Birmingham's "Operation Netcast" - Big Brother?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by riccip, Dec 2, 2004.

  1. riccip

    Alex Ferrier Guest

    Nonsense, old bean. If you want to get personal I can quite
    understand you taking it to email.

    'sharp knives' dude. ;-)

    BMW R1150GS
    Windy's "little soldier"
    Alex Ferrier, Dec 4, 2004
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  2. riccip

    riccip Guest

    With respect if you are going to make an allegation like that you
    should be prepared to back it up. I've asked you to quote me
    before but you chose not to.
    It's possible to misinterpret comments based on stereotypes. No
    intention to offend and apologies if I have. I do occasionally
    spout twaddle but will always attempt to find references for my
    BS when asked. Obviously I'm no leftist but my opinions are only
    marginally right of center. Like you I detest fascism but can see
    the dangers of it's reemergence. I have black, white and yellow
    friends. Our home is a picture of multiculturalism on some days.
    I love my kids, my wife, my bikes. I love Europe but hate the EU.
    I'm not homophobic and very much enjoy the company of gay mates,
    although not in the biblical sense.
    350 officers took 1 full day of active police work to make 50
    arrests, a ratio of 7:1. Therefore each arrest took seven full
    days (56 man-hours) of active police work per officer.

    Each officer works a 40 hour week but spends only 16 hours (40%)
    of that time on active duty, the remainder being tied up with
    paperwork etc.
    So 56 man-hours of active duty "roughly equates" to 3.5 weeks
    paid work per officer per arrest.

    riccip, Dec 4, 2004
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  3. riccip

    riccip Guest

    That's correct. You can.
    Which may be a traffic light camera or a speed cam. Can't
    remember which. The B8 is a very minor but busy road used as a
    shortcut to the autobahn. Any similar road in England would be
    Gatso Alley.
    Never said they didn't exist over there. Just that Germany chose
    not to carpet the country with them like our authorities have.

    riccip, Dec 4, 2004
  4. riccip

    'Hog Guest

    FFS stop it you fool.

    'Hog, Dec 4, 2004
  5. According to the Editor of the Guardian interviewed on Sky News this
    morning, Blunket is only doing all this to make an honest woman of her.

    If that was a WOOOSH I couldn't see it either.
    Mick Whittingham, Dec 4, 2004
  6. riccip

    Tim Guest

    Now you appear to be talking to yourself. This may end-up being what
    happens if you end up in a lot of killfiles.
    So it wasn't you who posted this, "One can travel the length and breadth
    of Germany without spotting a speed camera."?

    Nice of you to ignore the 2 URLs I supplied that refer to cameras and
    other important facts for motorists. Also nice of you to deviate from
    your original point, which I presume means you have changed your mind.

    Just to help you maintain your myth that there are no autobahn cameras
    here's a quote for you;

    "On a stretch of Autobahn A3 between Cologne and Frankfurt, Germany,
    where speed cameras were deployed, total crashes dropped from about 300
    per year to fewer than 30. Injury crashes decreased by a factor of 20."
    taken from
    Tim, Dec 4, 2004
  7. riccip

    mb Guest


    "Chasing innocents"? How do you think they conduct an investigation? What
    do you think they could do to improve the course of an investigation?

    You think it better to arouse suspicions and encourage the police to
    make more enquiries into a dead end, than to just give them information
    which proves your innocence?
    mb, Dec 4, 2004
  8. riccip

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Isn't that policy now? All coppers in all places wear stab vests.
    The only explanation is that only police who are armed use that cafe.
    Because it's utter bullshit to suggest that all police officers in
    Birmingham are armed.

    All in all, your post is a bit flimsy, isn't it.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 4, 2004
  9. Wotcha.
    Stands a good chance.
    I've not seen openly armed police in any of the other Birmingham cafes
    that I use, and I tend to spend a fair bit of time in various eating
    places ;-)
    Indeed, and I never suggested that.
    It was just the 'shock value' that the officers were carrying guns
    Dare say it is.
    I just remarked that the police who use the place carry guns, something
    I'd never seen in this country before.
    ^..^ Lone Wolf, Dec 4, 2004
  10. riccip

    joe parkin Guest

    So can some people in this country, as evidenced by the number of fixed
    camera catches
    joe parkin, Dec 4, 2004
  11. riccip

    Ben Guest

    I can check, my brother's ex-girlfriend is a copper in Birmingham,
    works out of Steelhouse Lane[1].
    Last time I saw armed coppers openly patrolling in Birmingham was the
    G8 summit when Clinton came to town.

    [1] Cute blonde in Police uniform...
    Ben, Dec 4, 2004
  12. riccip

    PeterT Guest

    Well, can I then encourage you to take full advantage of this, next time
    you drive in Germany, and in particular on the A3.
    PeterT, Dec 5, 2004
  13. riccip

    'Hog Guest

    Would I *ever* apologise and backpedal like this

    'Hog, Dec 6, 2004
  14. riccip

    riccip Guest

    I don't recall apologising to you.

    riccip, Dec 6, 2004
  15. riccip

    riccip Guest

    LOL. Nobody *really* killfiles anyone in Usenet (with the
    possible exception of spammers). Have you never realised that?
    Of course it was because it's true.
    No m8. I have a life apart from this crud, just been away for the
    weekend. Oh yeah, your links. Two American sites written by
    people who have probably never even visited Europe. The first
    openly acknowledges that it relies heavily on two ancient
    guidebooks from 17 years ago when Boy George was at number one.

    Your second site, an addendum to a 1996 book for American
    students, unfortunately doesn't define where the author alleges
    these "certain stretches" of Autobahn might be. So one must
    assume he means those stretches some under-informed twat like you
    may have told him about. Tell you what. I'll be taking that route
    again before Xmas and will have another look. If there's a speed
    camera there I'll eat my own faeces.
    Allow me to enlighten you. Your link from Maryland USA refers to
    statistics gleaned from experimental use of speed cameras dating
    back to 1973, culminating in a report published 22 years ago -
    before the Falklands War. You see there you go again listening to
    the Yanks. No wonder you know bugger all about continental
    driving. Place your trust in people who actually know their stuff
    like me, or this bloke below:

    "In may 2001 I drove on the autobahn A3 from Cologne to Frankfurt
    A/Main where I raced an Impreze WRX which was tuned to about
    260hp. That car took part in the same event as I did. The A3 near
    Limburg am Lahn has some very nice turns and he was not able to
    keep pace [.....]"

    riccip, Dec 6, 2004
  16. riccip

    riccip Guest

    Turn off the computer and use a little grey matter.
    Absolutely yes. Police suspicions are already aroused so
    *anything* you say might further incriminate you. Say nothing
    without a solicitor present, then the minimum required to prove
    innocence. Don't learn this the hard way.

    riccip, Dec 6, 2004
  17. riccip

    Tim Guest

    Tim, Dec 6, 2004
  18. riccip

    riccip Guest

    Meow Mr Tim, you silly plonker.

    riccip, Dec 6, 2004
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