BOSM thank yous

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lozzo, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    Firstly, to Mu and the staff at The Black Horse Inn for once again
    hosting another brilliant weekend. Those of you haven't been there
    really ought to join us and sample the wnderful selection of food that
    Mu and co put out for us.

    Secondly, to all those who attended. I'll let them say tell their own
    stories cos I was pretty out of it for most of the weekend.

    Thirdly, to DNC and Zymurgy for offering me lifts there and home as I
    wasn't feeling too good
    Lozzo, Apr 18, 2010
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  2. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    No need. Seeing people there is thanks enough.
    Because you could - that's all the reason you need.
    Lozzo, Apr 18, 2010
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  3. As always.
    That too.
    It was a handy excuse to use the bike?
    doetnietcomputeren, Apr 18, 2010
  4. Lozzo

    ogden Guest

    I managed well over 300 and I only went each way once!

    But then I don't live in the Midlands, etc.
    ogden, Apr 18, 2010
  5. Lozzo

    DR Guest

    Lozzo posted:
    I certainly can't accept any thanks for attending, it's entirely a
    pleasure on my part. Good to see everyone that made it.

    Loz, you're a hero mate - hope you get things sorted out ASAP.
    DR, Apr 18, 2010
  6. Lozzo

    Mups Guest

    It was great to see everybody again even though I couldn't stay the

    Steph and Jo apparently had a good time...

    Thanks Loz and everyone for getting it all organized
    Mups, Apr 18, 2010
  7. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    Mups wrote:

    Was good to see you at long bloody last. You will be making a return
    visit I hope.
    This had absolutely nothing to do with me, I swear... though I did
    offer ;-)
    Lozzo, Apr 18, 2010
  8. Lozzo

    Mups Guest

    Oh yes, now I have a working bike I plan to be out and about again.
    Mups, Apr 18, 2010
  9. Lozzo

    dozynsleepy Guest

    Champ wrote:
    All that money you saved on a psychiatrist must have gone on Kawasaki
    ZX10R objet d'art.
    dozynsleepy, Apr 18, 2010
  10. Lozzo

    dozynsleepy Guest

    Seconded. Hospitality is second to none. Not often you get a landlady
    offering an inflatable mattress to someone camping in their beer garden.

    Glad I took advantage of the dry sunny weather to go down on the Friday
    night. Gave me a chance to explore the area, some cracking roads to be

    Saturday, Scraggy kindly navigated to the Hope Valley [1], which is a
    really nice run from Hulland Ward. A stunning view whilst having a pint
    in the pub too. I think it was the Barrel Inn, Sir William Hill Road,
    Hope Valley S32 5.

    Back at the Black Horse the afternoon just slipped away with a few of
    the guest ales sampled whilst the sun shone and more ukrm denizens
    arrived. I believe I may have had a bit too much sun as I can only
    remember retiring to bed soon after the evening meal.

    [1] My chav nav is borked, guess I'll have to fork out for a proper
    hardened bike one now.
    dozynsleepy, Apr 18, 2010
  11. Lozzo

    Hog Guest

    You didn't stop in on your way back up. ****.
    Hog, Apr 18, 2010
  12. Lozzo

    TMack Guest

    A very enjoyable evening. Thanks for being this years DFV - and thanks for
    the CIHAGM on the Versys.
    TMack, Apr 18, 2010
  13. Lozzo

    dozynsleepy Guest

    Sorry, did consider it but saw big black clouds building up and decided
    to get home before the heavens opened up. Made it to Newcastle before it
    got me. Felt colder than on the Elefant even with the heated waistcoat
    and gloves powered up. Thankfully it started to clear up again by the
    time I got to Berwick and the sun was shining when I hit Edinburgh.

    Was a bit pissed off to get home and find the inner door locked. It only
    has one key and the key holder had fucked off to the Isle of Arran for
    the weekend. Definitely divorce material. Rounded the evening off by
    snagging the mirror on the garage door as I peddled backwards and
    snapped it off the stalk.

    Still, the bikes back on the road now so the next time there's a day of
    sunshine and warmth I'll pop down ;-).
    dozynsleepy, Apr 18, 2010
  14. Lozzo

    Hog Guest

    The mirror is on a spring mount FFS!
    Hog, Apr 18, 2010
  15. Lozzo

    Salad Dodger Guest

    Just over 400 for me, I believe.

    Got all me landmarks, too.

    Odd thing on the way home: coming down the A38, in roadworks,
    following an old Volvo.

    If I sat behind the nearside wheel, I could see the near side of the
    car, and the back of the front wheel; when I swapped over to the
    offside, I could see nothing.

    It all looked a bit skew, iyswim.

    Occasional twitchy movements on the steering seemed necessary, too.

    Luckily, the 50mph avge speed nonsense soon ended, and I got well away
    from the scene of the inevitable accident.

    Oh, I must also confess to a bit of ytcishness on the M6 toll.

    Saw the sign, telling me the toll plaza was in 5 miles, so I thought
    I'd get off a the junction before, and avoid paying.

    Wrong. £1.50. I also had to summon assistance, as the barrier came
    back down before I'd put my wallet away.

    Left the toll barriers, and the sodding road was closed due to an
    accident, so I had to rejoin the M6(Toll), and pay another £2.50 to
    get off after all.
    Salad Dodger, Apr 18, 2010
  16. Lozzo

    RichardA Guest

    AOL. Thanks for organising it all.


    BOTAFOT #138, YTC#18, OMF#12

    Email-remove insult to reply
    RichardA, Apr 19, 2010
  17. Lozzo

    DozynSleepy Guest

    Seems to work better at bending backwards as you connect with cars and
    vans as opposed to being bent forward as it catches on the edge of the door.

    It is the pod bit of the mirror snapped clean off at the join to the
    stalk. Should glue together nicely if I knew anything about glueing.
    DozynSleepy, Apr 19, 2010
  18. Lozzo

    zymurgy Guest

    Meh. Anytime mate, it was on my way ..

    zymurgy, Apr 22, 2010
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