Brian & Mike

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dusty, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. Dusty

    Jerry Guest

    Does the chain of repair shops your wife works for post in a public forum
    for people to look up the background of their customers? In all of this,
    Mike maintains that nothing, I mean nothing inappropriate was done by him or
    his shop. I don't believe that. That is where this starts and stops.
    Jerry, Jun 18, 2007
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  2. Dusty

    BryanUT Guest

    Get a clue. Brian posted in a public forum first. And Mike has offered to
    remedy the situation. Brian has decided not to take him up on the offer as
    far as I can tell.
    BryanUT, Jun 18, 2007
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  3. Dusty

    Jerry Guest

    Well bubba, I got a clue. You might try getting honest with yourself. I know
    exactly how the Usenet thing went down. And even though it is as far as you
    can tell, it is not the synopsis you just posted. So let me try again since
    you seem to be the lowest common denominator of a public education.

    Does the chain of repair shops your wife works for post in a public forum
    for people to look up the background of their customers? In all of this,
    Mike maintains that nothing, I mean nothing inappropriate was done by him or
    his shop. I don't believe that. That is where this starts and stops.
    Jerry, Jun 18, 2007
  4. Dusty

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill, do you wonder if little Chornbe, is little Iggys bro, or might the
    two be the same little guy. <g>

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 18, 2007
  5. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    Wrong.. I came after your sorry ass on reeky..
    LOL.. Get your broke ass over there and buy something .. Renegade Motor-
    cycles sure need the money this week.. Damn.. ol' Mike Thompson has got
    to pay for all that insurance and those lawyers on his payroll.. hehehe..

    Funny that he didn't mention anything about all that insurance when Brian
    trying to get him to look at that fucked up motorcycle.. Now.. he's wanting
    buy the motorcycle for the price HE'S offering.. That sucker has got a lot
    sentimental value now.. and he probably can't buy that thing for ANY price..

    My price would be .. "Shut your fucking doors, Thompson".. then, that bike
    all yours..

    My price to you is for you to go ahead and make your NART ride.. and keep
    your unqualified opinions to yourself.. The question is.. since you've got
    an interest in what's going on in Texas and you are so enthusiastic about
    Where were you two years ago when NART did their "reunion" in Breckenridge?

    Defending a crooked assed dealer like Mike Thompson and Renegade Motor-
    cycles, after all the good bikers they've raped in this metroplex, don't say
    for your own character.. Trying to attack the guy that is finally trying to
    the crooked son of bitch.. who you never heard of.. says even less about

    Now.. either go for your little ride or stay on here and play usenet..
    hell.. I'm
    retired .. and no ride planned for a few days.. Plenty of time to eat your

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  6. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    Exactly.. leave it alone, Jerry.. No need to get involved in all this.. MIke
    this clown and those other three usenet players are just blowing smoke..

    Get back to work on that Valkyrie and we'll see each other soon.. Take care
    of yourself.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  7. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm.. Kinda leads to the question .. WTF do you care ? You don't have a
    quarter invested either way.. Point is.. that motorcycle belongs to Brian
    and it's not for Mike Thompson to set the price on.. Try going into Renegade
    and make a deal like that on some of the merchandise in there.. Good doins'
    if you could pull it off.. A lot of people in this metroplex have met MIke
    son and some of us have "offered" some business to Renegade.. Quite a few
    of those that did some shop business there, have taken a beating.. and then,
    took the motorcycle to a legitimate shop for correct repair.. They got about
    the same treatment that Brian got, when he found his motorcycle in the cond-
    ition it was in..

    Either forum suits me.. so let's either get it on or you go ahead on your
    ride and keep your unqualified opinions to yourself about something that is
    taking place far, far away from anywhere you'd have an interest in..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  8. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  9. Yep, welcome. We've got jackets, coffee mugs, tattoos and an annual rally.
    Keith Schiffner, Jun 18, 2007
  10. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO.. and NO nuts.. like that gelding Llama you bought for breeding
    purposes.. huh Sgt. Bedwetter..
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  11. Dusty

    res0f8mp Guest

    it IS some fun to follow along this stupid saga,
    a stupid side vs. a reasonable side to the plot.
    i wonder how many have decided which is the stupid
    one, and which is the reasonable one.
    I for one ain't touchin that one w/ a 10 foot pole.
    not on this board anyway.

    res0f8mp, Jun 18, 2007
  12. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    lmao.. Well hell.. that's one helluva deal.. Haven't you ever
    heard the one about "No guts.. No glory".. ??? Nah.. I usually
    try to keep the good guys separated from the rest of it.. My
    little spats mostly just belong to me, anyway.. Enjoy..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  13. Dusty

    BJayKana Guest

    BILLWalker replies to Bajy;
    (About chornbe)
    ''I think he's been around the newsgroups for a while, Bjay.. <grin> May
    be ol'Texdays again, for all I know.. Just kiddin' wit'cha..

    Being the ''ratings and stats mgr'' on this
    group, I cannot recall ever reading anything by Chornbe around
    here...(not that there's anything wrong with that; Seinfeld, 1994)

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 18, 2007
  14. Dusty

    BJayKana Guest

    it IS some fun to follow along this stupid saga, a stupid side vs. a
    reasonable side to the plot. i wonder how many have decided which is the
    stupid one, and which is the reasonable one.
    I for one ain't touchin that one w/ a 10 foot pole. not on this board

    Well Mr. j,take advantage of the entertaining moment here, because
    usually we are sorta boring around here, talking about ''Riding
    motorcycles'' of all thangs.

    But now and then, one of our regulars will share an unpleasant
    expereince with the other cyber friendlies on here.

    When one shares stuff on here, they want some opinions. (what's wrong
    with that?)

    But, Mike came on and I'll be darn, this thang enlarged by leeps and

    Quite exciting, frankly. bjay
    BJayKana, Jun 18, 2007
  15. Dusty

    BiffB Guest

    Well now, i wasn't there, but in my mind it plays out as something that
    coulda been handled that day in the shop had everyone had a half-ass
    decent attitude. Having done a management type job where i had to deal
    with people on a daily basis, I'ld say a person who doesn't act like a
    dick is more likely to leave with a satisfactory resolution than one
    that does. Not that that particularly exhonerates (had to borrow BJay's
    Speak and Spell for that big word) Mike from a few of the posts he
    made though.
    But ya know, batteries go down for no apparent reason all the time.
    Tires that looked good can suddenly look like shit if they are old and
    suddenly somebody puts em to use (ask me how i know!). And sometimes
    shit just happens. And the one picture i was bored enough to look at
    looked a lot more like waterspots than mud. And Tuesday to come up with
    $1500 cash doesn't sound like a cash flow problem, sounds like most
    motorcycle shops are closed on Monday, and probably wouldn't keep that
    kinda cash in the store anyway.
    However, Mike shoulda probably quit while he was ahead with his postings.
    Now we'll use another big word, from Stephen Colbert. Truthiness. I'ld
    put the truthiness of this whole fucking thing somewhere around 60%,
    with the grade being lowered with pretty much every post.
    There, now i've stated my opinion on the whole thing, who wants to go
    camping at Double Lakes next weekend? Think i'm gonna load up the Connie
    with a bottle of Maker's Mark, a tent, and a fishing pole, and head
    over, assuming i quit reading all this bullshit sometime soon and get
    some stuff done around here. Speaking of which, does the ice sloshing in
    a small igloo cause handling problems? Hate to drink my whiskey warm, it
    seems rather uncouth.
    BiffB, Jun 19, 2007
  16. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yep.. coulda been handled real smooth and easy, if there'd been anything
    like professionalism involved in that mess.. One little statement like
    down Brian.. I'll get my insurance adjustor out here and we'll get the
    to this bike fixed up, real quick.. Sorry my guys let it get in this shape
    we'll get 'er taken care of, as soon as possible".. Knowing Brian.. I'd give
    odds that he'd still have been fuming while he looked at his messed up
    motorcycle, but the situation wouldn't have escalated .. Knowing Mike
    Thompson.. and his own report of the incident.. he contributed to the anger
    of Brian with his own responses and denying the bike was messed up or
    damaged.. All the postings and posturing that Mike Thompson has done
    on this newsgroup.. after the fact, has only brought more public attention
    to the mess..

    I'm not a drinker, but if I was in the area, I'd probably join you
    I've got a bottle of the best damned tequila that was ever corked.. Came
    right from the plant in .. of all places.. Tequila, Jalisco.. Pure.. aged to
    perfection and bottled for special distribution to Embassys, Consullates
    and other high powered locations.. This stuff is smooth, personified..
    hmmm.. Don't need ice or anything to enjoy.. just cool it and sip..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2007
  17. Dusty

    BJayKana Guest

    Bjay, Up here with an unusually unNormal TOP POST-
    ==Say Mr. Bennet: (For your information). Your commentary below is your
    all time longest ''response'' here on this fine motoNG. And may I say,
    I agree with 80% of it, including the drankin' whiskey part.
    Thanksfor it.

    ( (BiffB)

    BiffBennet writes an essay about the main topic on tx.Moto: he says all
    ==Well now, i wasn't there, but in my mind it plays out as something
    that coulda been handled that day in the shop had everyone had a
    half-ass decent attitude. Having done a management type job where i had
    to deal with people on a daily basis, I'ld say a person who doesn't act
    like a dick is more likely to leave with a satisfactory resolution than
    one that does. Not that that particularly exhonerates (had to borrow
          Speak and Spell for that big word) Mike from a few of
    the posts he made though.
    But ya know, batteries go down for no apparent reason all the time.
    Tires that looked good can suddenly look like shit if they are old and
    suddenly somebody puts em to use (ask me how i know!). And sometimes
    shit just happens. And the one picture i was bored enough to look at
    looked a lot more like waterspots than mud. And Tuesday to come up with
        $1500 cash doesn't sound like a cash flow problem, sounds
    like most motorcycle shops are closed on Monday, and probably wouldn't
    keep that kinda cash in the store anyway.
    However, Mike shoulda probably quit while he was ahead with his
    postings. Now we'll use another big word, from Stephen Colbert.
    Truthiness. I'ld put the truthiness of this whole fucking thing
    somewhere around 60%, with the grade being lowered with pretty much
    every post. There, now i've stated my opinion on the whole thing, who
    wants to go camping at Double Lakes next weekend? Think i'm gonna load
    up the Connie with a bottle of Maker's Mark, a tent, and a fishing pole,
    and head over, assuming i quit reading all this bullshit sometime soon
    and get some stuff done around here. Speaking of which, does the ice
    sloshing in a small igloo cause handling problems? Hate to drink my
    whiskey warm, it seems rather uncouth.
    BJayKana, Jun 19, 2007
  18. [ deleted ]
    justineorton281989, Jun 29, 2013
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