Bikes rock (tm etc)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by dwb, May 10, 2004.

  1. dwb

    dwb Guest

    A very short ride, only 23 miles... but boy I'd forgotten how addictive
    bikes are :)

    30 minute blats after work ahoy.
    dwb, May 10, 2004
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  2. dwb

    Peter Jones Guest

    "dwb" wrote in message
    Too right, the first thing i do when i get home from uni every fortnight or
    so is pick up the bike keys and spend ages just riding. After being stuck
    in a cage for 2 and a half hours getting home it's pure bliss.
    Peter Jones, May 10, 2004
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  3. dwb

    Tim Guest

    Forgotten? You've only just taken it out of winter storage?

    Tim two#21, YGL#3 & BOTAFOT#84

    Due to the limitations of current email, the lip movements may be
    out of synchronisation as you move your finger under the text while reading.

    tim dot ukrm2 at dsl dot pipex dot com
    Tim, May 10, 2004
  4. dwb

    dwb Guest

    No. I have not been able to ride due to a fubared back - and it's been cold
    and wet and horrible up until recently.
    dwb, May 10, 2004
  5. dwb

    David Thomas Guest

    I know how you feel, I have a knackered back too and am limited to 30mins
    riding at the moment... bugger, bugger, bugger!

    David Thomas, May 10, 2004
  6. dwb

    Pip Guest

    Queer - I would have thought that buggering would be right out ... or
    is that how you did your back in the first place?
    Pip, May 10, 2004
  7. dwb

    platypus Guest

    Bad back or not, I would have thought that 30 minutes of buggery would be as
    much as anyone could stand.
    platypus, May 10, 2004
  8. dwb

    Molly Guest

    Are you still having trouble with that back of yours? That's what
    stopped you from getting your kneedown, you certainly leaned the bike
    over enough
    Molly, May 10, 2004
  9. dwb

    Pip Guest

    Aye. Sod that for a game of soldiers.
    Pip, May 10, 2004
  10. dwb

    platypus Guest

    Or sailors.
    platypus, May 10, 2004
  11. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    You know, when I saw that paragraph, I thought about playing on the
    buggery theme, but desisted, knowing that others would be along soon.

    Well done chaps. Fine job.



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 11, 2004
  12. dwb

    Oldbloke Guest

    You certainly have a point, I was definitely tempted yesterday evening.
    Roll on summer proper.

    Dan L (Oldbloke)
    My Bike 2000 Honda CB500
    M'boy's Bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Heavily fortified)

    Oldbloke, May 11, 2004
  13. Nah - Can take 'em or leave 'em. They dont control me. I can stop
    using bikes anytime I like. Well, I mean, yeah, I do still do it every
    day at the *moment* but a few weeks ago I didnt ride for a whole week
    and I was fine. Well, when I say 'fine', yeah OK I wasnt sleeping
    much, and I did sweat alot and, well, yeah OK I was shaking a bit.
    Well, alright I'll admit it, I wouldnt have minded a quick rev or two,
    just to tide me over, like. Oh OK, OK, I was fucking gagging for a hit
    of throttle if you must know. yeah, alright I'm a-fucking-ddicted to
    bikes. There, now **** off and let me enjoy my 13,500 red line by

    Steve Bullimore, May 11, 2004
  14. dwb

    dwb Guest

    I thought it was more to do with me not hanging off...
    dwb, May 11, 2004
  15. dwb

    Molly Guest

    I thought you didn't hang off because your back was bad. At least
    that's what you told me when we were having a coffee at my house.
    Molly, May 12, 2004
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