Globe, or Jerusalem? -- _______ ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace ( at \`\ | /`/ `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10 `\|/` `
Well, yes. I know that now. At the time it was my survival mechanism kicking in which told me to get the **** away from the site and towards civilisation. We did wait about 30mins to an hour on top of a hill waiting for snow ploughs, watching bikes falling over. Virtually *every* fucking bike as it went down the hill. The snow plough never came but the wind and the cars driving over the snow eventually did the trick. All I can think of is icing in the filter. Changed it... when I got home.
No, I'm just trying to work out if you've got more legs than me, that's all. Hmm. And being Scandanavia there's that "every man's right" thing meaning we can camp near to the road. Not sure if that extends to lighting fires though. Anyway, don't care. I've now got (on the way) a coleman dual-mantle petrol lantern so I've got heat, light and fire in one handy little package.
I got one of those - they are blindingly bright. You'll need to get some spare mantles as they don't survive bike trips very well, IME.
Pretty much, yes. If it's too far out, you'll soon know. Either you'll be pumping it frantically to get it to work, or have a stiff one that doesn't do much. (OOOOEEERs optional at this point.)