British road etiquette

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ofnuts, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. Ofnuts

    Ofnuts Guest

    Summer(*) coming, I see my daily commuting path (A86 East of Paris)
    invaded by all of Northern Europe pouring down to where they expect some
    sun. This includes a fair number of vehicles from the other side of the
    Channel. Since I want to give a good image of the French bikers, what is
    the proper way to thank a British lady for eventually complying to the
    various signs asking her to **** off with her sodding caravan?

    1) extend a leg, French style
    2) waving
    3) give a finger
    4) boot the side of the car
    5) fart in her general direction

    PS: also came across a British biker: Harley-like bike (possibly
    Kawasaki), black & yellow Hein Gericke jacket, possibly short black
    beard. Good person. Filtering on the periph (**) at reasonable speed and
    despite this, moves to side without the need for asking. <bows>

    (*) obviously not speaking about the weather ATM.

    (**) a (corrected) made me type "perish"
    Ofnuts, Jul 12, 2007
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  2. Ofnuts

    dog Guest

    she won't see you, so any of the above are really for your own entertainment.
    dog, Jul 12, 2007
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  3. Ofnuts

    PWCA Guest

    PWCA, Jul 12, 2007
  4. Ofnuts

    christofire Guest

    <g> nice
    christofire, Jul 12, 2007
  5. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, christofire
    Blimey, North Wales could learn a thing or two there, eh?

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - "He's hopeless, but he's honest"

    SBS#39 OMF#6 Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (Falling apart) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Suzuki TS250 "The Africa Single" Honda ST1100 wiv trailer Norton 850 Commando
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jul 12, 2007
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