Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by mgldwng, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. mgldwng

    louie Guest

    Y'all see what I mean?? oh here it is Brian, remember Brian, did I help
    you Brian.....

    No favorites bjay.... poor leadership

    louie, Jun 17, 2007
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  2. mgldwng

    Ari Rankum Guest

    There's the truth right there. The reason the bike didn't sell at $2000
    is that it's not worth that in the local market. There's also
    documentation on this very news group of beewee being willing to accept
    $1500 for it. There you go, judge, that's the price. beewee and billie
    boy are remarkable wastes of carbon. Both are cheats and liars whose
    rants on this group about most anything can be proven to be unbelievable.

    brian is getting short shrift because brian is always an asshole in
    public. See brian's own posts about just trying to get along in a hotel
    lobby. Extrapolate brian's bizarre (as documented by brian) behavior in
    a context where he was just trying to create a piece of paper to a
    situation where he's trying to load a bike, and I think you can probably
    perceive the truth. brian deserved to be beaten bloody for being a
    prick, but was allowed to leave with his ancient bike. For revenge,
    brian makes shit up about this dealer and posts it here. That is a
    walker, through and through.

    In spite of the fact that beewee is indisputable proof of the magnitude
    of your colossal **** up as a father, happy father's day, billie.
    Ari Rankum, Jun 17, 2007
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  3. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    Hey Louie, that's pretty screwed up. I wouldn't take that sort of

    Here, I have a great long as Bjay isn't paying attention to
    you, here's some photos of Renegade's neglect and abuse to one of my
    motorcycles while it was in their care. You can look at them until
    Bjay starts treating you better:
    Brian Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  4. mgldwng

    nannie Guest

    Well, bjay, I'm impressed! You really can speak like a normal person when
    you want to. lol

    nannie, Jun 17, 2007
  5. mgldwng

    Vic Guest

    Was I supposed to disguise my voice? I guess I really messed up then.
    Heck, I even gave Mike my real name. As hard as it may seem to believe, I
    didn't call to badmouth you Brian, I called to get 'the other side of the
    story'. Surprising enough, both 'stories' matched up pretty close. Aside
    from a few discrepancies in describing your little temper tantrum, and his
    response to it, 'almost' everything matched up. I'll have to admit that his
    version sounded a bit more believable then yours, but hey, I'm a bit bias,
    I've seen for myself what your capable of when you lose it, lol.

    Contrary to what you might think (if your even thinking at all at this
    point) all he wants to do is rid himself of this mess. He, as well as you,
    mentioned he offered to fix the plastic. He told you that in order to do
    that the he would need to keep the bike. Made sense to me, especially if he
    had to order any parts. He said you insisted you wanted to take your bike
    home, and he mentioned if you take your bike out of the shop, then you're on
    your own as far as the repair was concerned. Again, seems perfectlly
    reasonable to me. Just to get rid of you, and to stop the trash talking you
    were doing on usenet, he even offered to purchase the bike from you at the
    price the two of you agreed you would get (remember the agreement you

    As far as I can see the guy has gone the 'extra mile' to make you happy.
    Now your trying to jack the guy up for more money then you ever expected to
    get for the bike. What's up with that? If he'd a called you last week and
    told you to come get your 1500.00, you'd a been happy as a clam. But, this
    week 1500.00 isn't nearly enough. If you're suffering from 'seller's
    remorse', man up and say so. If your trying to line your pockets with more
    money then you agreed to, then shame on your. If your just trying to be an
    ass-hole, then grow up and get on with your life.

    Vic, Jun 17, 2007
  6. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    Here, since you seemed to have missed the photos of the bike, I'll
    post the link again

    I guess that's normal "dusty" to you?

    When my motorcycle is in this shape due to neglect and abuse from a
    place I hired to sell it (and yes, Mike is not telling you the whole
    story about the money), I don't leave it with that place to be abused
    worse. According to Mike, there wasn't a problem and the bike was just
    a little dusty. Bullshit.

    Now, I didn't agree to any price, regardless of what Mike said to you.
    The bike was just bought a few months earlier (two months to be exact)
    for $1800. I invested $300 more into it doing basic maintenance. Mike
    knows this. The bike has full documentation including the original
    bill of sale and all articles. The bike didn't have a problem to it.
    I'll be more than happy to send you the original posting from

    Now, when the bike was put on consignment, I told Mike what I'd just
    paid for it (even the county tax office has the record of what I paid)
    and included the maintenance. He looked the bike over and said he
    could get $2000 for it. That's fine and I paid him a fee up front to
    maintain the bike and sell it. What rolled by me the other day in his
    shop wasn't the same bike I dropped off a few months earlier. The bike
    certainly wasn't anywhere close to the quality. I've been working to
    get it back into shape. Now Mike thinks he's going to buy this bike
    for 3/4 (less if you take into account the fee I paid upfront) of what
    it can sell for? I can Ebay it for more than $1500, and he knows it.
    His idea is to get me shut up about it by buying it, then after all
    his bullshit and abuse he plans to sell it and make a profit. I'll
    lose money on this bike regardless if I sell it to Mike or if I fix it
    back up and sell it myself. It now comes down to principle. Mike
    screwed up the wrong person's motorcycle on this deal and he knows
    it....and he won't profit from what he's done.

    Thinking about this whole thing, Mike STILL hasn't offered so much as
    an apology. Is *that* what his "certified letter" bullshit will
    contain? Who knows.
    Brian Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  7. mgldwng

    BJayKana Guest

    The Nannie replies:
    Well, bjay, I'm impressed! You really can speak like a normal person
    when you want to. lol
    (nan )

    If you are truly impressed,then, that makes my day.

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 17, 2007
  8. Where Honda went wrong with the Goldwing starting in 1980! I mean all that
    plastic BULLSHIT! It's only got worse now the dang things have a better radio
    than every car but Mercedes.
    Keith Schiffner, Jun 17, 2007
  9. SNIP

    My phone has been ringing off the wall with people informing me of how
    you and Brian go looking for trouble. I've got your number. You might
    be surprised at the number of people who called and told me how you
    and Brian try to make a living screwing people. I am

    Mike you might remind the CONVICT and his son/brother (they are in breeds) that
    he's STILL in my jurisdiction and though I've busy work schedule I can always
    make a visit. 8^) Cavalry troops love dealing with his types. Gently, lovingly
    and without any marks that show the next day...except for the dislocations that

    They are both grifters, liars, cheats and convicts. Wouldn't surprise me if ol'
    brian has dabbled in computer fraud. It's just an opinion though, but being a
    liar it isn't beyond him.

    p.s. had some dick last name of walker jump me a month ago at a bar...poor
    fucker still isn't right.
    Keith Schiffner, Jun 17, 2007
  10. Screw that he needs to take that lying scum bag to court and sue his ass off.
    Brian is a LIAR and if the coward would ever show his face I'd tell it to his
    lying face. He gives scum a bad name...I'd rather go drinking with the HA than
    tea at the White House with either Walker.
    Keith Schiffner, Jun 17, 2007
  11. mgldwng

    ajh Guest

    Bye bye credibility....
    ajh, Jun 17, 2007
  12. Really Why did you throw yours away? I stated an opinion. That they are LIARS is
    a fact. So I have IMPECCABLE credibility and they never had anything but their
    lies to impress others. I'd just as soon take Oprah for a tumble as put them out
    if they were on fire.

    Dislike them? No, loathing doesn't scratch the surface how I feel about those
    lying inbred dirt bags and the only part that is opinion is they are inbred and
    or related.
    Keith Schiffner, Jun 17, 2007
  13. mgldwng

    Vic Guest

    Let me see if I got this right, you just took your bike to the dealer and
    said, "sell it for whatever you can get, don't worry about me, I'll take
    whatever you give me?". Come on Brian even you aren't so stupid as to do
    some thing like that. At some time during the during the consignment
    agreement you had to of told Mike the minimum amount you would take for the
    bike. That number should be written down someplace in your consignment
    agreement. You know, the agreement 'you' signed. What ever that number is
    (and based on the conversation with Mike, I believe it's 1500.00) is what
    you concidered a fair price for the bike when you put the bike on
    consignment. And keep in mind, you set that price, he didn't. Trying to
    increase it now, and expecting him to pay it, makes you look a bit foolish

    So? You paid too much, lol. Happens to all of us at one time or another. You
    can't expect Mike to make up for your mistake though. Or the next buyer, for
    that matter.
    Brian, he's in business to make a profit, that's why you were probably
    asked what's the least you'd take for it. Let me ask a silly question. If he
    had sold the bike for 2000.00, what would your 'cut' of the money been? My
    bet is that it would have been 1500.00. Correct me if I'm wrong, ok?
    Time will tell.
    Vic, Jun 17, 2007
  14. mgldwng

    Jerry Guest

    Oprah be looking pretty good these days.
    Jerry, Jun 17, 2007
  15. mgldwng

    chornbe Guest


    Wow, folks have been saying that for years. But wait, what happened? I
    thought the bike was already sold.
    chornbe, Jun 17, 2007
  16. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO.. Not much chance of anything taking place, is there Bedwetter ?
    LMAO.. Wild horses couldn't drag you within a city block of either Walker..
    when you were stationed right down the road (at least.. before the Army
    your sorry ass off the reservation, at Ft.Hood)

    Tell you what, Bedwetter.. I'll comp the airplane ticket for you to come
    and have a conversation with Brian.. Since you feel so strong about those
    Walker boys.. you can have a two'fer.. When you get through with Brian, you
    can finish up with me.. How's that for a deal ? A good ass kicking and free
    airline tickets.. all on me.. LOL.. I'm anxiously waiting for your reply..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  17. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    You HAVE ? When was all this ? Far as anyone knows.. you are just an
    anonymous little prick on usenet.. LOL..
    ROTFLMAO.. That motorcycle is still sitting in Brian's garage.. After all
    I wouldn't sell the motorcycle to Mike Thompson for twice the money.. Brian
    didn't do anything wrong, on the contrary.. he entrusted a damned nice and
    clean motorcycle in Mike Thompson's care.. to sell for him.. Mike Thompson
    and the cud chewing employees of his, put that motorcycle out with a lot
    of homemade junk.. fucked the motorcycle up, broke parts on it and when
    Brian went back three months later, he found his motorcycle in the back of
    the store, not running and nasty..

    Next time you visit Renegade Motorcycles in Mesquite.. let me know.. Bring
    along ol' Ari Rankum and Keith (the Bedwetter) with you.. lol.. I'm sure all
    three of you bozos are anxious to meet me.. whoops.. wait a minute..
    Ol' Ari Rankum has already met me.. had a motorcycle get plumb out from
    under him, that time.. Guess he won't be making the trip.. Now that I think
    about it.. ol' Bedwetter Keith.. had a lot of opportunities to meet me..
    eral years ago.. <evil grin> before the Army kicked him off the reservation
    at Ft. Hood.. That leaves you, sparky.. Since you are so interested in Texas
    folks.. and feel so strongly about some of us, here.. Mike Thompson will
    need the business and you can get all your frustrations vented.. p.s. Let me
    know when you'll be making that visit, wouldn't want to miss it..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  18. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    <LMAO> Why are you wasting all this typespace on that goofy prick in
    Michigan ? If that's the best Mike Thompson can do for support, he's
    in deep shit.. I wouldn't let Mike Thompson get that motorcycle for three
    times the money.. I can just see it now.. Mike Thompson in Blackington's
    courtroom with those cud chewing employees of his.. Vic, Ari Rankum
    and Keith Bedwetter .. all standing up with him.. Picture this.. Thompson
    hollerin' about being "slandered".. Vic hollerin' about being "biased" with
    people he's never laid eyes on and dedicated to someone he's never
    been within miles of.. Ari Rankum .. screamin' about seeing the whole
    thing and the ol' Bedwetter hollerin' about those mean old Walker's that
    he's going to do all those rowdy things to, if he ever sees them. whew..

    ROTFLMAO.. Blackington to bailiff.. "How'd this bunch of nuts get into
    my courtroom and where'd they all come from.. Clear it"..

    I'd pay good money .. just to see the show.. Airline tickets on me.. ya'll
    come on down..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  19. mgldwng

    BJayKana Guest

    Bjay wrote earlier in response to Calgary's words of wisdom:''There have
    been some serious claims made, and you need to bite the bullet, and act
    like you are a smart business man, , one who has been in business for 6
    years, but act promptly. Know what I'm saying?
    (a sideline observatation) bj

    Keith Schiffer says: -Bjay-
    Screw that he needs to take that lying scum bag to court and sue his ass
    off. Brian is a LIAR and if the coward would ever show his face I'd tell
    it to his lying face. He gives scum a bad name...I'd rather go drinking
    with the HA than tea at the White House with either Walker.''

    You surey overlookd and apparantly missed my point, Keith?

    I was trying to help Mike, to me he is diggin' his ''reputation hole'',
    deeper and deeper. If he was smart, he'd act like a businessman, rather
    than a ''tuff Biker'' type fella. rectum so? bjay.

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 17, 2007
  20. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm.. I don't recall that Brian has "set any price".. All that I've seen
    some kind of usenet offer.. no money, yet.. Haven't seen any kind of formal
    agreement, neither have you, sparky.. Whatever you believe/assume or
    imagine, is irrelevant.. All this "legal advice" of yours is worth spit..
    He wanted the motorcycle.. he bought the motorcycle and he has the
    back in his possession, where it belongs.. Mike Thompson tried to pull a
    fast one
    on the man, and got caught.. Mike Thompson and I both know what is going on
    here.. With all your close relationship with him.. all the way up there in
    and the intimate, lone telephone conversation you've had with him, I'd
    figure that
    you are full of shit .. I'd expect any judge, in his right mind.. would
    figure the same
    LMAO.. All the popping off and legalizing that you've been doing on this
    newsgroup, about all this.. seems like you'd have all this information ..
    When can we expect you to come down and make a "ruling" on this "case"?
    Sorry.. gotta take me another laugh break..
    Bill Walker, Jun 17, 2007
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