Bownse: Still got cuban cigars 4sale?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Beemer Biker, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. Beemer Biker

    Beemer Biker Guest

    Beemer Biker, Jun 10, 2004
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  2. Beemer Biker

    Bownse Guest

    Unlike someone else would try to get people to think, I never have sold
    any Cuban cigars. Any I have had the pleasure of smoking have been gifts
    for personal consumption. The law in question doesn't address posession,
    simply purchase and/or importing. Since non-US citizens can bring them
    in as they see fit (delegates for personal use or as gifts, etc.) and
    people on approved trips to Cuba (via the State Dept.) can bring back up
    to $100 in Cuban items simply posession within the US isn't necessarily
    a crime. It would depend on how they were obtained.

    As such, those gifted "pleasures" have been very rare in my experience.
    I suspect that guy's problem was that he was acting in the roll of a
    commercial importer. The quantity and the fact he imported them for
    profit were bound to increase the odds of him getting caught and, once
    caught, prosecuted.

    "Project Wing-O-Dor" was an 84 GL1200 project that I documented years
    ago on one of my first web sites. I resurrected the page because it was
    so fun and unique. It's undergone a facelift to match the rest of the
    new site, but the content remains as it was back then; a little
    flippant, a lot of fun.
    Bownse, Jun 10, 2004
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