Boris wins

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lozzo, May 2, 2008.

  1. Lozzo

    CT Guest

    They cause traffic congestion.

    London really does not have the roads for them; they require a huge
    amount of space to turn at junctions and some of the routes are down
    little more than narrow side streets.

    Paging SD & Timo! Tell this man the stories you told us on the ferry
    on Sunday afternoon relating to Cannon St. etc.
    CT, May 6, 2008
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  2. Lozzo

    darsy Guest

    darsy, May 6, 2008
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  3. Lozzo

    Hog Guest

    Hog, May 6, 2008
  4. Lozzo

    darsy Guest


    The "pay before you board" ones also confuse the living shit out of
    darsy, May 6, 2008
  5. It's just an observation that often, the people who make the biggest
    noise about not wasting your vote, making an carefully informed
    decision, making sure you do the right thing, etc., are at the front of
    the list of detractors and nay-sayers when their choice doesn't win. If
    these people really had the benefit of their town/city/country/whatever
    at heart then perhaps they'd be better off supporting whoever did win
    instead of expending energy saying "he's a fuckwit, it's all going to
    go to shit.", in which case it probably will.
    Don't worry about that bit. I think it was supposed to humourous but
    was lost in translation between my tiny mind and the keyboard.
    Slower Than You, May 6, 2008
  6. Lozzo

    TD Guest

    Following on from other answers:
    We had enough buses before, and they were fine. I have personally
    contributed to buying these new ones for no good reason other than Ken
    probably got a fucking massive backhander.

    People don't pay fares on them. Hence, I, rather than they, are
    personally contributing to their upkeep.
    TD, May 6, 2008
  7. Lozzo

    TD Guest

    I don't think so, given the recent revelations about corruption with
    him and the GLA. Hopefully things will get investigated more fully.
    TD, May 6, 2008
  8. Lozzo

    Hog Guest

    He did say "probably"

    What exactly was wrong with double deckers anyway?
    Why can't we have them on the rails as per Netherlands too.
    Hog, May 6, 2008
  9. It's not the "regretting" I was getting at it was the "whinging", for
    want of a better term. I've observed quite a few people, IRL, banging
    on about what a useless twonk he's going to be and how we're all doomed
    (I don't know where all the people who actually voted for him have
    gone...) It's something of a self-fulfilling prophecy - as if these
    people are willing him to screw up so they can claim the glory of
    saying "look, I said that would happen".

    It's just a facet of human nature than confuses me a little, is all.
    Slower Than You, May 6, 2008
  10. Lozzo

    Ace Guest

    Good man.
    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace ( at
    \`\ | /`/
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10
    Ace, May 6, 2008
  11. Lozzo

    Hog Guest

    You want to tell people what views they may or may not express? why not
    just do away with the whole sodding business.
    Hog, May 6, 2008
  12. Just because someone has different ideas to you doesn't make them
    foolish y'know.

    Phil Launchbury, May 6, 2008
  13. Lozzo

    simonk Guest

    You have to pay? I'd always assumed they were free
    simonk, May 6, 2008
  14. Lozzo

    darsy Guest

    of course they're free if you know how the system works.

    But every time I see one stop around here, a bunch of obvious tourists
    get on and try and get the driver to take money.
    darsy, May 6, 2008
  15. Lozzo

    Beav Guest

    Blackpool too, they just have/had a different name.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, May 6, 2008
  16. Lozzo

    Hog Guest

    No I mean double decker trains, like what you get from Schipol
    Hog, May 6, 2008
  17. Lozzo

    M J Carley Guest

    M J Carley, May 6, 2008
  18. Lozzo

    Hog Guest


    Alastair Darling recently visited the Netherlands where he was shown the
    Dutch rail network's double-decker trains. Apparently, this is now being
    considered on busy commuter lines in the South-East - the cost of raising
    bridges being lower than the cost of building new rail lines to cope with
    massively expanding demand.

    Alan Scab, London, England
    Hog, May 6, 2008
  19. Didn't it hurt?
    GS850x2 XS650 SE6a

    "It's a moron working with power tools.
    How much more suspenseful can you get?"
    - House
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 6, 2008
  20. It wasn't an oblique reference to you or, directly, to anyone else. I
    wasn't trying to have a dig, in other words. Sorry if it came across
    like that.

    I do think it's interesting and rather strange that you "have no real
    wish for the Tory party to succeed in anything they propose as policy"
    though. Seems a little bit spiteful, does that. Surely if you don't
    like the man in charge then you should be putting extra effort into
    trying to ensure that he *doesn't* screw up, unless the wellbeing of
    your chosen political affiliation is more important than the wellbeing
    of the (in this case...) city of London.
    Slower Than You, May 6, 2008
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