Biking Groups

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Magpie, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. Magpie

    Krusty Guest

    Congratulations[1] - you've come up with an insult that's never been
    used on UKRM before, according to Google. I suspect that's quite a feat.

    [1] Even if you did steal it from a popular beat combo.
    Krusty, Jul 16, 2005
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  2. Magpie

    Magpie Guest

    No it sounds like a joke though doesnt it Porl, I agree with you about
    the gang thing though. I just enjoy confrontation ;-) even though in an
    fight of vocabulary i usually lose being a geordie an all that. And
    theres now wrong with being square in fact my firestorm feels square
    when im riding it.
    Magpie, Jul 17, 2005
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  3. Magpie

    DR Guest

    Living down to the comedy northerner stereotype is just not on,
    especially when there's a displaced Geordie known to inhabit this
    group with a marked command of English that would put many a literary
    critic to shame.
    DR, Jul 17, 2005
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