Nidge says...[QUOTE] I don't s'ppose there's anything about the overbanding (like how wide it is or where its been placed) which would give a basis of a claim for negligence? ............. If other aspects of the highway are crap *and* the responsible authority either do nowt in a reasonable time frame to make it good, or like in this case, are the *cause* of the problem (and if not them then someone else who should have known) then they're liable.[/QUOTE] How about the council claim off Antonye for damaging the road with his broken bike bits. After all, it was him negligently braking on the overbanding that was applied to repair the road that caused this accident. It was an avoidable crash. He braked in the wrong place because his observation wasn't up to scratch at the time and he didn't avoid the overbanding. Sorry Ant, but that's the way I see it. Shit happens and we pay the price.