Brian - I give up

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mike, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    I offer you what you asked for and you still spew crap. You signed an
    agreement to sell the bike for $ 1500.00 and I am trying to make you
    whole. What is your problem now ? Bring the bike and I'll bring the
    money. How much simpler does it get than that ?
    Mike, Jun 16, 2007
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  2. Mike

    chornbe Guest

    Wait, so the bike was damaged while in your possession (details
    immaterial and I admit to not know, nor caring about the whole story)
    and you first offered to fix it, now offering to just for it and buy
    the bike... and this isn't good enough?

    For a bike he'd be lucky to get $1500 for on a good day, anyway?

    Brian, don't be stupid, take the cash, move on. $1500 is the
    absolutely ceiling on this machine, anyway. I made you that generous
    offer months ago and you sold it locally (or so I thought). I was
    happy for you that you got that price, but now I find out that's not
    true. What the heck happened? I'd have gladly arranged shipping, or
    had someone local I know pick it up and hold it until I could get down
    there to get it.

    What a mess. Everything easy has to be complicated and mucked up.
    chornbe, Jun 17, 2007
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  3. Mike

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoops.. hang on there.. Chris.. Nobody has seen the money, yet..
    So far.. it's all usenet posturing..
    Whoops, again.. Who does that bike belong to, anyway ? That's the
    one who'll set the price, right ? That old bike don't eat much while it's
    parked in the man's garage and he'll sell it to the first one that comes
    up with the money he thinks the bike is worth..
    LMAO.. Thought you kinda disappeared after all that "generous offer"
    of yours.. Seems like I recall that Brian offered "only to you" for that
    <chuckle> Not really.. Nothing much "complicated" about it.. Brian put
    his trust in a dude that didn't deliver what he promised.. If he'd been pay-
    ing attention, he'd have noticed that Mike Thompson deals in an assort-
    ment of home-made and salvage looking motorcycles.. lol.. Too bad, he
    didn't take pictures of those "for sale" bikes, sitting in front of that

    Since my post about the BBB, wonder how many enquiries there have
    been, regarding Renegade Motorcycles.. huh ? I've been told that there
    was a lot of activity around the place, yesterday.. Motorcycles disappearing
    right and left.. lol.. hmmm.. Might be due to the suggestion I offered that
    the Mesquite Police department could be checking the inventory, wha'cha
    think ?

    Anyway.. all you boys that are humping Mike Thompsons' leg.. be sure to
    go over there and do some business.. It's funny how you guys complain
    about the bad dealers in the motorcycle business and how they are screw-
    ing your brains out, then.. when one of them is exposed.. ya'll wear out
    net defending them..

    Whoops.. just noticed something here, seems like the ones doing all the
    "defending" this wormy bastard are ALL located thousands of miles away
    and the chances of your EVER visiting a business in this area, are nil to
    none.. <sigh> Ah well.. so much for Renegade Motorcycles ..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  4. Mike

    Ari Rankum Guest

    The difference, here, is that it's walkers doing the "exposing". Even
    the people who are in the habit of vouching for you on this news group
    have observed you lying about things they've witnessed directly. Every
    one of them. Things like what you just did with your lie about the BBB
    are chronic walker behavior. The problem that habitual liars, like you
    and your spawn (happy father's day), face is that nothing you say can be
    given much weight. In cases where two conflicting accounts about an
    incident are presented, like this Renegade fiasco, the walker version
    gets the weight a chronic liar deserves: zero.
    I know you tend to take the selfish point of view, so you expect people
    to view this from the perspective of personally being a customer. I
    view this as an opportunity to help brian fail at what he was attempting
    to do by posting his bullshit story here. brian hoped, in a cowardly
    way, to deny Renegade customers. brian doesn't deserve that outcome
    because, as it turns out, Renegade has gone above and beyond the call
    for brian, even though brian was a complete asshole in their shop. It
    doesn't matter whether I am ever a customer; what matters is that the
    very customers brian was trying to influence by posting lies here
    understand that walkers pull this shit all the time and should not be
    believed. You're a liar, bill. See your own BBB post for the most
    recent example. You walkers are lower than low. Enough said.
    Ari Rankum, Jun 17, 2007
  5. Mike

    Bill Walker Guest

    "I saw the whole thing.. I saw it .. I saw it.. He hit Mark".. ROTFLMAO..
    Whoops.. I think you done got hysterical and dropped another motor-
    cycle.. Ah well.. shit happens, don't it, Ari Rankum ?
    Bill Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  6. Mike

    Brian Walker Guest

    One thing that Mike isn't used to is having someone come along who
    doesn't need the money. I'm not in a hurry to sell that Hurricane and
    didn't mind taking a loss on it to give Mike business....until I saw
    first hand what he and his shop was capable of doing to a motorcycle
    while in their care.

    It's only a mess and complicated for Mike. He isn't used to dealing
    with someone who keeps their motorcycles in good condition and doesn't
    need the money for it. I'll get the bike fixed back up to where it was
    when I first rode it to his shop, and undo the damage his shop caused
    and ended up having me need to trailer the bike home. It's a mess and
    complicated for Mike, not me. I *know* how to fix a motorcycle that
    gets damaged by a junk dealer like Mike.
    Brian Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  7. Mike

    chornbe Guest

    uhm... he was taking offers, I made an offer. I checked back a few
    days later and learned it was sold.

    In fact... I congratulated him on the sale and was happy he got his
    price. It's publicly available for all to see on the two-wheel texans

    I'm not defending him; wouldn't know the guy if he knocked on my door.
    If the bike broke in his possession, and now he's offering to buy it
    at the price, then it seems a no-brainer. Brian was selling the bike

    Again... I was talking to your son, not you, you brain dead backwards
    shit. Stay out of it. And please, please for the love of all that
    doesn't suck, please consider my request to just die.

    Thank you.
    chornbe, Jun 17, 2007
  8. Mike

    redshad Guest

    Again... I was talking to your son, not you, you brain dead backwards
    Lmao...Man if this isnt great entertainment I dont know what is.

    redshad, Jun 17, 2007
  9. Mike

    Bill Walker Guest

    In that case.. maybe, he just didn't want to sell you his motorcycle..
    y's'pose. ? Or.. maybe he realized you didn't have the money, anyway..
    Either way.. it's still his motorcycle and the next guy that tries to buy it
    may have the wrong color of eyes to ride it, or something..
    lol.. Go google, then.. it's not really that big of deal with me.. Either
    you had the money and bought the motorcycle or you didn't.. The
    bike is still in Brians' garage .. You are still on a newsgroup making
    juvenile noise..
    Brian owns the bike and he's still got the option to sell it to whoever he
    wants to.. Wouldn't surprise me if Brian sells that bike to someone he
    likes for less money than you or Mike Thompson is offering..
    ROTFL.. You are doing your popping off on a public forum, you illiterate
    ****.. You are talking to anyone who reads your juvenile bullshit.. Wanna
    buy a motorcycle.. take your broke ass down to the nearest Renegade
    Motorcycle place of business and get with Mike Thompson.. whoops.. here
    I go again.. as I recall, you are several hundred miles from Mesquite, Tx.
    aren't you ?
    Bill Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  10. Mike

    Bill Walker Guest

    lol.. Haven't had so much fun since I was dodging big boxes in
    the middle of IH 20..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  11. Mike

    Gary Walker Guest

    Yeah - lol. It's a lot like a carnage strewn car accident,
    "You know you're not supposed to gawk, but you just
    can't seem to look away".
    Gary Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  12. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Since my post about the BBB, wonder how many enquiries there have
    been, regarding Renegade Motorcycles.. huh ? I've been told that
    was a lot of activity around the place, yesterday.. Motorcycles
    right and left.. lol.. hmmm.. Might be due to the suggestion I offered
    the Mesquite Police department could be checking the inventory,
    think ?

    You are a proven liar.
    Mike, Jun 18, 2007
  13. Mike

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO.. Who "proved" all that.. When and Where ? Give it up,
    fat boy.. I don't owe you a dime.. You ain't got my motorcycle sitting
    in your junk yard.. I don't want anything you've got and those cud chew-
    ing mechanics of yours ain't getting near my motorcycle.. Even in an
    emergency, I'd haul that sucker to El Paso before letting one of your
    ex-hobos get near it..

    Far as I'm concerned, before I'd let you buy my bike, I'd donate that
    thing to Goodwill.. I sure hope Brian feels the same way.. If it takes
    you from Friday to the following Tuesday to get together $1,500.00
    then you've got a serious cash flow problem.. anyway..

    Best thing for you to do, is to keep your trashy shit over there on Gus
    Tomasson and you don't have to worry about me.. You can count on
    one thing, though.. I'll bad mouth your sleazy shit all over Texas.. Sure
    hope ALL those yankee phone callers told you that, while they were
    convincing you about all the people I've screwed .. LOL..

    Nah.. Thompson.. you've finally fucked the wrong customer .. I'm cost-
    ing you money, as we speak.. How ya' like that, short fat boy ?
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  14. Mike

    chornbe Guest

    No bill, unlike you, I don't have to lie. I have two nice, fairly new,
    2006 motorcycles, one bought new, one bought slightly used with 55
    miles on it. I'm ot a broke-ass and I don't need to buy budget crap. I
    was interested in buying Brian's bike for a track bike and/or to teach
    my son how to ride. Cheap = disposable. But, of course, you'll come
    back with some silly comment explaining how I'm wrong and you're

    Here's my bikes:

    As you can plainly see... they're not little beginner bikes and
    they're not old crap that a broke-ass (those your words?) would have.
    chornbe, Jun 18, 2007
  15. Mike

    redshad Guest

    Those are some nice bikes. I wanted one of those FJR's but decided to
    go with the Goldwing instead. I checked out your sight also...looks
    like you have been on some nice rides.

    redshad, Jun 18, 2007
  16. Mike

    Ari Rankum Guest

    Ari Rankum, Jun 18, 2007
  17. Mike

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. what'd I lie about.. sparky.. You ain't got $1500 .. didn't have it
    and aren't likely to get it.. Must be something in that water you are
    drinking or that shit you are smoking.. Now .. you are trying to convince
    someone that you got something going at some kind of "track" ..
    BWAHAHAHA... Sheesh.. That Hurricane isn't the kind of motorcycle
    that you "teach a kid how ride".. you infantile idiot..

    Back to square one.. if you'd had the money, you'd have bought the
    bike.. If you are all that prosperous with a stable full of motorcycles
    you wouldn't have any problem raising $1500.. This is Texas.. you
    imbecilictic moron.. You might peddle your shit to a few, but most of
    the real deals around here, spotted your counterfeit bullshit a long
    time ago..
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  18. Mike

    Mike Guest

    As I said, you are a proven liar. Your words mean nothing to me or
    anyone related to my business. LIAR says it all. There is an old
    saying that says "You cannot cheat an honest man." You're not going to
    cheat me with your lies. We'll all see how this shakes out. I've got
    my ducks in a line. Hope to see you support your so called Son in
    court. I can use a loose cannon like you to help the judge make up his
    mind. Duly noted and printed out on Word. I'm building my portfolio
    for the judge to review. CYA in court) Mike
    Mike, Jun 18, 2007
  19. Mike

    Brian Walker Guest

    Or maybe, just maybe....I TOLD CHRIS TO SEND ME THE SACK OF CASH!

    As suspected, Chris vaporized from this group. Now he's claiming I'd
    announced I'd sold the bike? How many here in this newsgroup remembers
    me saying I'd sold the bike? The big joke to everyone at each time we
    bring up the Hurricane being for sale is "didn't dickweed ever show up
    with that sack of cash you told him to get? nah, he's still playing
    Isn't that the truth!

    Actually, I'm thinking about fixing the side panel (that Mike broke
    and will pay for), painting the bike chamelion purple, changing the
    motor on it with a 929, having purple lights put into the fairing and
    undertail, get the wheels powder coated purple....and donate the
    motorcycle to MSF to have new riders learn to ride....

    I'll have to get this motorcycle fixed myself and send Mike Thompson
    the bill because he and his ragged shop wouldn't have an idea where to
    start to fix this bike.....especially when a small job of charging a
    battery or removing a side panel mystifies them to the point they
    break everything on the bike....
    Brian Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  20. Mike

    tomorrow Guest

    Who the **** is that scary OLD DUDE taking the picture of the CBR in
    the last one?[1] And, what are you trying to do to that poor little
    old 600 loading it down with all those E-leck-tronix ?????

    [1] He is plainly (shudder) visible in the mirror. Tell me that's not
    one of those normally invisible Honda cleaning elves!
    tomorrow, Jun 18, 2007
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