Bounce, Bounce, Crunch, Tinkle.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by antonye, Aug 30, 2004.

  1. antonye

    Lozzo Guest

    Nidge says...
    How about the council claim off Antonye for damaging the road with his
    broken bike bits. After all, it was him negligently braking on the
    overbanding that was applied to repair the road that caused this

    It was an avoidable crash. He braked in the wrong place because his
    observation wasn't up to scratch at the time and he didn't avoid the
    overbanding. Sorry Ant, but that's the way I see it.

    Shit happens and we pay the price.
    Lozzo, Aug 31, 2004
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  2. antonye

    Ben Guest

    Chap who's going to be my best man successfully took Stratford County
    Council to court over a badly fitted catseye that caused his GSXR750
    to tank slap and throw him off. It sat a couple of inches proud of
    the road rather than properly inset. Won the cost of his bike and
    Ben, Aug 31, 2004
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  3. antonye

    Lozzo Guest

    Ben says...
    Fair play if a repair is done badly. I damaged both wheels on my 2nd
    ZZR1100 in Scotland on a huge pothole that had obviously been there a
    while and hadn't been filled, I tried to claim but they wriggled out of
    it. Overbanding is very visible, and we all know that braking on it or
    crossing it when cranked over is not a very good idea.
    Lozzo, Aug 31, 2004
  4. antonye

    Veggie Dave Guest


    Turn it into a Monster

    Veggie Dave
    IQ 18 FILMS
    Extreme Racing
    Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
    Veggie Dave, Aug 31, 2004
  5. antonye

    Veggie Dave Guest


    Veggie Dave
    IQ 18 FILMS
    Extreme Racing
    Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
    Veggie Dave, Aug 31, 2004
  6. antonye

    Slider Guest

    Ouch ouch ouch, and double ouch.
    Yup. Unlucky. Now all you need is an RTA masking all the damage to the
    bike, and get some 3rd party to pay for it... ;-)
    Slider, Aug 31, 2004
  7. antonye

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Yeah, it's pretty handy that people give up biking when they get
    Ben Blaney, Aug 31, 2004
  8. antonye

    Ben Guest

    Yeah, my initial thought was just like you, he should have seen it.
    But then catseyes are such a normal thing, that you can normally get
    away with hitting that when you're doing an overtake you rarely give
    them a second thought.

    It wasn't easy him claiming, my Dad (a civil engineer who builds roads
    by profession) was roped in to help with proving the proper specs for
    it and it took 5 years in total. You'd think Stratford would be
    slightly more biker friendly.
    Ben, Aug 31, 2004
  9. antonye

    antonye Guest

    Spot on Loz, I agree with you completely. I was going to fast, hit
    the brakes too hard and would probably have got away with it if not
    for the overbanding. I'm big enough to admit my mistakes and pay
    for them too.
    antonye, Aug 31, 2004
  10. antonye

    Porl Guest

    Hang on a minute, aren't we already paying for the roads? Why is it
    acceptable for us to have to still deal with shitty overbanding, slippery
    inch thick road markings, manhole covers in the middle of bends, massive
    potholes, etc? Antony's admitted his error and good on him for that. It
    doesn't however release the councils from their responsiblity to maintain
    the roads. How many of the much-loved statistics on biker accidents are down
    to poor road surfaces?

    The opposite of litigation culture is simply the other side of a coin. And
    if a council was successfully sued for this type of negligence maybe a bit
    more of their backslapping, palm-greasing deals would go to sorting out
    shitty roads instead of plastering the place with cameras and cones.
    Porl, Aug 31, 2004
  11. antonye

    Porl Guest

    You're going to have to explain this one to me: You tried to claim for an
    accident that was similarly avoidable to the one antony described?
    Porl, Aug 31, 2004
  12. antonye

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, Aug 31, 2004
  13. antonye

    Porl Guest


    "Saw Matlock in a bar last night, the sound was down but I think I got the
    gist of it"
    Porl, Aug 31, 2004
  14. antonye

    dwb Guest

    IMO/E overbanding is a lot less visible than a stonking great pothole.
    dwb, Aug 31, 2004
  15. antonye

    antonye Guest

    I had to read it a couple of times but I got it in the end!
    antonye, Aug 31, 2004
  16. antonye

    Zymurgy Guest

    Ow. Commiserations.

    I should have given it a try in France shouldn't I before you broked it :-( !


    Zymurgy, Aug 31, 2004
  17. antonye

    Lozzo Guest

    dwb says...
    Try finding a water-filled pothole on a wet road. You'll see the
    overbanding nearby quite easily.

    If you can't see overbanding on a bend in the dry, might I suggest a
    trip to your opticians, that is if you can read this message.
    Lozzo, Aug 31, 2004
  18. antonye

    Lozzo Guest

    Porl says...
    No. The road was not repaired and the pothole wasn't visible because it
    was full of water. It was on a straight and I'd overtaken a car and come
    across to find a largeish puddle right in front of my bike. I rode
    through it, as you or anyone else would. I didn't even realise it was a
    pothoole, let alone how deep it was. Even if I'd seen it and realised
    what it was, if I'd tried to take avoiding action I'd have been
    mincemeat. Councils and their contractors[1] have a duty to repair
    damaged roads within a set time. This one hadn't been repaired when I
    returned to take photos over 3 weeks later. I gave up trying to fight
    the fuckers after over a year of arguing with them. I try my hardest to
    avoid making any kind of manouver on overbanding, which is always highly
    visible and always very slippy.

    Fair play to Ant for admitting his mistake.

    [1] In this case the contractors were called 'Bear'
    Lozzo, Aug 31, 2004
  19. antonye

    antonye Guest

    antonye, Aug 31, 2004
  20. antonye

    ozmick Guest

    Bummer. But hey any spill you walk away from is a good spill.
    Thought *exactly* that a couple of weeks ago whilst tarmac surfing
    after the mille in the traditional sit position. Nice bright white
    expensive sparks after i'd lowsided the mille at the hairpin at

    To my surprise i found only a nice scratch on the belly pan, an
    indicator broken, and superficial scratches on the barend, can and
    brake lever.

    .... and two crash bungs ground down, one all the way to the bolt.

    R&G Crash bungs YKIMS.
    ozmick, Aug 31, 2004
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