
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mark, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. Mark

    Mark Guest

    I attended a Bikesafe event today with Devon & Cornwall Police. Three of us
    went out with a police advanced rider. I don't think you ever stop learning
    and this built on the foundations of my previous IAM and RoSPA experiences
    (but RoSPA was in the car). The Police were very keen and the riding was up
    to their usual standard - I particularly liked the "ride as fast as you feel
    safe............there will be no tickets given out today".

    It did strike me that the event was done on the cheap in the back office of
    a local dealer and with a knackered copy of a few VHS tapes. Now I'd have
    thought that with the rise in revenue collected from cameras and the like
    surely some of it could be ploughed back into this type of thing?

    If you've not been on one get your name down. See for
    more info.

    Mark, Sep 12, 2004
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  2. Mark

    dwb Guest

    Apparently they can't - in the same way it was suggestd to use some of the
    money to run bike specific first aid courses. Something in the regulations
    or such nonsense.
    dwb, Sep 12, 2004
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  3. In dwb triped:
    Just goes to reinforce peoples' belief that Gatsos are about revenue
    collection and nothing to do with road safety; after all, if speed camera
    revenue was used to fund driver/rider education rather than the
    Treasury/Camera Operators people may find them slightly more acceptable.
    Andy Ashworth, Sep 12, 2004
  4. Mark

    ZR7-S Guest

    Just to educate you all, the police do NOT see any of the revenue gained
    from speed cameras or the road safety partnership. All the money goes back
    to the government.
    ZR7-S, Sep 12, 2004
  5. Mark

    Muck Guest

    So it goes back to the people who pay the police, and they pay the
    police with money. Am I missing some other complexity out here?
    Muck, Sep 12, 2004
  6. Mark

    Kraggash Guest

    I was on that very run this afternoon. I learned a lot about riding in
    pissing rain from a very swift chap on a daytona, was that you?
    Kraggash, Sep 13, 2004
  7. Mark

    Mark Guest

    Not unless you've confused it with a blue 1200 Bandit............
    Mark, Sep 13, 2004
  8. Mark

    Kraggash Guest

    No, but I did say hello to you in that case as I left. I was wearing a
    bright orange jacket.
    Kraggash, Sep 13, 2004
  9. Mark

    Monkey Guest

    I did one of those a couple of months back from the South London venue.
    Superb value for money (£25, of which lunch must have been a tenner).
    Thought some bits of the classroom session were a bit on the obvious side,
    but I guess they've got to cater for all levels of ability / experience. A
    couple of the instructors were very towing the party line a bit heavily in
    the presentations (had a 'discussion' with one who was of the opinion that
    you'd always lose your licence for 26+ mph over the limit), but most were
    top blokes / birds.
    It's very humbling following a woman on a fully-kitted Pan Euro, down a
    single-track road, sparks streaming off her centrestand round the bends,
    with you struggling to keep up. It was only when we got back at the end of
    the day, that she told me I'd been doing 70 in a 40 at one point (in my
    defence, she'd said she'd drop back if I was going too quick, but at the
    time we were running late, so she hadn't).

    A good introduction, but I reckon you'd need another full day on the road to
    really put into practise what you were being taught.
    The London set-up seemed pretty well funded - several full-time instructors
    (who were unsurprisingly very happy that they'd been pulled off 'normal'
    police duties to run the courses), and decent presentation kit.
    Monkey, Sep 15, 2004
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