
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ben, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest

    No probs. It'd have to be Saturday for me though, as I'm mountain
    biking on Sunday. And the weather looks best on Saturday as well.
    It's looks just like yours but without the scratches :)
    Oh good. The plastics will probably only need filling and painting
    and that bracket can probably be done by a good welder. The biggest
    problem will probably be the top fairing crack. It might be able to
    be plastic welded but I never took the time to find out.
    And turn the GSXR into a trackbike?
    Ben, Jan 6, 2004
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  2. Ben

    deadmail Guest

    Isn't it just. Just gone out to tax my car, it almost felt like spring.

    Fortunately I'm sat down now. 165 fucking quid. Jesus, that's more
    than the cunting thing costs to insure. Add in the MOT and it's going
    to cost me 300 quid a year before I drive it anywhere.

    Christ what do they think I am, made of money? Utter, utter bastards. I
    told the young man in the Post Office exactly what I thought.
    deadmail, Jan 6, 2004
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  3. Ben

    Steve P Guest

    I'll bear that in mind when grovelling then!
    I'll bring my Stanley then shall I ? :)
    My dad has someone lined up who can do that if BM can't!
    I wish! I'm already getting stick about having 2 bikes and a company car
    :). Nah I'm thinking of seeing what Streetbike or elsewhere would offer
    me in Part Ex. In fact I'm tempted to do that now before I pay out to
    have loads fixed up.

    In the end though, I'll probably end up keeping it for a bit longer. Not
    really much of a downer IMHO since it's still a top bike IMHO!
    Steve P, Jan 6, 2004
  4. Ben

    CT Guest

    [snip Road Tax]

    It's not his fault is it? Don't shoot the messenger.
    CT, Jan 6, 2004
  5. Ben

    deadmail Guest

    That's like saying it's not the Postman's fault for bringing the bills.
    Doesn't stop me setting the dog on him. Fucker.
    deadmail, Jan 6, 2004
  6. Ben

    CT Guest

    Poor ickle Postie. I can picture him now, wandering through
    the village, whistling a happy tune, and wishing a cheery
    'good morning' to one and all.

    Then, as he approaches 'Dun-burning', he stops and hesitates.
    He reaches into his bag for the mail and chucks it all in the
    vague direction of the front door. Suddenly, he legs it, the
    sound of a vicious beast[1] trailing in his wake.

    [1] Could be you or the dog, I guess.
    CT, Jan 6, 2004
  7. Ben

    Jon Guest

    Ben says...
    Jebus. If at any point me, you, Daz and Steve go out together it will be like the
    freakin' Gixer club with all models represented... LOL
    Jon, Jan 6, 2004
  8. so that's the 600, 1000, 1000 and 750...
    You'll need someone else with the 400, though...
    William Grainger, Jan 6, 2004
  9. Ben

    darsy Guest

    well, not unless you could find someone with a GSXR400 and someone
    with a GSXR250...
    darsy, Jan 6, 2004
  10. Ben

    Champ Guest

    Time for some cocoa, gramps.
    Champ, Jan 6, 2004
  11. Ben

    deadmail Guest

    Make a change from Stella I suppose.
    deadmail, Jan 6, 2004
  12. Ben

    Ben Guest

    I'm sure it'll happen.
    Ben, Jan 6, 2004
  13. Ben

    Ben Guest

    And a 250 and an 1100.
    Ben, Jan 6, 2004
  14. Ben

    Lozzo Guest

    CT said...

    Nice one.
    Lozzo, Jan 6, 2004
  15. Ben

    MrMoosehead Guest

    Mutter grumble mutter grumble
    MrMoosehead, Jan 6, 2004
  16. Ben

    Ben Guest

    You day too will come, young Moose. Have patience and faith in your
    destiny to hold the Blade Of Fire.
    Ben, Jan 6, 2004
  17. Ben

    MrMoosehead Guest


    The swingometer has swung despairingly in the opposite direction.
    MrMoosehead, Jan 6, 2004
  18. Ben

    Ginge Guest

    Just tell the swingometer you're having one, than ask her where your
    bloody tea is.

    Ginge, Jan 7, 2004
  19. Ginge wrote
    Fucking kids. Don't know nuffin do you? He shouldn't have to fucking
    ask for his tea he should bleeding well expect it.
    steve auvache, Jan 7, 2004
  20. Ben

    Steve P Guest

    I'm on for Saturday if you still are, I presume all bets are off if it
    rains. You wouldn't want to get the new bike dirty would you :).

    My mate Emma might want to tag along though so there might be one
    'anti-gixer', unless I can persuade my old neighbour to lend her his
    1100 widow(er) maker :)

    Actually I say I'm on but if I can't get mine started then I'm not. A
    comedy time was had this morning with Claire having disconnected the
    Optimate over christmas to use the tumble dryer.

    I was greeted by the obligatory "chug chug bzzzzt" sound of a bike not
    starting. After a couple of abortive efforts pushing it up and down our
    road I resorted to 4 wheels :(. Still I'm hoping a day on the Optimate
    will undo the damage done by 3 weeks on the alarm!
    Steve P, Jan 7, 2004
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