Bill, you're needed in Maine

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Andrew, Feb 10, 2005.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew Guest

    Andrew, Feb 10, 2005
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  2. Andrew

    Wakko Guest

    Quoted from article:

    "Wearing a helmet, first and foremost a safety issue, is an economic issue,
    too. Helmets can help prevent deaths and serious head and neck injuries.
    Meanwhile, most of the costs to treat riders who are in crashes are paid by
    employers, insurers and taxpayer-funded programs, such as Medicaid and

    You want economic issues? Required helmet use deters motorcycle use.
    Motorcycles will cost more. Road repair will cost more. Insurance will cost
    more. More pollution, longer traffic jams, more development to cater to more
    cars taking away more natural resources. Less parking places. Less gas
    available causing higher prices for everything causing higher inflation.

    "Helmets can help prevent deaths and serious head and neck injuries" is
    specious. The hospital beds of those who escape permanent brain injury in a
    crash will be replaced by those that would have died had they been
    helmetless only to survive with brain damage. The hospital costs of those
    who escape permanent brain injury in a crash will be paid by those that
    would have died had they been helmetless only to survive with brain damage.

    There are much better ways to ensure crash fatalities are reduced. And more
    cost effective. Training and driver awareness programs come to mind.
    Stricter licensing requirements, stiffer penalties for causing accidents.

    Say *NO* to safety nazis who think they should regulate your liberties.
    Wakko, Feb 10, 2005
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  3. Andrew

    Andrew Guest

    I don't think it's a blog. I think it is a real small town newspaper.
    Take it as commentary, cause it was hardly written as a news story (fair
    and impartial.)
    Andrew, Feb 10, 2005
  4. Andrew

    Brian Walker Guest

    This is funny!

    I'm going to remember this next time I see one of these many republican
    bastards out here with his girlfriend knocked up and using medicaid to pay
    for the medical services. I'm going to remember it next time I see/hear
    about someone who's stuffing their face with BBQ and suffers a heart
    condition and using their medical insurance to pay for treatment. I'm going
    to remember this next time I hear about an employee who gets hurt at work
    and wants their employer to pay for medical needs and time off.

    This *has* to be a republican that wrote that trash!
    Brian Walker, Feb 10, 2005
  5. Andrew

    ShadowHawk Guest

    Nope.. It's a democrat who's sponsoring the bill.....

    "Rep. Walter A. Wheeler Sr., D-Kittery, is sponsoring the bill, which is
    likely to draw objections from many motorcyclists and, therefore, from
    lawmakers who want to please those constituents."

    Rex S.
    ShadowHawk, Feb 11, 2005
  6. Andrew

    Dixon Ranch Guest

    Well, that was a Democrat that introduced the helmet bill.

    I have been on several Maine newspaper websites this morning. I have found
    several Demos speaking against and for the proposed helmet bill. No mention
    of any this time.

    Have not found anything about which party the present and former Governors
    belong to.

    Wasn't ex-Tex Gov. Richards (Demo) a strong mandatory helmet law supporter??
    Dixon Ranch, Feb 11, 2005
  7. Andrew

    Brian Walker Guest

    Wasn't it Bill Clements (Repub) who signed the helmet bill into law?

    Wasn't it George W. Bush (Repub) who it was said wouldn't sign the current
    law without insurance restrictions?

    I thought it was Ann Richards (Demo) who worked a deal with GM to keep the
    thousands of jobs in Arlington?
    Brian Walker, Feb 11, 2005
  8. Andrew

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nah, the article wasn't written by him. The article was written as a
    Brian Walker, Feb 11, 2005
  9. Andrew

    Andrew Guest

    Now you guys are dissin' one of my mom's pals!
    It doesn't look that bad in person. She's been over to my folks house
    before when I was there.
    Andrew, Feb 11, 2005
  10. Andrew

    Dixon Ranch Guest

    The helmet law that was passed by the Demo controlled legislature, he
    probadly did.
    And it wasn't Sputnik who decided to accept the helmet law with the
    insurance restrictions??
    And that is supposed to make up for her supporting the mandatory helmet
    Dixon Ranch, Feb 12, 2005
  11. Andrew

    Brian Walker Guest

    Passing the buck back to the legislature? Who signed it into law?
    Only with the caveats of the MSF course also being in place.

    You don't know what you're talking about and it shows.
    She didn't have anything to do with the helmet law. Which bill hit her desk
    to repeal the helmet law, and which she vetoed? Please tell us!
    Brian Walker, Feb 12, 2005
  12. Andrew

    Bownse Guest

    And wasn't it AR who vetoed the CHL law at least 2 times when it reached
    her desk?
    Bownse, Feb 12, 2005
  13. Andrew

    Bill Walker Guest

    She sure did.. Her objection to the CHL law was to keep nuts like you from
    carrying a gun around..
    Bill Walker, Feb 12, 2005
  14. It's been a while but I believe you are correct.
    If the CHL had been passed when it crossed her
    desk I wouldn't have been helping treat casualties
    after that lunatic shot up Luby's. I was working
    in DACH that day...
    Keith Schiffner
    History does not record anywhere at any time a
    religion that has any rational basis. Religion is
    a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up
    to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff,
    most people do have a religion and spend time and
    money on it and seem to derive considerable
    pleasure from fiddling with it.
    Robert Heinlein
    Keith Schiffner, Feb 13, 2005
  15. Actually, your timeline's a little bit off. Governor Richards didn't
    veto the handgun proposal until after the Waco incident in 1993. By
    the time she vetoed it, George Hennard and Luby's were already
    eighteen months in the past. (Unless there was an earlier veto in her
    first nine months of office that I'm forgetting - anyone have a firm
    date on a CHL veto before October of 1991)?

    That must have been rough, treating those victims. I remember being
    shocked and horrified by the whole thing, and I was 150 miles away in
    Arlington, not down in Killeen where it happened.

    Scott Gardner
    Scott Gardner, Feb 13, 2005
  16. Andrew

    Brian Walker Guest

    Don't concern yourself too much. Stevie Schiffner never knows what he's
    talking about. According to *his* timeline, he should've been in Iraq at
    that time...not treating wounded civilians in Killeen.

    That just proved he's lying on two with his military service,
    and two with regards to treating wounded civilians....not to mention lying
    about Ann Richards.
    Brian Walker, Feb 13, 2005

  17. Whoa whoa whoa...don't drag me into anything. First, I acknowledge
    that there may have been an earlier than the one from 1993 that I
    remembered. Second, we're talking about almost 15 years ago, so even
    if there was only one veto, he may just be forgetting when it was. It
    wouldn't change whether or not he was in Killeen at the time.

    Scott Gardner
    Scott Gardner, Feb 13, 2005
  18. Sheesh - piss-poor proofreading on my part. The second sentence above
    should say ...may have been an earlier veto than the one...

    Scott Gardner
    Scott Gardner, Feb 13, 2005
  19. Andrew

    Bownse Guest

    I don't have the time lines, but I think she got 2 chances and vetoed
    them both.

    Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, TX
    "The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter,
    taller, richer and remove the crabgrass from your lawn. The Republicans
    are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get
    elected and prove it." P.J. O'Rourke
    Bownse, Feb 13, 2005
  20. Andrew

    Bownse Guest

    I know there was one time where there was a push to put it on a
    non-binding referendum out for a public vote. She nixed that attempt in
    spite f being non-binding (IOW, let's just see what the public wants, we
    can still ignore it). She didn't want to have everyone else know that
    the majority of the public favored it while she blocked it at every step
    along the way. Then there was at least 1 flat out veto when the bill hit
    her desk. So either there were 2 vetoes and the veto of the referendum
    or 1 and 1. Doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things it still
    showed everyone her true colors.
    Bownse, Feb 13, 2005
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