Bill Walker is Glued to His Computer

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Calgary, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    <snipped entire content.. not from disrespect> Renamed the post also, in
    case no one noticed..

    Pay close attention Albert .. This anonymous Geezer Rider and Keith
    Schieffner remind me of a recent participant on tx.motorcycle newsgroup who
    was crying about Bill Walker "forging" an e-mail or something.. You learned
    something then, Albert and you came forward like a man with some integrity..
    If you recall.. I defended you when some of your so called friends would
    attack you for your efforts..Please do not disappoint me again, Albert..
    You've used up your "free pass" and I dread the possiblity that I may have
    to discipline you , in the future..

    As evidenced by their behavior and performance these two deserve all the
    humiliation they are about to receive..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, TX.
    Bill Walker, Jan 13, 2005
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  2. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    Immensely.. Thank you Albert..

    I guarantee you
    Judging from the daily increase and responses.. I really don't see how I
    could give all those posts my proper attention.. Matter of fact, Albert.. in
    an earlier post to I addressed this very issue..and then ..
    someone from Reeky was kind enough to cross my daily morning address to that
    illustrious group to Wasn't that nice ?

    Hard to believe you think that is winning.

    That "winning" term seems to be some sort of term used exclusively by the
    reeky few.. I don't believe I've claimed that I'm "winning" anything on or Reeky.. Again.. I suggest that the similarity of your
    teminology and performance is striking.. "Man up" Albert.. you are putting
    all of us "on"..
    "Perceived".. ROTFL.. Albert .. I've repeatedly tol the reeky group that I
    wasn't there to "win friends and influence people".. How could anyone
    misperceive that comment.. as many times as I've made it over there. And
    especially to this little celluloid warrior who you are addressing in this
    post..<again .. snipped some meaningless rambling by Albert.. really nothing of
    I appreciate all that sympathy Albert.. Really I do.. Recall though, Albert
    ... I neither solicited or asked for sympathy from you or anyone on or reeky newsgroups..but it's nice to know that you care ..
    Bill Walker, Jan 13, 2005
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  3. Calgary

    Louie Guest

    Walker, do you own Albert's shit also. I lost my list, could u give me a
    quick rundown and who and how much shit you now own. If you want some
    more shit...just holler...pard

    Louie, Jan 13, 2005
  4. Hell the only thing ol' bill humiliated is brian the first
    time bill posted.

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 13, 2005
  5. Calgary

    Stephen! Guest

    Hey Keith, you've got a swim fan...
    Stephen!, Jan 13, 2005
  6. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nah, call him Steve!!!

    How's that Barb doing? Still with you?

    You can quote me on that, if you'd like! <evil grin>
    Brian Walker, Jan 13, 2005
  7. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's okay, because you might have the Canadians bluffed about your service
    (or should I say lack of), but we know better.

    Don't we Steve?
    Brian Walker, Jan 13, 2005
  8. "Stephen!"

    Were you showing pictures of me to the island girls again?
    Damnit man I'm married you just let them know that...maybe
    they'll quit sending me all these damn naked pictures of
    themselves along with the First Class plane tickets.
    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 13, 2005
  9. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Jan 13, 2005
  10. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. whee hooo.. Get 'em "one liner" Your "sharp stick" is broke..
    'Sides.. I already told you to STFU a long time ago.. do it.. "friend"..
    Bill Walker, Jan 13, 2005
  11. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    You are running out of "gas" real quick "pard".. Why don't you ask that ol'
    Barhide for the list.. She likes you, I don't .. Quit tryin' to steal all my
    little "sayins".. damn.. it's fun for all the wannabes to be tryin' so hard
    to imitate a feller.. ROTFL.. They say imitation is the ultimate flattery..
    hmmm.. I'm sure being flattered a lot, here lately.. Thanks, again..
    Bill Walker, Jan 13, 2005
  12. Calgary

    Stephen! Guest

    Nahhh... I was refering to the Wanker's obsession with trying to get you
    to read their garbage...
    Stephen!, Jan 14, 2005
  13. "Stephen!"
    Worse, I think those sick Cage Monkeys are trying to get me
    to look at their little weiners...

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 14, 2005
  14. Calgary

    Calgary Guest

    Didn't someone already post that picture?

    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 14, 2005
  15. "Calgary"

    Did they? WOW! Must have been too small to see then...teeny
    weenies, itsy bitsy teeny weenies that just happen to be
    attached to really big pricks.

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 14, 2005
  16. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's okay Stephen.

    I'm supposed to be too stupid to know about Stevie and his world famous
    Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  17. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO... yeah.. that was John Moran aka Another Viewer.. He likes to share
    the disgusting gay porn shit with all his reeky buddies.. Ya'll sure seem to
    enjoy that kind of stuff on reeky.. Didn't go over real well on though .. He started posting that trash on a group with
    some real people and it kinda went sour on him...LOL...

    Then .. you might be referring to all those imposed over pictures he's been
    posting, showing all the rock stars he's friends with. ? AV .. aka John
    Moran started posting that fake shit when he was trying to explain that him
    being famous was why he concealed his identity and posted under an alias..
    hmmm.. The allusion was that he was protecting his privacy from all those
    fans, if they discovered who he really was.. Are those the ones ?

    I don't know.. I think it was during this time I lost a hard drive, clicking
    on John Morans' links.. Whole bunch of folks on complained
    about viruses hitting their computers.. Since then, I don't click on
    anything connected with John Moran..

    Some of the more literate computer users do follow links that AV posts
    because they are more computer literate.. They describe what the fool is
    doing .. Those super imposed pictures are as fake as John Moran.. aka
    Another Viewer.. I've owned that fat little faker, since then..

    One by one.. Now .. Bill Walker OWNS "Calgary" aka Don Binns.. LOL
    trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  18. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    One poster on and several of the real people on reeky have
    noticed that all but just a couple of posts every day, is in response to you
    little posers.. There's also been quite a few that have questioned all that
    LD riding you've been crowing about on that island rock.. You are quickly
    getting yourself into that little exclusive stable of phonies that Bill
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  19. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    Personally, I believe that anyone who will sit in traffic as much as that
    dude does on a motorcycle isn't anything of a biker I'd want to make contact
    with....much less recommend someone to learn from.
    Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  20. Calgary

    Stephen! Guest

    Wanna borrow one of the stereo microscopes I use at work? It's only got a
    40x zoom but it should give you some idea of the general shape...
    Stephen!, Jan 15, 2005
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