Breathalysed In Your Own Home

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by fassaboy, Jan 30, 2004.

  1. fassaboy

    fassaboy Guest

    Has this happened to anyone else ? It was all a bit disconcerting I
    have to say.
    Popped out for a pizza this evening about 5:00pm returned to house and
    scoffed it whilst washing the whole thing down with a pint of McEwans.
    Sitting there finishing the rest of my drink off the old bill appear
    at the door. Oh ho what's all this about then ? Are you owner of car
    reg blah blah and were you driving it along the road back from Tesco
    in the last hour. Yep that was me. You have been reported on suspicion
    of being drunk in charge of it. FFS I've been set up was my immediate
    reaction someone's got it in for me I thought. Who was it ? Can't say
    blow into this - but I've been drinking in the house that will give a
    false positive reading (if you see what I mean). Not if you've only
    had a half pint I was told. What if I refuse - we'll arrest you. Shit
    no choice there then. Fortunately the reading came back negative. So
    who was it reported me - two people apparently. Now don't get me wrong
    I wouldn't hesitate to report someone if they were legless and I saw
    them get into a car but all this smacks of some do-gooders jumping to
    conclusions who don't have much else to think about or, could there be
    something more to it (a warning if you like) ? Could they just have
    made it up ? As I said all a bit disconcerting.
    Just wondering if anyone else has been humiliated in this way. I am
    annoyed that I don't have any right to know who the feck reported me
    or do I ?

    fassaboy, Jan 30, 2004
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  2. fassaboy

    TLSG Guest


    Have you ever driven pi$$ed ?
    TLSG, Jan 30, 2004
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  3. fassaboy

    deadmail Guest

    You have no right to know who reported you. This is the society we're
    building at the moment.

    Should the same ever happen to me I'll point the police at the half
    empty bottle of vodka and let them know I've drunk that in the last hour
    so whilst they're free to breathalise me they ought to know I've been
    drinking heavily *since* I got in.
    deadmail, Jan 30, 2004
  4. fassaboy

    deadmail Guest

    Yes. Have you?
    deadmail, Jan 30, 2004
  5. fassaboy

    TLSG Guest

    Many times.
    TLSG, Jan 30, 2004
  6. fassaboy

    sweller Guest

    I believe the dibble can count back and work out when you started
    drinking? Or have I confused myself?
    sweller, Jan 30, 2004
  7. fassaboy

    ß Ø ® G Guest

    Yep, well the Phorenzic bods can on a blood/piss test anyway

    E-Mail Addy obet(ng)qfy(qbg)cvcrk(qbg)pbz <---Rot13 it
    watch out for spam trap in header
    Trike Power the TRUE Trinity
    ß Ø ® G, Jan 30, 2004
  8. Veggie Meldrew, Jan 30, 2004
  9. So you produce an empty bottle and say you've polished the contents off
    since you got home. And if they back-track properly they come to the
    conclusion that you were sober when you got in....
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 30, 2004
  10. fassaboy

    sweller Guest

    But they know the time you were seen driving. You need to be sober then.
    Alcohol is assimilated at a reasonably linear rate. You would need to be
    still pissed when they test you later...
    sweller, Jan 30, 2004
  11. fassaboy wrote
    Do you happen to drive a BMW?
    steve auvache, Jan 31, 2004
  12. sirtony lives somewhere near you... be very afraid.



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jan 31, 2004
  13. fassaboy

    Babba Guest

    If I were you I'd STFU (shut the **** up) about this whole episode. If you
    weren't pissed driving (as witnessed by 2 people?) then you were obviously
    DLAC (driving like a ****).

    My bestest ever mate was snuffed out by a 3x over the limit and I have
    absolutely no hesitation whatsoever in grassing 'em, snatching their keys or
    permanently rendering them incapable of coherent speach.

    You're either a troll, or a very misguided silly person.

    24hrs bottle to throttle
    Babba, Jan 31, 2004
  14. fassaboy

    deadmail Guest

    "my bestest ever mate" how old are you?

    Fucking kids today's attitude to drink-driving absolutely sickens me.

    You're having your fucking chains pulled by the state. In 5 years time
    you'll be the same about speeding. Wankers.
    deadmail, Jan 31, 2004
  15. fassaboy

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    I think he was pissed and meant "my beshtest ever mate".
    [Pokes head cautiously above parapet]
    At 35 I'm not a kid anymore, but I don't drink and drive, since apart from
    it being illegal I also happen to believe that it's a stupid thing to do.
    Though I would concur with you were you to point out that the way
    drink-driving is handled by our police and judicial systems could be

    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 31, 2004
  16. fassaboy

    fassaboy Guest

    Hehe. Nope. Thinking about what might have triggered the whole thing
    off I recall feeling something brush past my leg and drop to the
    ground as I was about to get into the car. I looked down and noticed
    the pin code machine thingy that allows me remote access to servers I
    work on lying on the ground. I bent down to pick it up and started
    fumbling around four pockets in my jacket to try and discover which
    one it may have fell out of. I guess that during this period of
    fumbling some wanks with nothing better to do decided to call the old
    bill on account of me being unable to <as they thought> find my car
    keys and get into my car. I don't supose it helped when I put the
    pizza in the boot (on account of the car being new) which is probably
    another highly unusal and suspicious manouver.
    Oh an as regards heavy drinking in the hour period I queried that with
    them. They "have a test" that can establish if you were pissed at the
    time you were seen so I wouldn't bother trying it.
    Big brother and a vast hoard of Tesco shops are watching lads.... Be
    fassaboy, Jan 31, 2004
  17. That a mirror you're looking into?
    Oh dea,r oh dear

    "reorganising, a wonderful method for creating an illusion of progress"
    znvygb: (ROT13 all of it to mail me)
    The FAQ is here
    98 FZS600, 72 T120R MIB#21 TWA#6
    Boots Blakeley, Jan 31, 2004
  18. fassaboy

    joe parkin Guest

    The finest legal minds, guilty even when proved innocent, nice
    You would kill drink drivers?
    joe parkin, Jan 31, 2004
  19. fassaboy

    deadmail Guest

    I don't drink and drive these days; mainly because it's illegal. In the
    past I have done though, as I would expect have *most* people older than
    their mid-30s.

    We, as in my peers, all thought nothing of riding/driving when slightly
    pissed (4 pints or so) when we were 17. However, we also thought
    nothing of speeding. About 10-15 years ago I noticed people in their
    early 20s that I worked with had an almost missionary zeal against DD.
    The whole public attitude was changed over 10-15 years.

    Now they're working on speeding. They'll manage it to; nothing to do
    with the police or the judicial system. Before too long there will be
    "rat on someone" lines to report speeding motorists too as well as drunk
    ones and benefit cheats. Add illegal immigrants, tax dodgers to the
    list of 08BENEFITSOCIETY numbers too in about 2 years.

    It'll be like an East German nightmare, cameras everywhere, spying on
    us. People spying on others and reporting them to the state for deeds
    and thought-crime.
    deadmail, Jan 31, 2004
  20. Welcome to New Britain. Take a seat over there, the proctologist will be
    along shortly.



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jan 31, 2004
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