Boyer Brandsen ignition problem

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by Udo Müllich, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. Udo Müllich

    Udo Müllich Guest

    Hello everyone,

    I got some problems with the electronic ignition of my Triumph T 140 E
    Bonneville. It is one from Boyer Brandsen and it works well for about 20
    minutes. Then the engine stops suddenly and and after waiting for some time
    I can start it again and drive for another 5 to 20 minutes....
    I got two of those electronic ignitions and it´s the same problem on both.
    Spark plugs, Ignition coils and cables are new.
    Does anybody can give me a hint what the solution for the problem can be?

    As English is not my mother tongue I want to say sorry for any mistakes.

    Udo Müllich, Jun 9, 2004
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  2. Udo Müllich

    M J Carley Guest

    I once had something like this happen (on a CB550). The ignition
    switch contacts were badly worn.
    M J Carley, Jun 9, 2004
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  3. Udo Müllich

    Udo Müllich Guest

    Maybe it is not a problem of the ignition itself.....

    Thank you.

    Udo Müllich, Jun 9, 2004
  4. Udo Müllich

    Timo @ work Guest

    That sounds like it's overheating.
    Are they new or are they both a few years old?
    Can you move the black box part of the system somewhere where it gets
    more airflow? That *may* cure the problem.
    Timo @ work, Jun 9, 2004
  5. Guten tag, mein herr.

    I've heard of this problem before - it can be the pick-up overheating
    and cutting out.

    Hier on zis newsgruppen ve haben der Vaterlandsprachers. Zer ein
    gecalled Timo ist der mann!
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 9, 2004
  6. Udo Müllich

    AndyB Guest

    I would check the battery voltage, and that your charging system is

    BB ignitions need at least 10volts.

    Does it run with the headlight on, and if it does, does it die sooner
    than with the headlight off?

    The voltage across the battery terminals should rise to about 14 or 14.5
    volts at 2500rpm if the charging system is working correctly.

    I connected my BB ignition direct to the battery via a relay worked by
    the ignition switch in order to ensure that it gets all the voltage
    available. I also upgraded the alternator to 180watts and replaced the
    rectifier and zener diode with a podtronics electronic

    AndyB, Jun 9, 2004
  7. Udo Müllich

    Champ Guest

    Well, my first guess would be the petrol tank breather...
    Champ, Jun 10, 2004
  8. Udo Müllich

    Udo Müllich Guest

    I had no access to that computer for some days...

    Now I know where to start work at. Either overheating or low voltage may be
    the problem. I am going to solve it soon.
    Thanks to all for your hints.

    Udo Müllich, Jun 14, 2004
  9. Udo Müllich

    Udo Müllich Guest

    Hello tunish,

    thank you very much for the detailed description of that problem and it´s
    solution. I am going to check this out as soon as possible.

    Udo Müllich, Jun 30, 2004
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