Brake calipers/mastercylinder/ratios...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by deadmail, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    So... I've got a K100 that I've fitted leading links to(since it's a
    sidecar tug.) The leading links came on another K100 with a different
    master cylinder and also different calipers.

    The calipers are 4 pot and probably from a GSX600F; I've stripped them
    and the pistons are 27mm. If possible I'd like to use the standard BMW
    master cylinder since this makes things easier with the switchgear.

    The GSX600F calipers have four 27mm pistons per caliper which gives a
    'piston surface area' of 8 * (pi*(27/2)^2) = 4580mm^2.

    The standard BMW K100 8v has 2 pot brembos with 38mm pistons which gives
    a 'piston surface area' of 4 * (pi*(38/2)^2) = 4536mm^2

    Looking at these figures, surely this means the standard K100 master
    cylinder should be able to handle the GSX600F calipers, doesn't it? To
    apply the brakes in either case there's a similar surface area of
    pistons to move and surely that's all that matters?

    Am I about to do something else stupid? (apart from riding a sidecar
    across Germany in the winter because 'Bonwick thinks it'll be a laugh')
    deadmail, Oct 26, 2008
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  2. deadmail

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    I'm not an expert on brakes and I always go for the 'if it works then
    it's right' approach so just get it on the road and see if they work
    well enough for a spot of motorway cruising.

    It's not as if we're going to be going for stupid outbraking stunts
    once we get to the twisty bits near the rally site and there's no
    chance of it getting at all competitive with three BMW K100 outfits
    competing for the same piece of road is there?
    It could be a lot worse. There's another big challenge waiting out
    there and all we need to do is find it..
    Andy Bonwick, Oct 26, 2008
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  3. deadmail

    sweller Guest

    I'm going on a solo if that makes it better.
    sweller, Oct 26, 2008
  4. deadmail

    platypus Guest

    Pause at 1:58...
    platypus, Oct 26, 2008
  5. deadmail

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    How long did it take you to find that?
    Andy Bonwick, Oct 26, 2008
  6. deadmail

    sweller Guest

    Why? I can't see a smart car.
    sweller, Oct 26, 2008
  7. deadmail

    platypus Guest

    Slightly less than 2 minutes.
    platypus, Oct 26, 2008
  8. deadmail

    Champ Guest

    OK, who are you and what have you done with the real Bonwick?
    ah, ok - normal service is resumed, I see.
    Champ, Oct 26, 2008
  9. I did. And?
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 26, 2008
  10. So'm I.

    It occurs to me that the last time I rode an XT600 in the snow, I fell
    off. Twice.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 26, 2008
  11. deadmail

    platypus Guest

    Probably still en route, or not allowed on site, or something equally
    platypus, Oct 26, 2008
  12. deadmail

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Did the Smart Car get the Elefantentreffen sticker?
    Andy Bonwick, Oct 26, 2008
  13. deadmail

    wessie Guest

    (The Older Gentleman) wrote in
    a suspiciously familiar selection of old tat
    wessie, Oct 26, 2008
  14. deadmail

    Champ Guest

    I'm sure you'll beat that record this time.
    Champ, Oct 26, 2008
  15. deadmail

    platypus Guest

    Hold your nose and cross your eyes.
    platypus, Oct 26, 2008
  16. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    No... of course not.

    Now, remind me... what radius is your rear wheel with the tyre on and
    are you running the standard K100RS gearing?
    Krystaltreffen would be 'interesting' but since it's in a hotel I'm not
    so sure.
    deadmail, Oct 26, 2008
  17. deadmail

    geoff Guest

    What - smashing the headlights of motorbikes belonging to jews ?
    geoff, Oct 26, 2008
  18. I'm packing spare brake and clutch levers. For the rest, the XT seems
    pretty crash-proof.
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 26, 2008
  19. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    This reminded me of the exit...

    But less crowded and with fewer people falling over.
    deadmail, Oct 26, 2008
  20. deadmail

    steve Guest

    An unscientific test (apart from taking a run down the road and giving
    it some) is to get a small graduated beaker, or even a syringe tube, and
    find out what each master cylinder delivers for a given movement of the
    handlebar lever. Then take 'em apart and compare master cylinder piston

    Do you know the piston area of a Suzi master cylinder compared to a BM
    one? That gives the ratio of pressure increase.

    Pumped volume comes into it as well. What is the volume of fluid needed
    to move the Suzi pistons a given distance compared to the BM ones?

    If you move one caliper piston 1mm then for 8 pistons you need
    effectively 8 mm of movement and the volume of fluid to achieve that.

    A bit late at night for hydraulics but I reckon (assuming 0.5 mm of
    movement max but possibly half that) the Suzuki needs 4 times as much
    fluid to move it's pistons compared to the BM.

    In theory, you have more brake area on the Suzi calipers and so friction
    for a given force, so the Suzi would need less pressure from the master
    cylinder to achieve the same braking effect for a given mass. If the
    master cylinder produced 50 bar of pressure (I've no idea what they
    actually produce), that 50 bar is spread over the whole area of the
    friction material (pressure = force / area). So, for less pressure the
    Suzi master cylinder piston could have a smaller pressure ratio compared
    to the BM i.e. the master cylinder piston is larger in relation to the
    size of the caliper piston compared to the BM.

    Then there is the leverage ratio on the handlebar lever....
    steve, Oct 26, 2008
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