Well, I was going to post a big rant about sodding electrics. But now I'm feeling cleverer. The 'city light' in my headlight had gone pop, probably a death from my rectifier failure, it certainly was a nice black colour inside the glass. I wobbled my way to halfrauds to get a displacement. They matched me up sort of with a bulb, which after I fiddled with it I discovered doesn't have the bayonet fittings 180 degrees from each other, it's jammed itself in the socket, but it lights up so 'ho hum'. It's not a bulb I use, but I imagine it has to be there and functioning for an MOT. After wedging the front end back together I wiggled a few switches and found I had a single non working indicator. "fucking fucketty fuck" thinks I, and rides home aggressively (yay fun) without any signaling. I wedged a multimeter in the terminals for the indicator and got a non infinite resistance, shoved the meter into the loom and pressed the flashy button to see the voltage wobble about. A bit of WD40 in each side of the connector a firm wiggle and I have lights all over the place, so I'm ready for christmas as well as an MOT. Woohoo, I think it just needs booking in now. If I can't get a slot before the mot runs out, I don't need to SORN do I? That's only for tax(which is has), I just have to drag it off the public highway until the MOT test is passed, right?