Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by mgldwng, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. mgldwng

    Vic Guest

    Vic, Jun 18, 2007
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  2. mgldwng

    BJayKana Guest

    =I am not a member of the TWT group so I'm not allowed to access
    imformation about the seller ID and location. If in fact you are right,
    and this seller is from San Antonio and not Mesquite, I owe Brian an
    apology. So, if it wasn't you that posted this ad on TWT, Brian, I'm
    sorry for calling you a bald face liar. It doesn't mean I don't think
    you are a liar, it's just that in this peticular incident I might have
    been wrong. Sorry

    Well Vic, my my, I for one am truly proud of ya. Not bad for a Yankee

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 18, 2007
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  3. mgldwng

    Vic Guest

    =I am not a member of the TWT group so I'm not allowed to access
    imformation about the seller ID and location. If in fact you are right,
    and this seller is from San Antonio and not Mesquite, I owe Brian an
    apology. So, if it wasn't you that posted this ad on TWT, Brian, I'm
    sorry for calling you a bald face liar. It doesn't mean I don't think
    you are a liar, it's just that in this peticular incident I might have
    been wrong. Sorry

    Well Vic, my my, I for one am truly proud of ya. Not bad for a Yankee


    Thanks BJay. I'm pretty sure it's no different then what you'd do in the
    same situation. Hope you had a great Father's day and were able to enjoy the
    family. I didn't have to do the cooking or the dishes, so I had a great day,


    Vic, Jun 18, 2007
  4. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    No .. you are not..

    I could have made this my little
    I still can't figure out how much you got invested in any of this.. Talkin'
    a "one pony parade" .. whew.. Anybody named Walker is your worst night-

    Stuff that so called "apology" in your ear, you weaselly usenet pussy..

    Something you and your son could learn from.

    See what I mean ?
    The ;point is.. you don't have one thin dime invested in that motorcycle..
    It belongs to Brian Walker.. It's not your business.. Chris's business..
    Ari Rankum's business, Keith Bedwetter's business nor Mike Thompson
    aka Renegade Motorcycles.. who to or IF Brian Walker sells his motor-
    cycle.. Damned sure isn't Mike Thompsons' business to set the price on
    the man's motorcycle, after his people fucked it up .. All your two bit
    ions don't amount to spit and none of you half baked, bedwetting bastards
    have any thing qualified to say about any of it..

    I've never needed lies and half truths to make my point, and I'm
    Better check around, sparky.. There's a whole world of difference between
    a chicken shit little asshole like you, and this old man..

    I don't need the lies and half
    It's my opinion and impression that anything that you post on
    a newsgroup is a fucking made up lie to try to make yourself
    acceptable to a few other morons like you..
    ROTFL.. Still trying to weasel and play usenet.. huh, sparky..??
    Absolutely.. while you are trying to muddle through the "main differences"
    between you and me.. you might recall that I've been known to confront
    my opposition, head on and in person.. Now.. there is a "difference" that
    I'll go with..
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  5. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    =I am not a member of the TWT group so I'm not allowed to access
    imformation about the seller ID and location. If in fact you are right,
    and this seller is from San Antonio and not Mesquite, I owe Brian an
    apology. So, if it wasn't you that posted this ad on TWT, Brian, I'm
    sorry for calling you a bald face liar. It doesn't mean I don't think
    you are a liar, it's just that in this peticular incident I might have
    been wrong. Sorry

    Well Vic, my my, I for one am truly proud of ya. Not bad for a Yankee

    Trouble is.. the silly twit doesn't know when to let well enough alone
    just apologize and back away without slinging any more snot.. This
    idiot tries to have his cake and eat it, too.. He ain't about to play his
    usenet bullshit with me.. The turd fucked up and let his alligator mouth
    overload his hummingbird ass .. When he got it broke off in him.. (notice.
    I wasn't the one that done it) He's still trying to salvage some kind of
    usenet credibility.. Hey.. Vic.. you got caught with egg all over you..
    STFU and move on.. don't keep slinging snot.. I figure that you and
    that wormy little sumbitch, Chris.. thought you'd finally come up with
    an issue to put some heat on one of the Walkers' and both you little
    worthless sacks of shit. fully intended to push it to the limit.. Even
    you got enough sleaze left to comment " It doesn't mean that I don't
    think you are a liar.. it's just that in this peticular (whatever ?)
    I MIGHT have been wrong.. That's the kind of "apology" that'll get
    your nose busted.. ****.. <evil grin> Maybe that's the reason you are
    so timid about "meeting" with anyone.. huh ?

    Bjay.. you aren't the one that makes the call.. Obviously, these guys
    would be delighted if they could contribute to Brian Walker, or me
    being shafted for a lot of money or a motorcycle.. When the shit hits
    the fan on them.. they'll weasel, every time.. From personal experience..
    you know that better than that .. about Brian and Bill Walker.. Wanna
    be all "proud" of someone, Bjay ? Be proud that Brian Walker ex-
    posed that crooked sumbitch.. Mike Thompson and his Renegade
    Motorcycles.. That SIL of yours might have been the next one to
    have the misfortune of putting a motorcycle in that two bit shop..
    Rectum ?

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  6. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    lol.. Wrong Walker, Bjay.. tune up that web thing of yours..
    hehehe.. Ol' Chris don't have a very good opinion about us, does he ?
    hmmm.. Wonder why he spends so much time on ?
    The Walkers seem to be his worst nightmare.. or maybe he's just
    trying to help you in your position as "Ratings Monitor".. LMAO
    <grin> Besides that.. the broke sumbitch has been trying to buy a motor-
    cycle on usenet for a long time and couldn't find anyone silly enough to
    offer him one, with no money.. Last time I was shopping.. nobody offered
    to donate a motorcycle to me.. Damn.. maybe I been overlooking some-
    thing .. I think I want that old maintainance deprived Valkyrie of yours..
    'bout it.. I'll even come over to Texarkana, pick it up and ride that sucker
    back to Irving.. Of course.. I'll be expecting you to "thank me kindly" for
    taking it off your hands.. I'll even offer you a kajillion dollars for it..

    Hey Chris.. I don't think my old redneck buddy is going for it, do you ?
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  7. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    Not only did he "talk thru his ass", he didn't expect me to take him
    up on it. I did just to show what an ass he would make of himself. He
    had to search high and low to find someone who was selling a similar
    (not the same nor year model) motorcycle and might've been somewhere
    in the United States as close to DFW as possible. The problem is, he
    doesn't seem to own a map nor ever been through a school that might've
    taught geography. Clearly it was San Antonio which is only about 400
    miles from me.

    Everyone knew what an ass he made of himself (with a little help from
    me accepting the offer to buy) and he's nothing more than a joke now
    whenever the topic of motorcycle buying/selling comes up.

    Now, one thing that's REALLY funny is how Chris says I'd be lucky to
    have anyone else give me $1500, yet the guy he pushed everyone to look
    at saying it was me got $1800 QUICKLY. Which is it Chris? You flop
    around worse than Mike the Junk Dealer does....
    Brian Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  8. mgldwng

    redshad Guest

    All your two bit opin-ions don't amount to spit and none of you half baked, bedwetting bastards
    LMAOOO...Whats half baked? Does that mean they werent left in the oven
    long enough? Are you thinking they might be Jews? I think thats the
    only people I remember hearing about being baked.

    redshad, Jun 18, 2007
  9. mgldwng

    Brian Walker Guest

    Brian Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  10. mgldwng

    Vic Guest

    "Bill Walker" > >> >
    Yes I am

    Unless you're trying to tell us you bought that bike for Brian I have as
    much invested as you do.

    If either of the Walkers were to appear in one my dreams, Bill, It would
    have to be a comedy, not a nightmare, lol. Think about it, It would be an
    old man and his son, rideing two tiny shetland ponies one behind the other.
    Waving a couple of those little pin-wheel propeller things that kids run
    around with. Both would be singing a one verse song, in harmany of course.
    There would be crowds on both sides of the street laughing there ass off.
    Get the picture? It's kind of like what happens to you and Brian here,

    In my ear, huh?
    Again, unless you bought the bike for him, we all have as much 'invested' as
    you do. Hey, it wasn't me or any of the above that brought this mess to a
    public newsgroup. It was your son. If I recall correctly, you were one of
    the first to respond to it with an opinion on the matter. If opposing
    opinions bother you, I'suggest you learn to live with it or stop reading
    them ie, get the hell out of here, lol.

    Ahhhh... at last something we can agree on!!
    I always get a chuckle when you use that usenet player thing, Bill. Not
    near as funny as the little dream you conjured up for me, but still funny.

    If you're refering to that time you made such an ass of yourself over
    in PK, you're right. I haven't had an experience like that since I was in
    grade school. Some of us do grow up, you know? Oh, wait, obviouslly you
    don't know. Oh well, have a nice day.

    Vic, Jun 18, 2007
  11. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    <evil grin> Nah.. they're just a couple of usenet pussies..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  12. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yeah but.. but.. but.. Ol' Vic done apologized and everything.. He still
    we're a couple of liars, but shit.. with an apology like that.. what's the
    with you .. that you don't say thank you ? If you got anything that I
    you with.. any asshole talking that kind of apology to you, would get his
    nose broke..
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  13. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    Like I said .. that apology would get your nose busted anywhere but
    on usenet..And this response is something you'd hear on an elementary
    school ground..
    I haven't bought the bike.. it's not my style.. I do know Brian very well
    though.. I also know Renegade Motorcycles and Mike Thompson pretty
    good.. On the other hand.. you've never laid eyes on me, Brian.. Mike
    Thompson and doubtful you even know where Mesquite, Tx. is.. much
    less Renegade Motorcycles.. Kinda gives me an edge on the qualified
    opinion, don't it ?
    That kind of apology will get your nose broke, where I come from..
    Nah.. "opposing positions" don't bother me a bit.. Usenet pussies like you
    do "bother" me, though.. Been here for a long time.. plan on exposing every
    usenet pussy like you, Chris Cornbread.. Ari Rankum, Keith Bedwetter and
    certainly every crooked assed dealer like Mike Thompson, aka Renegade

    Nobody needs to buy a motorcycle for Brian Walker.. And, again.. my opin-
    ion is based on first hand experience with the players .. especially Mike
    nah.. We don't agree on a damned thing.. I just cyber
    swatted the shit out of you, with that one.. You are just
    too ignorant to get it..
    After all the ass you've made out of yourself .. it would have be a
    reach and take a vivid imagination to even declare that you've got
    a cyber "conscience".. S'cuse.. laugh break, again..

    Yeah.. I know it.. You really aren't very good at all this, are you ?
    arises.. knowing all that, why are you so obsessed with me that you'd keep
    subjecting yourself to this usenet abuse ?
    No doubt in my mind and I expect that everyone on this newsgroup
    would agree..
    You might want to ask your buddy Ari Rankum about what I'm referring to..
    Bet'cha he can tell you.. Wouldn't surprise me, if he had the t-shirt..
    it's always a "good day" for me..
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  14. mgldwng

    Vic Guest

    This is really a scream, you're giving advise on usenet credibility??
    Excuse me, but now it's my turn to take a 'laugh break',
    The apology was for using information that might not have been true,
    Bill. It doesn't change my opinion about Brian. There are numerous examples
    of both you and him changing/stretching the facts to fit your needs (in my
    book, that's lying). Almost everyone you concider an asshole can vouch for
    that. A busted nose won't change the facts of the matter, lol... Come on
    Bill, even in jr.high we knew that.... err at least I did, lol......

    It sounds a lot like your begging now Bill, Sorry BJay, didn't
    mean to put you in the middle of this.

    Vic, Jun 18, 2007
  15. mgldwng

    Vic Guest

    You sure got 'snip happy' on this post, Must be I hit a
    nerve, huh?

    Vic, Jun 18, 2007
  16. mgldwng

    Vic Guest

    And so start the lyrics to a new one verse song, Get your
    pony ready Brian, he'll be by to pick you up in a little while,
    Vic, Jun 18, 2007
  17. Sprung?
    Keith Schiffner, Jun 18, 2007
  18. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm.. Kinda like that Bunny..
    That amounts to about four of you and your buddies, don't it..??

    A busted nose won't change the facts of the matter,

    "Facts of the matter" is that you and your buddies caused a lot of
    shit on this newsgroup, that was a goddamed lie.. Facts of the
    matter is.. that fucked up "apology" that you graciously offered
    was more of an insult, than anything else.. Facts of matter are
    that the so called apology would get your nose broke, where I
    come from and you'd have been better served to just back away
    without saying anything more.. After all, you and your buddies
    were the ones caught lying through your teeth.. You still want to
    call someone a fucking liar after all that.. You are ridiculous..
    ROTFLMAO.. I know Bjay.. rode quite a few miles and spent a lot of
    time with him.. Give you odds, he don't think I'm "begging" If you
    weren't a piss ignorant, usenet pussy.. you wouldn't even consider
    such a thing.. Hey Bjay.. this sorry mother fucker hasn't learned a
    damned thing.. even after he's already made himself as big a damned
    liar as he could possibly do.. The silly sumbitch don't know what a man
    is telling him ,that he's got a forty acre field and a backhoe handy..

    Guess that's all that Jr. High school education he keeps bragging about.. Sorry BJay, didn't
    Yeah you did.. you'd drag anyone into this that might take sides with
    you.. Bjay would be the wrong one to call on.. Seems like with all
    that Jr. High School education, you'd have learned a little something..
    Sure don't read like much, though..
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  19. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    With a set of nuts that'll fill up a wash tub.. That old boy over
    in Mesquite that you like so well needs some business and
    I need to be entertained with all your bedwetting humor.. When
    you comin' down.. Sgt. Bedwetter.. I'm sure looking forward to
    all that.. That'd be ol' Mike Thompson and his Renegade Motor-
    cycle store.. don't forget..
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  20. mgldwng

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO.. You wish.. Just got tired of reading your juvenile
    gibberish.. over and over and over..
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
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