bikes I have known...

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by bikerbetty, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. bikerbetty

    bikerbetty Guest

    Being at the very beginning of my motorcycling life (at my advanced age) I
    am so envious of all you lot who have photo galleries of all your bikes over
    the years... what a bloody amazing storehouse of riding memories you must

    There have been motorcycling people in my family (mostly back in Pommyland),
    but my first riding experience was as a pillion with one of my classmates in
    Sydney back in the late 70's, in around Yr 11.... I can't believe how
    trusting and immortal you feel at 16-17.... and then I pillioned again, just
    once, around the streets of Bondi late at night, when I was about 20. What a
    feeling!!!! When my baby brother took me around Christchurch on the back of
    his peewee something-or-other back in the early 80's (and made me get off
    and walk so he could get the bloody thing up hills) I was slightly less
    exhilarated, but still had the time of my life!

    It took me well over 20 years, one marriage and two kids for me to get back
    to the idea of bikes.... and I don't suppose I will ever have a lovely list
    of bikes to remember.

    But... I want to say how much I love my little GPX250... I think I will
    always love my first bike best - this is the one that has seen me through
    the toughest times, in terms of learning roadcraft as well as being my
    safe-haven.... I am so attached to my bike that I sometimes wonder how the
    heck I will ever be able to get another bike later on.... just the thought
    of doing that seems disloyal.

    For ppl who've had bazillions of bikes, and all the memories that go with
    them..... do you have a special soft spot for a particular bike, and is
    there a special reason for that?

    I can't imagine ever being this attached to a car (or a house, a pair of
    shoes OR a bloke <grin>)

    bikerbetty, Jun 1, 2006
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  2. bikerbetty

    Shep© Guest

    BSA Bantam D14 when I was 17. Directories/BSA Bikes/BSA index.htm
    Shep©, Jun 1, 2006
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  3. bikerbetty

    Grump Guest

    Factory spec. absolutely flew! Won every enduro it entered until
    it blew up...sob :(
    Grump, Jun 1, 2006
  4. In on Thu, 1 Jun 2006 22:18:16 +1000
    Hey, loved 'em all.

    Well.. some more than others, I don't think "love" is the right term
    for the GT550, more like friendship. And the SR250 was more like
    "mostly working partnership".

    The ones I liked the most I still have... Except the Baby Beemer, I
    was sorry to see that go but it has gone to a good home.

    Even the two boring "sensible" bikes, the GT550 and the SR250 were
    at least motorcycles which means riding them was fun and better than
    taking a car or the bus.

    Zebee Johnstone, Jun 1, 2006
  5. bikerbetty

    justAL Guest

    justAL, Jun 1, 2006
  6. bikerbetty

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    My first experience was at age 5, squished between my uncle and aunt on
    their 1940-something Matchless. In the 1940s.
    My kids were being pillioned from about age 7.
    I've only had three bikes in the last 30 years. They were a Guzzi, a Guzzi,
    and a Guzzi. Before that I had a 1956 BSA, a Lambretta, and a couple of

    Theo Bekkers, Jun 2, 2006
  7. bikerbetty

    tony f Guest

    My old Ducati 860 GTS (fitted with 900SS motor and fairing, kickstart only).
    I miss that one the most of all. Probably because it took me to so many
    places, and I prepped and sprayed it red all by myself, so was full of
    memories. Also, because it's been a long time, the more errr... character
    building issues... have faded in the mists of time. Still, I did get to
    learn a lot about Ducati internals and electrics. ;^) Sold it to Tim Sanford
    (Cycle Torque), who lived nearby at the time, and often wonder if he still
    has it. Haven't seen it in years.

    My black/gold Guzzi LeMans MkII ranks pretty highly as well. Another bike I
    regret selling. Sure it needed money spent, but I've sunk a whole lot more
    money into the bikes I've had since. One of the most beautiful bikes I've
    owned, if not the most.

    Perversely, I miss another Ducati - a 95 750SS. Would have been my number
    one if I'd bought one that didn't have major problems, but buying secondhand
    is always fraught with risk - especially buying from a bloody liar. Lesson
    learnt, I traded it for next to nothing, and was glad to be rid of it, but
    when it was running well, it was the best bike ever. Perfect size (fit me
    beautifully), brilliant handling, adequate power, great looks. sigh... Maybe
    I'll get another one - but a good one - one day.

    A long run of trailbikes and other road bikes have memories, but they're
    just not the same.

    Tony F
    tony f, Jun 2, 2006
  8. bikerbetty

    G-S Guest

    Hmm, about 30 road bikes, of those...

    I regret selling my Z1 900cc Kawasaki that I spent years (and about
    $8000 back when that was worth twice what it is now) restoring.

    I miss riding my rattly old unreliable Triumph T140 chopper (I don't
    miss fixing the bloody thing after every trip!).

    I still have a soft spot for GT750's (more for the time I spent on one
    when younger riding a large bike for the first time and later on at the
    Isle of Mann).

    Many of the bikes are memorable but I don't miss, my Yamaha V-Max for
    it's fierce acceleration combined with truly dreadful flexy frame (worse
    than my Z1 easily).

    My Kawasaki Z1300 Voyager13 full dresser is memorable for having to
    actually ride a bike that weighed 375kg dry with a pillion and keep the
    bloody thing upright at low speed!

    Many of them like the Suzuki GSX750F were competant but bland enough
    that over time I have trouble remembering lots of them.

    My current Moto Guzzi LeMans V11 has turned into one of those few bikes
    that is different enough and memorable enough that if I ever sell it I
    reckon I'll miss it, whereas my current Yamaha Diversion 900S is
    functionally very good but inspires no passion (like the GTR1000 I used
    to own).

    Bikes are different to each other, and each persons experience on them
    is different but I reckon the key is to find a bike that inflames ones
    sense of desire to own and ride it, not just when you buy it... but in
    times to come down the track.

    If you find a bike like that (and it can be hard to find out what bikes
    do that for oneself) then yeah... expect to miss it if you sell it :)

    G-S, Jun 2, 2006
  9. bikerbetty

    Will_S Guest

    My first bike was a Suzuki Hustler back in 1981 ( I hope that makes you feel
    young ) . Picked it up in the afternoon and first trip was around Mt
    Panorama where I managed to drop it at the Cutting. This was the first of
    many falls from this bike but didn't I have fun on it. When you are young
    you just don't have any brains or sense of danger. How I survived this long
    is a miracle........................
    Will_S, Jun 2, 2006
  10. bikerbetty

    Will_S Guest

    oops......that should read 1971.....oh the brain begins to go at this age
    Will_S, Jun 2, 2006
  11. bikerbetty

    atec77 Guest

    Nice little sccoter , I ran an Rg about then . used to smoke the hustler
    on topend .
    atec77, Jun 2, 2006
  12. bikerbetty

    Will_S Guest

    nothing smoked the hustler off the mark :)

    still remember someone in a hotted up FJ reckoning his car would blow my
    bike off the road over ( could have been a mile, could have been half ). It
    was where the stockyards at Bathurst are and beat him quite easily..

    and that was my one drag......
    Will_S, Jun 2, 2006
  13. bikerbetty

    atec77 Guest

    I remember the look on a mates face when I lined my my week old MKIII
    blue tank Kwaka against his"ported" RD 350 :)
    does smashed gel for you .?
    atec77, Jun 2, 2006
  14. bikerbetty

    G-S Guest

    Yeah... you and me both (although mine wasn't an LS) :)

    G-S, Jun 2, 2006
  15. bikerbetty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    You started well Betty; the GPX250 is certainly a lovable little package!

    My first bike was a 60's postie scooter (before the current trail-bike type
    posties) and it occupies a special place in my heart.
    My first road-legal bike was a '72 Yammie 350 (R5) which I adored, and
    later I had a '72 Kwakka 500 triple, a '77 860 GTS Ducati, a '94 Triumph
    900 Sprint and a '97 BMW R1100GS.
    I've had another 20-or-so bikes (over a 33 year period) and all of them had
    their attractions but those 6 are my standouts.[/QUOTE]
    Knobdoodle, Jun 2, 2006
  16. bikerbetty

    jas Guest

    i started on a bike aged 9. get this, dad bought a honda 185 road
    bike...with the chopper handle a sheep herding bike. so i grew up
    riding around the farm on that!!no dirt bike for me.

    moved to a vt250 when i got my license, now shooting for a vtr1000
    jas, Jun 2, 2006
  17. bikerbetty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I was just-about to put my anorak on and argue that the GT250 wasn't
    technically a "Hustler" but a '71 T250 is pukka.
    Knobdoodle, Jun 2, 2006
  18. bikerbetty

    Johno Guest


    175cc James
    125cc Bantam
    650cc A10 BSA
    650cc Triumph Thunderbird
    650cc Triumph Bonneville
    1930cc Norton single - hack bike
    500cc Manx Norton
    250cc TD1C Yamaha
    50cc Honda - while i was racing :)
    250cc Yamaha trail
    350cc Yamaha
    750cc Ducati sports
    750cc Kawasaki
    1200cc Bandit
    800cc Honda


    Johno, Jun 2, 2006
  19. bikerbetty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    [waits patiently]
    So..... did you LIKE any of them?!!?
    Knobdoodle, Jun 2, 2006
  20. bikerbetty

    Shep© Guest

    Shep©, Jun 2, 2006
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