Bjays Bike Photos

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    I had to purchase my Honey a new computer (kidding), a Digital Cam. Next
    learn how to turn on the PC, learn how to go to upload the
    photos@Yahoo,then there was a lot more setting up, blah,blah blah. I've
    never seen so many options andstuff, webtv is so simple minded, ya know.
    ~Naw, I'm kidding. But it was a project that she had never attempted, I
    know very little about them Computers, heh-heh-
    Actually,the real task was to finally do it with my webby.
    By George, I think we've got it down pat.
    Here are photos of both my MotorBikes. The Magna and the Valkyrie.
    She wanted me in 'em, to send to some family members somewhere. or
    something. heh-heh-
    Some might wanna take a look, some might not, that's the way it
    BJayKana, Jul 27, 2006
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  2. BJayKana

    louie Guest

    Well Well Bjay, I didn't know you had a Valkyrie. That Red 2tone looks good.

    louie, Jul 27, 2006
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  3. BJayKana

    RL Guest

    Hey BJay, sharp looking motorcycles. Thanks for posting the pics. Now I'll
    be able to recognize you, when you ride out west. :)

    Sunny Williams
    sunny will at tx vets period org
    IRPK, ISRA #7123, Deerslayers
    Director/Webmaster for
    Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3
    "... if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place
    shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor

    ~Teddy Roosevelt
    RL, Jul 27, 2006
  4. BJayKana

    Mick Guest

    Here are photos of both my MotorBikes. <<

    I'm not a cruiser guy but I must say that Valk looks really nice! Maybe
    it's that East Texas backdrop. :) .

    And speaking of pictures, isn't it funny how no one ever looks like you
    expect. Don't know what I thought you would look like Bjay but for some
    reason I never pictured you with a beard. Maybe we should have a picture album on the net somewhere that everyone could post
    their pictures to. Then we'd have a face to connect to the 'net names.
    Mick McHam Houston, TX
    '01 ST1100 ABS, STOC# 1134
    '00 VFR800FI
    Mick, Jul 28, 2006
  5. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Sunny comments;
    ''Hey BJay, sharp looking motorcycles. Thanks for posting the pics. Now
    I'll be able to recognize you, when you ride out west. :)

    Heh-heh- Yeah, who said this little ole webby set, aint no good, shoot.
    That trip out west is in the making, sometime in october, afa-I-Know.
    Thanks Sunny gal, I know what you look like also, heh-heh- Folks never
    look like we expect, kinda interesting tho.

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Jul 28, 2006
  6. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Mick McHam comments:
    ~I'm not a cruiser guy but I must say that Valk looks really nice! Maybe
    it's that East Texas backdrop. :) .
    And speaking of _pictures_, isn't it funny how no one ever _looks like
    you_ expect. Don't know what I thought you would look like Bjay but for
    some reason I never pictured you with a beard. Maybe we should have a picture album__ on the net somewhere that everyone
    could post their pictures to. Then we'd have a face to connect to the
    'net names.
    Mick McHam         Houston, TX
    '01 ST1100 ABS, STOC# 1134
    '00 VFR800FI

    Thanks for looking, Mick. Yeah, I was saying to Sunny Gal, we have this
    mental picture of who we chat with on here, but 9 times out of 10, they
    will not look (in any way) like what we expected. Interesting.
    I have worn a beard for 25 years. My frind Big Tony back in those days,
    called me ''Willie'' cuz I wore a redBandana, and had a bit of a
    ponyTail, hehe. Back, then there weren't no such a thang' as ''doRags''.
    We called 'em bandanas and had to tie 'em on. hehe!! Willie is actually
    my Moto name around here.
    I was some what leary about postin' my image on this public forum. (some
    But My Gal, insisted, kinda.
    Yeah, now that I know how (chuckle), we auta consider the T.M. pics
    album. hmm?
    BJayKana, Jul 28, 2006
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