Brrrrrr ! !

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Now this is going too damn far.. The chill factor has been down in the
    teens.. And .. it's getting colder.. Predicting single digits tonight..
    Whew.. Hey somebody.. this is Texas.. we're not really used to all this
    frigid weather..

    I fell out of this nice and toasty mobile home this morning, thinking I'd
    better check out the Green One .. Whew.. are you kidding.. My tail feathers
    frosted before I could get the cover off that puppy..

    Needless to say, the mexican was hot on my case, real quick.. "Tu no puede
    manajar este Moto, es demasiado frio".. hmmm.. whatever all that means..
    <chuckle>.. I got the idea that she didn't want me to mount that Vulcan,
    today.. I did manage to crank 'er up for a few minutes, though.. Never
    heard such a commotion as she was making, all the time.. She even hid my
    boots from me..

    Couldn't resist calling my good friend Jailcall to see how he's holding up
    in the Austin area.. Sheesh.. it's cold there, too... The Harley is parked
    for the duration, it seems.. Now that is hard to do with a new ride.. Been
    there, done that..

    I can imagine my friend in Texarkana, making his way to DFW on IH-35,
    today.. Phew.. what a trip.. hmmm.. Did I make a mistake, here.. Nah..
    that's what he said, alright.. I'm thinking my friend Bjay needs to get him
    some updated maps..

    IceMan is probably on an airplane, headed for Florida about now.. Ain't he
    the smart one..? Course it is off season, but I suspect the temps around
    Orlando is a lot milder than they are here..

    From what I'm seeing on the weather reports, Houston is having some pretty
    cold stuff down there, also.. With all the new Harleys being reported
    bought, on this newsgroup.. we'll be hearing about a bunch of disappointed
    bikers who can't ride them.. Morgan Kane is probably going to be hard
    pressed, that new Electra Glide might set up and get rusty, if this weather
    doesn't break... Condolences...

    This holiday season is going to be a bit different than what the mexican and
    I are accustomed to.. This is the first Christmas and New Year that we've
    spent away from Guadalajara for quite a few years.. Just decided we wouldn't
    fight the traffic this year.. Whew.. with all this cold weather, I'm not
    sure we made the right choice.. LOL..

    Enough of the rambling in this post.. MERRY XMAS everyone.. Have yourself a
    good one and keep warm.. OK ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 23, 2004
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  2. Xmas. Lazy fucking assholes.
    Gary L. Burnore, Dec 24, 2004
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  3. On Fri, 24 Dec 2004 05:09:28 GMT, "James Wilson" <James
    Lame name flame from a top posting fuckhead noted.

    Xmas? You're a lazy **** too, eh?

    It's -CHRISTMAS-, not Xmas. Lazy bastards can't type 5 more letters?
    Gary L. Burnore, Dec 24, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    The Family Guest

    Although only somewhat related, I thought I'd go find a site that
    could calculate wind chill factors. Not that I'm goin' ridin' anytime
    soon, but it seemed like fun to gauge the temps at various speeds.

    So, I was kinda' happy in finding the following site:

    My first entry was 28 degrees @ 60mph, -10 degrees - neat....

    Next, I tried 28 degrees @ 80 mph, thinking I should get a little
    closer to -20. WTF, -7? How can 60 mph produce -10, and 80
    mph produce -7?

    Now, changing to diagnostic mode, I use 120 mph. WTF again,
    now I'm at +6 degrees. How can this be?

    200 mph produces 49 degrees. Maybe that's the solution, if I can
    just get a 200 mph ride, I'll warm up - (not).

    I know nothing really, about wind chill, but I'm pretty sure that the
    greater the wind speed, the lower temperature. I guess the owner
    of this site has some more debugging to do.


    Gary Walker
    The Family, Dec 24, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    The Family Guest

    Thanks, I'll take a look....

    I just assumed that the temperature decreased as the wind speed

    Gary Walker
    The Family, Dec 24, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whew... never occurred to me about how complex the relationship between
    speed and chill factor might be..

    My concept is this .. When it gets below a certain temperature, like maybe
    30 degrees, it is too damn cold for me to be blazing down a highway on a

    Has anyone noticed that speeds in excess of about 95 mph, the sensation of
    speed is not really noticeable.. I've ridden a motorcycle at speeds up to
    160 mph (not recommended) .. If I'd not been accompanied by two other
    vehicles to register that speed, I'd not have realized just how fast I was
    going.. hmmm.. Do you suppose that the chill factor might be a similar
    sensation, at that point.??

    Sheesh .. I don't know.. It is cold outside, but the weather reports
    indicate a slight warmup is on the way, for the weekend..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 24, 2004
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO.. That ol' hide sure is fascinated with this tx.motorcycle newsgroup,
    isn't he ? If he wasn't so well known on usenet, he might have some

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 24, 2004
  8. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest


    Maybe he meant "Merry TXmas".
    Wakko, Dec 24, 2004
  9. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    At some point, temp will increase.

    Now, I just need to figure out how to get my bike to Mach 3.
    Wakko, Dec 24, 2004
  10. theguyonthebike, Dec 25, 2004
  11. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    You're ass-u-ming that a convicted child molester like Gary Burnore would
    know such things as "religious ideas and expressions"?
    Brian Walker, Dec 25, 2004
  12. <>Gary Walker<> in part says<>~~My first entry was 28 degrees @ 60mph,
    -10 degrees - neat....
    Next, I tried 28 degrees @ 80 mph, thinking I should get a little closer
    to -20. WTF, -7? How can 60 mph produce -10, and 80 mph produce -7?
    Now, changing to diagnostic mode, I use 120 mph. WTF again, now I'm at
    +6 degrees. How can this be?
    200 mph produces 49 degrees. Maybe that's the solution, if I can just
    get a 200 mph ride, I'll warm up - (not).
    I know nothing really, about wind chill, but I'm pretty sure that the
    greater the wind speed, the lower temperature. I guess the owner of this
    site has some more debugging to do.
    Gary Walker
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ran into the same
    mysterious problem. I just guessed that the chill factor could be, say,
    30%, one time. Okay..... 40* @ 60MPH, times
    30%= 20 degrees...but then I got bumfuzzled..when I figured..... 40* @
    120MPH, times 30%=40* you, I said, there's gotta be a way,
    that I don't know. It was warmer, to ride a lot faster, and we know that
    ain't right.....and your noted Site, figured the same way.....faster
    means warmer, according to the Site.
    That's so funny) bj

    ‹›Håvé Gøøð ðå¥, åmîgø‹›ßjåy‹›
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 27, 2004
  13. I think we all know, that on a hot summer day, say 95*, that a fan will
    bring down tha temp..(atleast makes us feel cooler). like you are
    sitting out on the patio, and so 4th. What about that? ..right.

    ‹›Håvé Gøøð ðå¥, åmîgø‹›ßjåy‹›
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 27, 2004
  14. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    X-No-archive: yes

    You have evaporative and convection cooling going on then. Wind chill
    is logarithmic (not linear) up to some determined maximum effect where
    it then levels off. A speed increase might be a 20% affect early on
    but that same increase may only be a 5% later along the curve (and no
    increase in existing chill rate past the plateau).
    Bownse, Dec 28, 2004
  15. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    "then" = summer

    rates of change in the effect of wind chill = references increased
    based on rate of wind speed increases.

    Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, TX
    "Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by
    legislation. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim can't help being
    stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime, the
    sentence is death, there is no appeal, and execution is carried out
    automatically and without pity." ~ Robert Heinlein
    Bownse, Dec 29, 2004
  16. <>rates of change in the effect of wind chill = references increased
    based on rate of wind speed increases.
    Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, Tx
    rates can be changed equally, if all circumstances fits the situation,
    other wise, the increased wind resistence is decreased, according to
    Prof. Bjay

    ‹›‘Håvé å Gøøð ðåy,
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 29, 2004
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