Brake cleaner

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Duncan, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. Duncan

    Duncan Guest

    I go through a fair bit of brake cleaner.
    I've been buying the motorbike brake specific stuff but was wondering if it
    was the same as any of the other cleaners like carby cleaner or spray on
    degreaser that are a lot cheaper from Kmart.
    It seems to be different each time, sometimes it smells like acetone
    sometimes ether and sometimes detergent.
    I know it's critical that certain chemicals stay out of break pads so I'd
    like to be sure I was using the right stuff.

    PS. I use a lot cleaning the pads/rotors between races on my mountain bike.
    Duncan, Aug 11, 2004
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  2. Duncan

    Mark Gardner Guest

    Hi Duncan,

    Go to an automotive product supplier and bulk buy it in 5L or 20L. If you
    get the right deal they may even throw in an atomising sprayer. (similar to
    a pump up weed killer sprayer)

    This is the cheapest way of buying it.

    For what it's worth expect to see aerosol type brake cleaners slowly
    dissapear from the market. The problem being that when you operate them
    initially all you do is blow potentially harmful dust & fibres in to the
    atmosphere. Which you then breathe in.

    Hope this helps.


    Mark Gardner, Aug 11, 2004
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  3. Try using el cheapo oven cleaner, a brush and a hose.
    Spray on, leave for 5 or so minutes, give 'em a scrub and the hose off..
    Julien Carrot, Aug 12, 2004
  4. Duncan

    Fwoar Guest

    Wurth Brake Cleaner

    tis the best & used by all the factories
    Fwoar, Aug 17, 2004
  5. Duncan

    Mark Gardner Guest

    I use the same stuff at work, it has more uses than just brake cleaning

    It's an excellant electrical cleaner for hard wiring connections, a
    brilliant degreaser for pre gluing stuff, and good at removing glue residue
    after removing stickers from windows etc.

    Also good for cleaning oil from components that need to be assembled with


    Mark Gardner, Aug 17, 2004
  6. Duncan

    Knobdoodle Guest

    What's it wurth?
    Knobdoodle, Aug 17, 2004
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