Bill Walker is Glued to His Computer

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Calgary, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    Funny, but I thought we got on the military record thing because Keith began
    screaming about other's military records. Now he's "patriotic" and appalled
    that his record is brought up?
    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
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  2. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm tellin' ya! It's like watching Shamu thinking he's got those trainers
    right where he wants them.
    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
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  3. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    So now you're signing your posting as Johnny Moron?

    I wished you'd make up your mind of who you want to be....or is this a
    gradual transition for you?
    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  4. Calgary

    Cam Penner Guest

    Sure looks like he's got you hooked though. Plonk him and
    leave him. Life's too short.
    Cam Penner, Jan 12, 2005
  5. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest


    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  6. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    Not even close! I'm laughing my ass off at you and your silly shit.
    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  7. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    I wouldn't be too sure about all this....You see, Stevie, I can find you
    just as easy. You didn't tell me you moved to Montana.

    Keep that in mind before you rattle off these threats.
    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  8. Calgary

    eric Guest

    Billy Walker, Texas Stranger, doesn't have a son named Brian. It's just
    ole' Billy making another account to make it appear that he has family
    and supporters. You would have had to been with a woman to have had a
    son and it's a given that Billy never has, let alone been in the
    service and been banned by three VA hospitals by Rumsfeld himself! To
    quote the Bugs (someone that Billy might understand) "What a ma-roon!".
    Also Billy, you still haven't named the three VA facilities you've been
    banned from visiting wounded soldiers in so I can check it out.
    eric, Jan 12, 2005
  9. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well.. now let's see.. you can't understand much of what you read.. You
    obviously miss posts where I've named several VA hospitals that I've visited
    on a regular basis.. But, since you think that you are another "check 'em
    out wizard.. Try.. Waco (before Rumsfeld shut 'er down) Try Ft.Worth..
    Dallas ... Long Beach and Tucson.. That oughtta keep you occupied for a
    start.. Texas DemVets was organized to help a lot of the veterans get full
    advantage of their benefits through Veteran Administration .. I am one of
    the charter members of that organization..

    I'd sure be careful about playing your little "juvenile usenet games about
    veterans" sport.. That could really get sticky..Everyone in Texas has been
    aware that Bill Walker has been active in that interest for years.. There's
    a lot of us "old hands", ridin' motorcycles .. that have been there and done

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  10. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    Damn! You cut out all the good stuff I wanted Keith to read!

    You're just useless! Would someone PLEASE find a person who can quote an
    entire message that I want Keith to read...and can do that on a regular
    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  11. Calgary

    dcg Guest

    *SIGH* -> generic catch-all comment on the above drawn out and
    continued dribble...
    Must be too cold to ride in DFW or sumpthin'.
    dcg, Jan 12, 2005
  12. Calgary

    John Shirley Guest

    Sometime before 11 Jan 2005, Calgary stated:

    Who's bill walker?


    Or, "God, I love killfiles."
    John Shirley, Jan 12, 2005
  13. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    Too bad you haven't learned how to use one.. huh ... sport ??
    Bill Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  14. Don Binns, I agree with Wakko, that
    article you wrote was some ''purty''
    typing. I guess, I'll have to admit I'm embarrased. Well sir, I have
    been glued to my WTV, viewing all this stuff, on my 25'' screen. I have
    let my yard go. It needs raking and mulching =leaves=. I havent cooked
    for the wife, I need to vacumn. Lawdy, This has been really interesting,
    what?, about 5 or 6 days now, ain't it? =you say you can come in here
    for 30 minutes and do a lotta of damgae to the Walker. = shucks, that's
    hard to believe.
    You have posted responses about as often as anyone. (it seems?)
    ==I hear you're snowed in, does that mean you arent able to go to your
    job?== just wondered! ====but, Don, I rode a couple times thisweek,
    changed the oil in one of my bikes,..sooooo, I'm OKAY.

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 12, 2005
  15. <>~<>Sometime before 11 Jan 2005, Calgary stated:
    Another day passes and Bill Walker is still glued to his computer.
    Who's bill walker?
    Or, "God, I love killfiles."
    John Shirley
    John Shirley, you don't know how much we needed that good laff, you just
    provided. You have gotta be the only one of these nuts in here, that
    actually uses a ''KillFile'' John, they all ''just brag'' about using
    them, or threaten to use thier KF's, and you slip in here and already
    new who to kill out......good show, oh man.

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 12, 2005
  16. "Albert Nurick"

    I am POSITIVE he can't prove a thing without forging said
    "PROOF" which would in it's self would be a federal crime.
    Now that would be funny to see him try to weasel out of.
    Granted both walkers and their sock puppets couldn't weasel
    their way out of a wet paper bag.

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 12, 2005
  17. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    For clarification, a company you worked for was awarded patents...not you.
    That company is long since out of business.
    I dunno, Stevie seemed so sure that I couldn't find him.

    And I notice no one is quoting my postings where they can be read.
    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  18. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nah, I don't weasel....but I've got quite a bit on you. I believe the
    wording was "couldn't find me if I drew you a map"?

    Don't think having an unlisted number and using a middle name slowed me down
    in finding the information on you.
    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  19. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    <>~<>Sometime before 11 Jan 2005, Calgary stated:
    Another day passes and Bill Walker is still glued to his computer.
    Who's bill walker?
    Or, "God, I love killfiles."
    John Shirley
    John Shirley, you don't know how much we needed that good laff, you just
    provided. You have gotta be the only one of these nuts in here, that
    actually uses a ''KillFile'' John, they all ''just brag'' about using
    them, or threaten to use thier KF's, and you slip in here and already
    new who to kill out......good show, oh man.


    I told you eventually Nurick+Ass would figure a way to have everyone's
    killfiles synchronized before subscribing to

    He's been saying he invented the computer.....
    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  20. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    I've just returned from one of my visits to the Reeky group.. In spiete of
    all my efforts to afford you some wisdom.. you continue to aspire to be the
    brunt of jokes on usenet newsgroups.. As I departed the discussion in
    disgust. two of the regular reeky contributors were advising you to "man
    up" .. for some of your ridiculous "posturing and declarations"

    Here.. I find you advising someone to "man up" about something.. I'm
    reminded of the first time I remember reading a killfile threat.. Best I
    recall Albert.. that was you, also.. hmmm Does that mean, Albert... that you
    are getting your education on Reeky and then sharing it with
    newsgroup..The "killfile" threat seems to originate on Reeky..

    You are enthusiastic to convince all of us old and slightly slower
    tx.motorcycle bikers, of you superior intelligence and expertise .. Albert..
    just a word Reeky wisdom isn't impressive to anyone other than the reekyites
    who continually try to impress one another.. The solid and good contributors
    on the group hold them in contempt..

    Now Albert.. I've never even considered that I'm a super intelligent man as
    you seem so convinced that you are.. Consider this.. several hundred posts
    per day on Reeky address the subject of Bill Walker . for this past week..A
    great many of those posts also include some comment or threat of killfile..
    The responses to my posts over there continues to either remain the same or
    grow in number.. Either there are thousands of contributors on that group or
    someone is bullshitting about this killfile thingamajig..

    Another similarity of your performance over there and here, Albert is that
    when challenged .. you commence to start running in circles .. John Moran
    and Mark Johnson demonstrate the same behavior.. You and those boys snip and
    respond to whatever you effectively snip.. The snips that you make are
    usually the relevant parts of the issue which you cannot or are unwilling to
    address.. Johnson and Moran are admittedly more efficient with this strategy
    than you, but it is all a typical reeky pattern of performance..

    "Man up" Albert .. Address the entire body of this response to your attack
    on Brian Walker or ignore the whole thing..There may not be many on who were here when the "patent issue" was discussed , but I
    was and a few others were here. It is also interesting to notice this
    familiar and similar pattern. of re-introducing a very old and forgotten
    piss fight that you've had with someone.. Johnson and Moran use that
    strategy to try their own credibility issues..

    I must admit that I am sadly disappointed in your recent behavior Albert..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jan 13, 2005
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