Blackbird clutch update...just for Champ.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Salad Dodger, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. Salad Dodger

    Salad Dodger Guest

    I know you're on tenterhooks. :)

    Finally decided to have a look this afternoon.

    In between downpours, I removed the left fairing panel (7 Allen bolts,
    and four pushclips[1]), and undid the three 8mm bolts holding on the
    slave cylinder.

    Inside, it was *filthy*. How? The gasket was intact. Hmm.

    Anyway, I pulled out the pushrod, and clean it thoroughly, applied a
    thin layer of grease, and similarly cleaned the outside of the slave

    All now *seems* well.

    I think I'll order a seal for the slave piston just in case.

    Hopefully this week'll prove whether it's worked, or not.

    <crosses fingers>
    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C/exTS185C
    _/_____\_ ..61036../..13743.../..3157./.19406/.fecked.
    |_\_____/_| IMC#4 TPPFATUICG#7 YTC#4 DIAABTCOD#9 PM#5
    (>|_|_|<) BOTAFOT #70 two#11 Ignoramus #0001
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOF #09 IbW#0 & KotIbW# OSOS#07
    \ |^| / WG* BotTOS #6 GP#4 ANORAK#17 FTB#14
    \|^|/ 2003 RBR landmarks:99 points:2100 miles:8000
    Salad Dodger, Sep 28, 2003
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  2. Salad Dodger

    Platypus Guest

    Is there no end to this man's depravity?

    Platypus - Faster Than Champ
    VN800 Drifter, R80RT
    BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
    Platypus, Sep 28, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. Salad Dodger said:
    A bit of a leak, or is it positioned so that chain lube can get flung in
    Make sure you let us know...
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 28, 2003
  4. Salad Dodger

    Pip Guest

    The crocodile ate your footnote?
    Pip, Sep 28, 2003
  5. Salad Dodger

    Pip Guest

    ****. I know what you mean, but I've never tried to put a name to
    'em. Pushclips? Fairing clips?
    Pip, Sep 28, 2003
  6. Salad Dodger

    Zymurgy Guest

    Salad Dodger wrote
    My clutch went all creaky on the bird, felt to be snatchy through the
    lever (prolly through lack of use) so I told the man about it on the
    last service.

    He did some unknown jiggery pokery whilst it was entrusted in their
    care. I neither know nor care what they did.

    Lovely it is now ... !


    Zymurgy, Sep 29, 2003
  7. Ooh, are those the things that are missing on my fairing, causing that
    rubber on the indicator to perish?
    Power Grainger, Sep 29, 2003
  8. Salad Dodger

    Pip Guest

    I don't think so. Those fixings would be more likely to be bolts.
    ITYF that in Will's opinion, your bike is also missing several kg of
    Dexion ...
    Pip, Sep 29, 2003
  9. what, a load of pallet racking?
    Power Grainger, Sep 29, 2003
  10. Salad Dodger

    Pip Guest

    Pip, Sep 29, 2003
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