Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by mgldwng, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. mgldwng

    Ari Rankum Guest


    Word of advice - I believe what you say. Withdraw the emotion. State
    facts. You'll find that many people know how to interpret "brian".
    Your side versus brian's side may actually result in an increase in
    business. Don't take anything bill or brian walker says seriously,
    ever. Already, what you say explains omissions in brian's version quite
    clearly. Sounds like brian was just being brian, and that's no position
    to be in when you need a hand, as brian did. Props to you for not
    beating him. We all know he can be an ass, mostly based on brian's
    autobiographical accounts of being an ass in various other social

    Don't stress it. If it goes to court, make it known in Texas,
    with two (maybe three) exceptions, is good people.

    *See brian's own account on of an attempt to get along in a
    hotel lobby. It's a riot.
    Ari Rankum, Jun 16, 2007
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  2. mgldwng

    Calgary Guest

    Lord knows I have dumped on a few Dealers in my day. I get pissed off
    just like the next guy when things go sour. And none of those
    situations were my fault. <g>

    Hell when I was a kid I took my 750 Honda into the shop to get a tune
    up and carb sink. I rode it to the shop and had to push it home. The
    damn thing was idling near 2500 rpm. The mechanic said everything was
    set to spec and the owner said pay the bill or we won't give you your
    bike back. I wish I knew then what I know now. The outcome of that
    disagreement would have been far different.

    If there was an internet then I would have made Brian's whining and
    venting look like a compliment to a dear friend.

    Like you, I know didly squat about Renegade, but the owner did make an
    offer to resolve the situation. Seems to me it was the basis for a
    settlement, fair to both parties.


    24 hours in a day
    24 beer in a case


    I think not
    Calgary, Jun 16, 2007
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  3. mgldwng

    Mike Guest

    Took me a little time to print all your posts. Sounds like I might
    need them to show to the judge. Thanks for helping my case Brian.
    You're obviously a loose cannon

    Thanks, Mike
    Mike, Jun 16, 2007
  4. mgldwng

    Calgary Guest

    Well Bill I don't share your opinion, but recognize you do have your
    democratic right to be wrong.


    24 hours in a day
    24 beer in a case


    I think not
    Calgary, Jun 16, 2007
  5. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    Thank you. You've simply showed exactly how you react to others when
    you're in a business situation and asked to explain an uncomfortable

    It's nice to know you act this way toward others while representing
    your business....I just thought it was how you acted with me.

    I found my motorcycle on a back patio, dirty and not running. Your
    wife asked if I had my trailer. I said "no, why would I need a
    trailer?". She asked "how are you going to get it home?". I said "the
    same as I got it here, I'm going to ride it". Your mechanic came
    running out and said the battery is dead. I asked how the battery got
    dead, and your mechanic started explaining how a battery works. What
    he didn't say is how a bike on consignment had a battery go down when
    you need a motorcycle to start and run when someone walks up to hear
    it run.Your mechanic said he'd "jump it off". I said "no, that's okay,
    I'll go get my trailer". I left it at that and walked out of your
    store. When I got back, I found the motorcycle pushed into your shop
    with you, your mechanic and your wife in the shop area. I walked to
    the doorway of the shop area and you three became busy trying to get
    that motorcycle around me with the bustling going on. I then found my
    motorcycle having a side panel hanging off. I asked what happened to
    the panel (and still wasn't flipping out). Your mechanic replied he
    didn't know anything about it, put the kickstand down just outside the
    door and went back inside. I replied to him that he'll know something
    about it shortly. I went back into your store and asked you what
    happened to the bike and you said "I don't know what your talking
    about". I asked you to step outside and look. You went out there and
    said the panel was just loose. You then went to banging on it. I told
    you that it didn't matter how hard you bang on the panel, the clip was
    broke. You then backed up and said "I don't know it wasn't like that
    when you brought it in". I still didn't flip at this point and said,
    "Mike, the bike didn't have the panel broke when it came in". You
    replied "there was a guy the other day who said it was cracked". The
    "other day", but the bike was in your care for several months. This is
    when I got my "attitude". You said "if that bike leaves here, I'm not
    doing shit for you". I tried to give you the panel to repair, and you
    copped an "attitude" and started saying "I don't know what's wrong
    with it". I kept pointing out where the clip was broke and you said "I
    don't know how this works". I asked how long you've been in the
    motorcycle business. Your reply to me "how long have you been an

    You'll do "shit" for me, you just don't know what the final bill will
    be. I asked you to make the situation right while I was there. Instead
    of stepping up to make all this right, you chose to play stupid and
    then be a dick. I didn't ask you to make it right by saying please.
    You tear up my motorcycle and have it in the state it was in, I'm
    GOING to get an "attitude". If you don't understand this, go find
    another business to be in.

    I'll let you know what the final bill on all this comes to. If you
    have so much money that you can act this way and let a consigned
    motorcycle get into this state, I'll be more than happy to let you put
    that money back into this bike and repair what your shop let happen.

    Do you remember me telling you that there's too many people around
    this state/country who know how I keep my motorcycles and some knew
    the condition of this Hurricane before I brought it to you to sell?

    And for the record, my phone hasn't rang from anyone concerning this
    motorcycle for quite some time. Do you honestly expect anyone to
    believe you're giving my phone number to people who are wanting to buy
    this motorcycle?
    Brian Walker, Jun 16, 2007
  6. mgldwng

    Calgary Guest

    You know for what it is worth, my Venture was on consignment at a
    Dealer when I bought it a few years back. The battery was dead when I
    wanted to seriously check it out. I wasn't too concerned about it.
    Long story, short I ended up buying the bike and the dealer provided a
    new battery, no charge to either me or the bike's owner, who I have
    gotten to know quite well over the past couple of years.

    So that's good, but unknown to me at the time, the Dealer had stripped
    a few parts off the bike like the saddlebag inserts and the trailer
    hitch. Of course, since the previous owner and I have become friends,
    he is aware of the missing pieces and has had a chat with the Dealer.

    All were happy at the time.

    What has this got to do with your problem, well nothin I guess, but I
    felt like passing it along anyway.


    24 hours in a day
    24 beer in a case


    I think not
    Calgary, Jun 16, 2007
  7. SNIP
    I mean who really listens to the guy come on!
    Indeed as does everyone on the planet. It just seems that he is on lifetime
    bender to outdo everyone. I mean come on, I vent my spleen (too often I think)
    but Bill puts me to shame in the needless spleen letting category and brian
    isn't too far behind.

    Sheesh, I killfile them. I only replay to other posters and pertinent bits left
    there and these two just keep at it. I don't get it are they that dumb? Hell
    even I get a clue!

    They need serious anti-psychotic drugs in my opinion.
    Keith Schiffner, Jun 16, 2007
  8. mgldwng

    BiffB Guest

    Well now, i don't know any of these people, but Ed actually seems like
    one of the more reasonable SOB's on this newsgroup, so i'ld leave him
    be. Really, i'ld just walk away from the whole newsgroup thing entirely
    if i were you. either that, or just keep repeating the offer you made in
    the earlier thread. in one post you gain some credibility, in another,
    you lose some. stick to your offer to work things out like gentlemen.
    either that, or whoop some ass in the parking lot. Arguing the point on
    usenet is a no win proposition for you.
    BiffB, Jun 16, 2007
  9. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's good. I've got photos of the bike as it was when it left your
    shop. I've got photos of it now. I've been keeping notes on the time
    I've spent getting the bike back into shape. I've also kept the
    receipts it's cost. I'll get the prices on the panel and/or paintwork
    and have the paperwork sent to you.

    BTW, what am I lying about? The bike wasn't running, it was dirty, it
    had the clip on the panel broke. You've admitted that here. What's the
    part I'm lying about?

    Oh, one more thing, batteries don't go from fully charged and showing
    people the bike to dead where the indicator lights don't even come on
    over a time of a couple days. Tell everyone why the motorcycle wasn't
    out front with the others. You were hired to sell it, and having it
    out on the back patio, dirty and not running doesn't meet that

    Even the dumbest person wouldn't believe that a battery is so
    convenient that it goes dead the very day the owner happens to be in
    town and drives by to find his motorcycle on the back patio, dirty and
    broke. Sure.

    Now, feel free to contact Mesquite Police and file those criminal
    charges you're now jumping up and down about. It's nice to see a
    business owner in this city doesn't mind showing the entire world the
    only way he knows how to handle a customer who had their motorcycle
    damaged while in their care. I'll show you how to handle a business
    owner who damaged my motorcycle while in your care.

    As had been pointed out, I *used* to recommend others to your
    business. Even though I've had people saying what you turned out to be
    about, I still did it. Now I can sure recommend everyone I know who
    might ever think about owning a motorcycle to stay away from your
    business, and tell them why. Your postings are showing everyone here
    what you're all about and is verifying what I've been saying.

    I'm sure Mesquite Police will be knocking on my door at any minute
    now, by your filing criminal charges against me. I'm sure they'll be
    interested to know what information you've been looking up on me and
    how that goes into any laws you might've broken for privacy issues.
    They might even wonder what you plan to do with information you've
    been researching on me. Do you really do publicdata searches on all
    your customers in your business' information?

    I can see why Ed doesn't want to mention others to you. Have you done
    a publicdata search on Ed too? What about Morgan Kane?
    Brian Walker, Jun 16, 2007
  10. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    Why, so you can do a publicdata search on them?

    What you still don't realize, no one has threatened you. I told you
    this would cost you quite a bit. It's adding up. As to threatening,
    you're the only one who's threatened. You're the only one doing
    publicdata searches on information you've gathered by someone doing
    business with you. You're the only one who's spinning out of control.

    I still haven't heard a single offer from you to resolve this. As to
    my apologizing to you, you might want to do what I told you to
    do....take your motorcycle to a dealer to be sold, give it to him in a
    sale condition, then go back and find it in the condition mine was
    in....and then see how you feel about it and see if you can say please
    and be humble about it.

    Where's that offer? While I was loading a no running motorcycle on a
    trailer, where was the offer to help load it? While I've been over
    here in a driveway scrubbing dirt off this motorcycle, where was your
    offer to help? While I've been polishing out the stains in the paint,
    where was the offer to help? While I've been looking all over for a
    side panel to replace the broken one from your shop, where's the offer
    to help? While I'll be more than likely calling painters to paint a
    panel to match the bike, where's going to be your offer to help?

    The best you've come up with is "if he comes into my shop and

    Not much of an offer....
    Brian Walker, Jun 16, 2007
  11. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    Do me a favor, Morgan! Point out this offer Mike's made. I can't seem
    to find it. Everyone keeps talking about it, but I don't see it.
    Brian Walker, Jun 16, 2007
  12. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    Thanks, but that's not the only issue here. The bike was found sitting
    on Mike's back patio, it was filthy nasty dirty. The bike had the side
    panel broke on it and was hanging off the back. AND there's the issue
    of the battery being dead. The bike wasn't given to Mike in that state
    and I didn't appreciate my motorcycle being treated in such a way as

    As far as I'm concerned, and most would agree, the condition of the
    motorcycle was not in a "for sale" condition. This bike reminded me of
    picking up a bike from a salvage yard. Having to use a trailer to get
    it home, this probably aided this view. Looking at the dirty condition
    and parts broken and removed to get it home helped too.

    For the record, and before everyone gets carried away at all this
    "offer to make it right", it wasn't my idea to trailer this bike. It
    was Mike's wife that suggested I'd need to go get a trailer. I was
    prepared to ride the motorcycle and had my gear with me to do just
    that. Since Renegade is just right around the corner, it took WAY more
    time to go home, get the trailer, go back and load the motorcycle on
    it than it would've been to just get on the motorcycle and ride it

    Now, what Mike isn't explaining is what set me off to get an
    "attitude". It would seem if I was going to have an "attitude" and all
    I would've had the trailer with me when I showed up. Instead, I made
    two trips to Mike's shop.

    Mike has done all this talking it up in a newsgroup about me
    personally, he's admitted the bike had a dead battery, admitted the
    bike was dirty, admitted the side panel was broke....yet all he can
    scream about is personal attacks to me. If I'm lying at having
    "fantasies" like he's claiming, why can't he dispute any of these
    things? I said it straight and he knows it. Did I get pissed off,
    yep....I sure did. Anyone who owns a motorcycle would too. Did I raise
    my voice, yep.....I sure did. Did I threaten Mike? Nope. Mike was the
    one who did the threatening.

    I for one certainly hope nothing happens to me, my property or
    anything around me. I'd hate to have Mike accused of wrong-doing
    because he went through his business' information that he keeps on his
    customers and did a publicdata search on me....and who knows who else.
    Brian Walker, Jun 16, 2007
  13. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    No Mike, I didn't call you an idiot or an asshole. It didn't happen. I
    *did* ask you how long you've been in the motorcycle business after
    you kept looking at that side panel sitting on your counter as if I'd
    layed a rattlesnake up there. You kept acting as if you didn't want
    anything to do with it and kept saying you didn't see a problem with
    the panel and didn't see how it connected to the bike. It was pissing
    me off how you kept not wanting anything to do with it. Your reply to
    my question "how long have you been in the motorcycle business?" was
    to sling that side panel back across the counter and say "how long
    have you been an asshole?". I'll answer it again, "alot longer than
    you've obviously been in the motorcycle business".

    That being said, it still didn't stop me from trying to get you to fix
    this. After you DID call me an asshole and sling that panel back at
    me, I even asked you to go outside so I could show you AGAIN for the
    THIRD TIME how that panel worked, mounted to the bike and was broke.
    Even after we got out there and I showed you AGAIN and offered AGAIN
    to give you the panel, you still refused it and I had to put the panel
    in my Jeep to get it home.

    Tell everyone again how "helpful" you were and how you were being
    Brian Walker, Jun 16, 2007
  14. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's no lie! I didn't go NEAR as wild as I've seen others do at
    other dealerships for alot less than what Mike and his shop did.

    The quality of Renegade is reflective to what condition my motorcycle
    was given back to me in, and them thinking that's "normal" and "good

    I hope many in this newsgroup *do* pay attention.
    Brian Walker, Jun 16, 2007
  15. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whew.. so much for all those offers to resolve the issues and "I'm not
    gonna be a party to all this".. huh, Mike ?

    Here's a thought for you.. You aren't the first shoddy dealer that's been
    exposed on usenet, and you won't be the last.. You aren't the first slip
    shod asshole that's tried to go after the customer that exposes him..

    Brian doesn't have to take you to court to deal with a dealership that
    is screwing customers .. all he has to do is expose you to the public..
    That's what is going on here.. A couple of characters from a long ways
    off, that have jumped into this mess, are not any kind of asset for you..

    There's a lot of people on this newsgroup who've riden a lot of miles
    with Brian.. Some of them have been in your shop on his recommend-
    ation.. I'm one of them.. A few of the riders in the metroplex have caut-
    ioned about doing business with you.. That's one of the reasons you've
    never gotten any of the recent work on my motorcycle..

    Rather than all this posting on a newsgroup, you'd be best served by
    making an effort to resolve this issue with the customer .. lol.. That
    court over there in Mesquite doesn't take kindly to the operation of
    this kind of business and that old judge isn't anyone to play usenet
    games with.. I know him.. hmmm.. pretty well, too..

    Brians' recourse.. is to take his motorcycle to a legitimate dealer for
    those necessary repairs.. send you a bill and let the JP court in Mes-
    quite sort it out.. Otherwise, he can continue to expose your shoddy
    business.. and let the public make it's choice of whether to do bus-
    iness with you.. Either way.. it's not going to be good .. He's still got
    a motorcycle to be repaired and your own financial losses due to
    all this, can't be estimated..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 16, 2007
  16. mgldwng

    tomorrow Guest

    Hell, Keith, if everyone on (and/or reeky and/or AMS) who
    needed them started taking anti-psychotic drugs, wtf would any of us
    have to talk about, anyway?
    tomorrow, Jun 16, 2007
  17. mgldwng

    Mike Guest

    Bill, I am sure you know the judge VERY WELL if you know what I mean.
    However, I won't have to see a judge. My insurance agency retains a
    lawyer to defend against jerks like you and your son. I have, however
    after sleeping on it decided to rise above your tactics and your sons
    idiocy. I am going to offer (see post above) to purchase the bike from
    Brian, assuming he has a clear title and the proper paperwork. Rest
    assured, I'm not making this offer for any fear of legal reprisal. I
    have insurance. I have decided to rid myself of you and your Nutso Son
    and put this issue to rest.
    Mike, Jun 16, 2007
  18. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'd sure put it to rest, if I were you.. hmmm.. You might not have noticed,
    but I'm not in Blackwells' jurisdiction.. LOL.. Be that as it may, your two
    insults directed at me and Brian indicates that your being exposed as a
    shoddy motorcycle, hack dealer isn't a lot of fun for anyone.. especially
    the one being exposed.. Brian isn't the only customer who has had bad
    dealings in your business.. The complaints about Renegade Motorcycles
    are plentiful enough.. Public database, y'know ?

    You and I both know why you are making the offer to do the right thing
    after screwing up the man's motorcycle.. Even while making the so called
    offer.. you are leaving yourself caveats and ways to weasel.. all the time
    you are slinging insults to me and to Brian.. The question of clear titles
    and such .. should have been resolved before you took that motorcycle
    on consignment.. otherwise.. you might have been a party to peddling
    stolen or liened merchandise.. That brings into question.. those other
    salvage type motorcycle you've got in front of your business.. hmmm.
    Mesquite police dept. might be interested in running title checks on
    everything out there, you s'pose ?

    You surely don't have to "rid yourself" of me, dude.. I haven't got a
    damned thing invested in your two bit operation over there and there's
    very little chance that those idiots working for you will ever put a wrench
    on my motorcycles.. When it takes three of you nitwits to try and figure
    out how to remove a clutch case cover to rebuild clutches on a basic
    V-Twin.. that's evidence enough to me, that you aren't qualified..

    Yeah.. I'd be getting that motorcycle paid for, as quickly as possible
    and then say no more about it.. You and your people fucked it up, Mike..
    Take care of it..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 16, 2007
  19. mgldwng

    Mike Guest

    Bill, please kindly go **** yourself.
    Mike, Jun 16, 2007
  20. mgldwng

    Mike Guest

    My phone has been ringing off the wall with people informing me of how
    you and Brian go looking for trouble. I've got your number. You might
    be surprised at the number of people who called and told me how you
    and Brian try to make a living screwing people. I am
    Mike, Jun 16, 2007
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