Borrowed time . . .

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Darrell, Aug 18, 2003.

  1. Darrell

    Darrell Guest

    Just want to give a shout out to everyone, and remind all to please be
    careful out there. And always be right with God, your family, friends or
    whomever/whatever you need to be right with in your life before you ride.

    This is on my mind because one year ago tonight (8/17) I was hit from behind
    by an old man on I-35. He then ran over me as I lay in the highway and drug
    me approximately a quarter mile. It was a miracle I lived through the
    initial crash. Two days later I went into respiratory arrest and was placed
    on life support. While on the ventilator I developed two different strains
    of pneumonia. My family was told I would not make it through the weekend.

    Obviously I did make it, and am pretty much back to normal a year later.
    Words can't express how fortunate I am to be in as good a shape as I am.

    Sorry to post a bummer message - but we all need to remember while riding is
    passion to most of us, it is also serious business with serious consequences
    that can never be taken to lightly.

    Darrell, Aug 18, 2003
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  2. Darrell

    Charles Soto Guest

    Glad you're with us, Darrell!

    Keep the shiny side up! Watch out for idiots!

    Charles Soto, Aug 18, 2003
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  3. A wonderful story, Darrell, especially with the happy ending. Thank
    goodness for your recover, and thanks for sharing this with us.

    Albert Nurick

    '97 Honda Pacific Coast
    '93 Honda Helix
    '87 Honda Helix
    Albert Nurick, Aug 18, 2003
  4. Bill, I commented on Darrell's great story of recovery from an accident...
    you had to turn it into one of your endless political diatribes. Sheesh.

    Albert Nurick

    '97 Honda Pacific Coast
    '93 Honda Helix
    '87 Honda Helix
    Albert Nurick, Aug 18, 2003
  5. Darrell

    Bill Walker Guest

    That must be difficult for you and for Darrell.. I think I pointed out your
    two faced and hypocritical posturing.. Sheesh... I guess.. ROTFL

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Aug 18, 2003
  6. Darrell

    Darrell Guest

    By the use of your "quotes" you seem to doubt the validity of my post. I put
    some pictures of the bike and one of me on the respirator up on a yahoo pic
    page: navigate through MyPhotos to the
    RunOver folder. If you look closely at the pictures taken from the right
    side of the bike, you can see where the car bent the rim. Probably still
    won't convince you - oh well don't really care.
    Yes what happened to me happend for reasons of recreation and fun. The men
    who served our country in war (and peace) were engaged in a far more noble
    cause. I do not argue that point with you or anyone so it's really not
    necessary to wave the flag in my face.
    That's right Bill - I want to go on that ride with you so I can fulfill my
    good Republican duties and throw the old farts out myself! Geeesh - Why are
    you blaming all of this on the Republicans anyway? My father-in-law is
    retired Air Force, and I remember him talking about a class action suit to
    sue the Clinton administration for this very reason back in '98 or so. I
    remember him saying "They promised us free medical care for life, then go
    and close all the bases and hospitals so we can't access our free medical
    care" - is this what your upset about? If so this has been going on long
    before George W. was in office. Just for the record, it is possible to
    disagree with some of the policies of your party. I just happen to disagree
    with more of the Democratic policies then Republican.
    Uhhhhh - okay. Really don't know where that came from, but if that makes you
    feel better fine, I don't remember ever asking for compassion or a frat.
    This is too good. You call me a hypocrit then you use your (in?)famous sig
    (which you haven't signed in reply to one of my posts in a while;)
    Darrell, Aug 19, 2003
  7. Darrell

    Bill Walker Guest

    You don't get the point of my critism of you and Albert Nurick..
    Quite right.. your support of the very men who are betraying those heroes
    and veterans is the point of contention.. You cannot, in good conscience
    support that betrayal and claim any afinity with those men who depend on the
    VA for their survival.. No Way..
    Same old song and dance.. Darrell... I don't recall Clinton closing any of
    the VA hospitals.. Bases, yes.. Hospitals ..NO.. Clinton did it so why is it
    so wrong for Dubya... right.. NO... Bush is CLOSING hospitals.. He has cut
    back on the budget for so many, they are virtually closing clinics.. Your
    support of this administration is support of betrayal of our military and
    Yes.. you do know where that came from...
    make no mistake.. I am not your enemy.. Bush and DeLay are.. What is going
    on in our nation due to their policies is the danger to our democracy as it
    is designed.. Your enemy is an authoritarian corporate controlled
    government.. That is the legacy guaranteed by this administration..
    Bill Walker, Aug 19, 2003
  8. Darrell

    Darrell Guest

    Kenny - Thanks for the kind words, I was worried that some would think it a
    "bummer message" because no one likes to think about these things.
    Yes many are, I sincerely apologize if it came off as preaching. It was not
    meant to be.
    Once again Bill - you try, condemn and burn me at the stake for supporting
    our President. The intolerance you show for members of the opposing
    political party is mind boggling. I hope you never convert to the Republican
    side, you do us much more good spouting your BS over there.
    Darrell, Aug 19, 2003
  9. Darrell

    Beemer Biker Guest

    I think you have run on to something I recall, the more the
    republicans spouted off about the Monica crap the more people, including
    myself, stuck up for Clinton. While I was never a FOB I thought the whole
    affair was political bullshit and the republicans were going to lose votes
    from ordinary people for bringing up something so stupid. As if it compared
    to what Nixon did at watergate. I have alway considered myself a
    Republocrat (aka Democran), voting for the best person regardless of party.
    The last time I *ever* contributed money to a presidential condidate was
    George McGovern in 1972. I contribute to local politicans. Even though we
    are not in her district, we have supported Leticia Van De Putte (D-San
    Antonio) and my wife and kids have been out to her place for several fund
    Beemer Biker, Aug 19, 2003
  10. Darrell

    Bill Walker Guest

    Your support of "this president" is exactly what I mean.. I can't think of
    any person who has betrayed this country as much as he has in the short time
    he has been in office.. Your continued support for the corruption he
    represents is a direct betrayal of the patriotic interests you claim you
    admire.. I notice your glib "getaway" from the challenge..
    Bill Walker, Aug 19, 2003
  11. Darrell

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'd be careful there.. Your jumping back and forth here.. LMAO...
    Bill Walker, Aug 19, 2003
  12. Darrell

    Darrell Guest

    Well let me refresh your memory Bill -
    A quote I like from the above reference:
    "I believe that this is just the beginning of yet another drawdown by the
    Clinton Administration. You might even say it's just one more way the
    President can thumb his nose at the American fighting man and woman by
    taking another earned benefit away from us."

    Please note the date on the above page 12-15-99. You gonna blame Bush for

    Yes Clinton did it as well. I don't agree with it, but there is no denying
    that Clinton slashed VA budgets.

    Darrell, Aug 19, 2003
  13. Darrell

    Darrell Guest

    Just wanted to say thanks Charles, Larry and Albert.

    The story really wasn't meant to be wonderful or anything. It was just on my
    mind last night at the one year anniversary, and I thought I'd post
    something on topic for once instead of feuding with Bill. If you like the
    short version, you should hear the long one sometime ;)

    Darrell, Aug 19, 2003
  14. Darrell

    Bill Walker Guest

    Let's stay on "topic" Darrell.. you , Albert and Charles make a very good
    trio.. LMAO..
    Bill Walker, Aug 19, 2003
  15. Darrell

    Darrell Guest

    Pull those rose colored shades down tight Bill, be careful or reality might
    get in.

    Darrell, Aug 19, 2003
  16. Darrell

    !bungle Guest

    Bill Walker wrote:

    You are both

    It's spelled "HYPOCRITES".....

    and you're a textbook example of one.

    (aka "!bungle")
    '96 LS650
    (aka "Rhino")

    "Well, you may be a lover but you ain't no d-d-dancer"
    !bungle, Aug 19, 2003
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