blimmin bike dealers

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Vass, Apr 21, 2006.

  1. Vass

    Vass Guest

    Dealer swaps the Yoshi for an Akraprovik because the Yoshi had the wrong
    link pipe
    now the Akra arrives and the link pipe doesn't have a clamp to the down
    pipe, instead
    there is a loop, similar to the 2 at the other end for the springs.
    my guess is, this came from a full exhaust system, so I'm still f**ked as
    far as
    usiny my bike this weekend
    Unless someone knows a work around?
    (no angle grinder comments please)
    Vass, Apr 21, 2006
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  2. Vass

    antonye Guest

    A clamp won't work unless the ends are cut, so you can either pop
    to your local friendly welder and get a couple of loops welded onto
    your system and a couple of matching springs, or sit at home and
    watch the telly.
    antonye, Apr 21, 2006
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  3. Vass

    Krusty Guest

    Cut 4 slots in the end of the pipe where it slides over t'other bit,
    then clamp on with a plated exhaust 'U' bolt from Halfords? Five
    minutes with a hacksaw & a couple of quid should cover it.

    Off-road classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '03 Tiger (FOYRNB) '96 Tiger '79 Fantic 250
    Krusty, Apr 21, 2006
  4. Vass

    Vass Guest

    thats that I was thinking,
    I've just bought some 60mm Stainless clamps,
    So unless anyone tells me I'm ruining the Akroprovik Titanium link pipe
    (will a hacksaw cut it?)
    thats what I'll do.
    Vass, Apr 21, 2006
  5. Vass

    Vass Guest

    How about this?

    I put a clamp around the downpipe, trapping a hook under it
    and use a spring to connect the link pipe
    this way, I don't wreck the link pipe
    Vass, Apr 21, 2006
  6. Vass

    Krusty Guest

    Might work, as long as the fit between the pipes is tight enough.

    Off-road classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '03 Tiger (FOYRNB) '96 Tiger '79 Fantic 250
    Krusty, Apr 21, 2006
  7. Vass

    Vass Guest

    No worries Nidge thanks
    I have a new original from eBay £ 41 but just didn't want to take off the
    plastic wrapper
    Many thanks for the offer though, much appreicated
    Vass, Apr 21, 2006
  8. Vass

    Beav Guest

    An angle grinder with a 1mm cutting disc will. In seconds and as neatly as
    you could wish for. See? Angle grinder comments CAN be useful.

    VN 750
    Zed Thou

    mail is beavis dot original at ntlworld dot com (with the obvious changes)
    Beav, Apr 21, 2006
  9. In, Vass belched forth and ejected the following:
    Where do you live?

    I have a standard titanium one you can borrow as I'll be fitting the
    Devil pipe to mine this weekend hopefully.
    Whinging Courier, Apr 21, 2006
  10. Vass

    Vass Guest

    It seems all Akropoviks have this fitment, use of a third spring, fitted to
    god knows where.
    Its bolted on and looks sweet, just need to work out this third spring
    Thanks for offer WC, I have an original, see prev post.
    Thanks again
    Anyone have an Akropovik fitted using standard down pipes that can help?
    Vass, Apr 21, 2006
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