
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Pip Luscher, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. Pip Luscher

    Pip Luscher Guest

    Went to join friends in a rented house near Southwold this weekend.

    The outward journey on Friday evening was cold with a hint of snow or
    rain (which I read as 'sleet') forecast. Silly me. What wasn't
    forecast was black ice under a dusting of snow on the A1120. The V11
    wasa squirming as I crossed the untouched bit between the tyre tracks
    and even spun up coming out of one corner, sending the back end
    sideways a little. My nerve wasn't helped at all when the bike
    squirmed and twisted under me just because I shut off a bit abruptly.
    All this on an A-road in East Anglia - hardly the Elephant.

    Things got really entertaining in the back country lanes - I'd taken
    the wrong turning and after slowing to read a gate sign, lost momentum
    on a slight uphill incline and spent a merry few seconds with feet
    trailling and the back wheel spinning and fishtailing on ice as I
    tried to get to a flatter wider bit where I could turn round.

    Tonight was a straight blast down the A12/A14 (I wasn't going to risk
    the A1120 again) but even that was a bit fraught: the road salt was
    crystalizing on my visor around Ipswich and visibility was appalling.

    It's the first really cold long ride I've done in years - fair takes
    me back, it does. I'd forgotten how shit it was.
    Pip Luscher, Jan 31, 2010
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