Bloody helll...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Simon Atkinson, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. Simon Atkinson wrote
    Look forward to the joyous way she tells you that she has discovered the
    freedom to come and go as she pleases.

    Good one that is.

    Still later follows the partial understanding of what dad has been on
    about all these years. At which point you are likely to take her by the
    neck and demand his name and present whereabouts.

    Not long after this she will actually become closer to you and less
    negative in her ways as she realises that an indicator lens and brake
    lever costs twice as much as she spends on her mobile in a month.

    Personably I think mine took it a bit far when we were on a little ride
    out when she told this bunch of modern lads that her dad says, "scooters
    were for poofs and that is him on that bike there." Hey Ho, even a
    shagged out gutless ole 500 has it's moments.

    The joys that await you are many and various.

    Don't alter the fact that it will continue to be a worry though.
    steve auvache, Sep 16, 2003
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  2. Simon Atkinson

    Muck Guest

    Sigh, to feel that proud of doing 10 miles again. I'd have to get a Harley.
    Muck, Sep 16, 2003
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  3. steve auvache said:
    LOL... I may have that joy tomorrow eveing - she wants to go to the Star
    & Garter in Chelveston with me for a ride out and a coke. Bless her.
    Cheers old-timer.
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 16, 2003
  4. Bear said:
    Ah... There's the bloody rub. I don't. I'd live in poverty as she
    would keep the bloody house and hammer me for child support and
    maintenance. I'd be better off on the dole prolly.
    And this weeks winner of 'Understatement of the year is...'

    What were you saying about being unduly diplomatic? Not fecking happy?
    I make Frag look like the laughing policeman at the moment.
    Mmmm... Somewhere else... Mmmmm...
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 16, 2003
  5. Simon Atkinson

    Onejob Guest

    Because the guy who sold it to her has got her up the duff?
    Onejob, Sep 16, 2003
  6. Onejob said:
    That's one thing that I know wont happen - Local garage and the owner is
    60 and a friend of mine - one that is beyond reproach!
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 16, 2003
  7. I'd be a bit worried if any of my non-existent offspring were farting
    around the streets on mopeds.

    Fucking dangerously underpowered shitheaps, with nothing in reserve to
    get out of trouble with.

    Can she not get a 125?



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Sep 17, 2003
  8. Simon Atkinson

    Muck Guest

    Teaches you a heck of a lot about how the roads work, plus about stuff
    like rain and ice. Rather like a big no effort pedal cycle. :)
    Almost as bad..
    Muck, Sep 17, 2003
  9. Grimly Curmudgeon said:
    As long as you use and treat them like an assisted push-bike and not
    like a motorbike, they aren't so bad. I hope.
    Not at 16 no.
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 17, 2003
  10. Simon Atkinson

    darsy Guest

    she's hardly going to come home one day and proudly show off her
    clitoral-hood ring, is she?
    darsy, Sep 17, 2003
  11. Simon Atkinson

    Badger Guest

    Well done that girl!
    Same reason that I am for mine, perhaps, that we remember the scrapes
    we had at that age? Now's a new chance for some bonding - father and
    daughter going out for a ride together. Hopefully you can pass on
    some "good practice" that way, or at least that's what I keep trying
    to convince myself.
    Badger, Sep 17, 2003
  12. Simon Atkinson

    sweller Guest

    But the following van will snap her spine.
    sweller, Sep 17, 2003
  13. Simon Atkinson

    Lozzo Guest

    darsy fascinated us all by saying...
    Barbells look far smarter.

    ZZR1100D, GPZ500S, CB250RS
    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Sep 17, 2003
  14. Simon Atkinson

    Ben Guest

    I know a girl who did...

    ....whilst stood on a table in the pub she worked in.
    Ben, Sep 17, 2003
  15. Simon Atkinson

    PeterT Guest

    That's Baby Bells, and I sure don't hope to find those down there.
    PeterT, Sep 17, 2003
  16. Simon Atkinson

    darsy Guest

    classy, those brummie chicks.
    darsy, Sep 17, 2003
  17. darsy said:
    True - perhaps I should throw a magnet at her lap?
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 17, 2003
  18. sweller said:
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 17, 2003
  19. Simon Atkinson

    darsy Guest

    is titanium magnetic?
    darsy, Sep 17, 2003
  20. darsy said:
    Only one way to find out I suppose...
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 17, 2003
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