Biketronix gear Indicator

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Nige, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Nige

    ogden Guest

    I've done the top+1 thing on every bike I've ever ridden, including the
    thou. It's instinctive.

    Specific to your example of a middleweight twin, I made reference up
    there ^^^ to an entire weekend of trying to find 7th on an SV.
    ogden, Apr 28, 2009
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  2. Nige

    darsy Guest

    the only thing of any sort of vague, mild merit he ever did, was too
    sort of amuse me by, as a 2/3-scale human, buying a matching 2/3-
    scale car (Suzuki Cappuccino).

    Other than that: ****.
    darsy, Apr 28, 2009
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  3. Nige

    darsy Guest

    darsy, Apr 28, 2009
  4. Nige

    platypus Guest

    I wonder if it would be possible to have a comprehensible argument simply by
    quoting xkcd pages at each other.
    platypus, Apr 28, 2009
  5. Nige

    ogden Guest

    ogden, Apr 28, 2009
  6. Nige

    ogden Guest

    Fortunately all (well, most) bikes come with an indicator that tells you
    if you're in the wrong gear. Two of them, in fact - a dial at the front
    and a tube at the back.
    ogden, Apr 28, 2009
  7. Nige

    ogden Guest

    Er, no, top+1 implies I'm already in top and trying to find a higher gear.
    They're both gutless piles of crap, I cba to split hairs.
    ogden, Apr 28, 2009
  8. Nige

    ogden Guest

    Oh, that. I've also done that on just about every bike I've ever ridden.
    Never quite as badly as Kiran, mind.


    Dilbert? What is this, 1996?
    ogden, Apr 28, 2009
  9. Nige

    Krusty Guest

    <kills thread>


    '03 Tiger 955i
    '02 MV Senna (for sale) '96 Tiger (for sale)
    '79 Fantic Hiro 250 (for sale) '81 Corvette (for sale)
    Krusty, Apr 28, 2009
  10. Nerd humour is timeless.

    Phil Launchbury, Apr 28, 2009
  11. Nige

    72degrees Guest

    Fair comment, so far as a particular bike goes. However, gear X at
    N000 rpm (as indicate by tacho or exhaust pitch) might be right for
    bike A in situation C, but not bike B in situation C.

    It took me a few runs up Wiscombe to remember that 350 Morinis,
    whilst being four stroke V twins, are only 350's and won't pull out of
    a slow bend like the Voxan.

    IIRC Nige has only recently started riding a V twin (the Honda died
    pretty quickly), so he may be being caught out occasionally by
    thinking he hasn't got enough revs on IYSWIM and changing down one too

    He's probably still better learning to ride it by the seat of the
    pants (or by 'ear'), than by instruments, if he can IMO.

    72degrees, Apr 28, 2009
  12. Nige

    ogden Guest

    Post corrected.
    ogden, Apr 28, 2009
  13. Nige

    Ace Guest

    I think we should award this one a 306x and stop actually posting the
    Ace, Apr 28, 2009
  14. Nige

    Ace Guest

    Ace, Apr 28, 2009
  15. Ding. Who cares what the number of the gear is, if it's the right one
    for the circumstances, and if you jump between bikes you rapidly get the
    feel of the revs/gears/speed without no poxy steenkin' numeral.
    I had working gear indicators until they failed, and fail they all did.
    I fixed them once on each bike, but gave up as it was pointless. I found
    the GIs had me looking at the bloody GIs far too much and when they
    finally packed up for good I didn't miss them at all.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Apr 28, 2009
  16. Exactly; it's how we used to do it, until last week.

    Whatever, he'll sell it before another week is up.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Apr 28, 2009
  17. Nige

    Ace Guest

    Only for top gear confirmation when cruising. Where the sound and
    torque aren't a giveaway.
    Ace, Apr 28, 2009
  18. Nige

    Ace Guest

    But how the hell do you know which number gear will be the 'correct'
    one? Answer: unless you do the same route in the same conditions every
    time, you don't, so it's a completely futile bit of knowledge.
    Ace, Apr 28, 2009
  19. Nige

    Pip Luscher Guest

    I had a gear indicator on my K100RS. At the time I found it bloody
    useful. However, when I bought a bike that didn't have one, I didn't
    miss it.

    A top gear indicator can be slightly useful to me, but that's only
    because I ride three different road bikes: two Vees and an

    I can never remember what's the right tacho reading for a given bike,
    and in 'formation' rush-hour traffic on dual carriageways, I do
    sometimes trundle for a couple of miles out of top when riding Vee
    twins. Conversely, I sometimes find myself looking for another gear on
    the R1.
    Pip Luscher, Apr 28, 2009
  20. Nige

    Greybeard Guest

    As a carry on from a previous thread, My old Suzuki GT750 had a gear
    indicator as standard fitment way back in the 70's.
    Bloody useful really.


    FLHR -03 UK (95 cu-in Stg 2. Big Boy 2!)

    Garmin Zumo 550, To get me home!

    Greybeard, Apr 28, 2009
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