Brake pads

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by SP, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. SP

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    **** it. I'm going to carry on taking the piss cos it's funny.
    Lozzo, Mar 21, 2005
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  2. SP

    Stritchy Guest


    Ya coward

    Oi lives on the edge oi does! :eek:)
    Stritchy, Mar 21, 2005
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  3. SP

    mups Guest

    Lozzo says...
    I've got EBC HHs on the Fatblade, they seem much better than the standard
    Honda ones and good enough to squeal the front tyre from 100MPH+, so
    what's up with them?
    mups, Mar 21, 2005
  4. SP

    Champ Guest

    Well, yes, but the brakes *are* shit on that thing.
    Champ, Mar 21, 2005
  5. SP

    Muck Guest

    Heh.. I'd say. However, I only bought them once.
    Muck, Mar 21, 2005
  6. SP

    mups Guest

    Doesnotcompute says...
    I don't follow you on this. Just about everything we buy is a compromise
    between cost and effectiveness or we'd all be using radial brakes and
    Ohlins GP spec suspension complete with CF wheels. Asking for something
    decent and fairly cheap seems perfectly reasonable to me. Its not like
    SP's asking for the cheapest ones regardless of how crap they are.
    Doesn't good VFM cover "decent but fairly cheap"?

    FWIW I like the EBC HHs on my bike, but I seem to be in a minority of one
    on that.
    mups, Mar 21, 2005
  7. SP

    mups Guest

    Doesnotcompute says...
    Ah, we may be arguing semantics here, I took 'cheap' in the context SP
    used to mean 'not a lot of money' rather than 'cheap shit' type cheap.
    It struck me as fairly contentious.
    mups, Mar 21, 2005
  8. SP

    Ace Guest

    Main Entry: 2cheap
    Function: adjective
    1 a : purchasable below the going price or the real value b : charging
    or obtainable at a low price c : depreciated in value (as by currency
    inflation) <cheap dollars>
    2 : gained with little effort <a cheap victory>
    3 a : of inferior quality or worth : TAWDRY, SLEAZY b : contemptible
    because of lack of any fine, lofty, or redeeming qualities c : STINGY
    4 a : yielding small satisfaction b : paying or able to pay less than
    going prices
    5 of money : obtainable at a low rate of interest

    So you're both right, but you're more right than dnc.
    Ace, Mar 21, 2005
  9. SP

    wessie Guest

    SP emerged from their own little world to say
    Ferodo Platinum are favourites with GS riders,2194,2442_10852_10648,00.html

    Less than two thirds the price of BMW pads.
    wessie, Mar 21, 2005
  10. SP

    Stritchy Guest

    I have them on the Pan.
    Combined with a great degree of prayer, they work fine.

    However, as champ has already pointed out, the brakes aren't up to
    much anyway.
    Stritchy, Mar 21, 2005
  11. SP

    Lozzo Guest

    mups says...
    Wait until your discs are fucked, then you tell me.
    Lozzo, Mar 21, 2005
  12. SP

    Lozzo Guest

    Doesnotcompute says...
    Yes it is, you just have to know what to buy and not blindly follow
    marketing hype.

    Vesrah seem to do what Lesley needs quite well, and at a very good
    Lozzo, Mar 21, 2005
  13. SP

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    They were originals, some very fucked and delaminating Sumitomos.
    Lozzo, Mar 21, 2005
  14. SP

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    Moores Racing removed the Sumitomo pads from their race R6 and then
    their race R1 and fitted Vesrahs because they preferred the feel. I
    dunno why they did it because Sumitomo make pads for Vesrah. I showed
    them this when I put a standard R1 pad next to a Vesrah one and they had
    exactly the same markings embossed in the backplates
    Lozzo, Mar 21, 2005
  15. SP

    Salad Dodger Guest

    Salad Dodger, Mar 21, 2005
  16. SP

    Christofire Guest

    Possibly three. I had them on my SV, but after the non-HH pads they
    replaced I suppose I wasn't really comparing like for like.
    Christofire, Mar 21, 2005
  17. SP

    Pip Guest

    Cheap but not shit.

    That seems to be exactly what was requested.

    It is easy to spend little money on shit; it is easy to spend a lot of
    money on shit. Premium products can be bought at comparably huge
    expense - the art of running (an expensive toy like) a motorcycle on a
    budget is to find those elusive products that represent good value for
    money. To those of us without dosh, picking the right product first
    time is regularly necessary.

    I'll hold my hands up here and admit to cutting corners on pads last
    year, which damn near led to me not so much cutting a corner as
    elongating a straight instead of making a corner.
    A set of 24 quid *a set* EBC 'greens' does not combine very well with
    a heavy 140bhp bike, a long line of uk.r.m bikes and a disappearing
    Bonwick on the front door.

    Up a long straight hill, over the crest, right over onto the other
    side of the road and WFO - past the whole lot and back over the white
    line. Roll off, squeeze on - and squeeze hard.

    Trying to haul the RF down from 160ish to make a 60 degree corner
    which on a good day I might normally take at 80 became an issue when
    the brakes faded away to fuckall (on their first application) inside a
    second. Increased lever pressure only served to amplify the
    vibrations and noise from the protesting brakes, until I gave in
    altogether, released brakes and aimed bike, still at a fairly
    ludicrous speed, at the apex.

    Major-league countersteering, winding throttle on and the whole plot
    sorted itself out, blithely accelerating into the next bend - a
    90-plus degree real corner with a chainlink fence in the double-top

    Rear brake, front brake, sit up and beg it was. Down three, hang on,
    tip in and hang off, it went. Leaning, gassing, pushing the inside
    bar, scraping the inside peg and suddenly all three lemons came up and
    round we went. Then into the twisties, still with 'Hog on the Thou
    chasing my arse and Bonwick disappearing down the hill in front.

    That was a fucking hoot, that afternoon - but I made sure to be in a
    position with runoff for the rest of it, and not to be in a position
    where savage brake application would be required as much as possible.
    Still needed sixth(1) on a couple of occasions, when the 9R in front
    was edging away and the RF wouldn't go any more 'cos the rev counter
    needle was already in the red. Curse that big back sprocket.

    I will learn this lesson though - those 'greens' are staying in until
    they're fucked: that'll larn me.

    1. It only has five.
    Pip, Mar 21, 2005
  18. You said it.

    So often, something that costs (say) 50% more either lasts three times
    as long, or does the job three times better.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 22, 2005
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