecker?"
Done -- cane [at] ukrm.org ¦ fireblade, r30 botafo t#50 f#03 YTC #15 bbb #6 pm #6 apostle [kotl] New? http://www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html Rideout? http://www.horrible.demon.co.uk/botafof/ "What was your crime Spazpecker?"