Bikers, Rookies and Geeks

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Agreed, damn good idea. Glad I thought of it.
    Wakko, Jul 15, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Besides, it was my fucking money. That nun didn't need it.
    I'll spend it how I like.
    Wakko, Jul 15, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Vito Guest

    A kid I worked with back during "American Grafitti" bought a Cushman and let
    Billy and I take it for a "cruise". Looked pretty silly with Bill at 6'4"
    and 250# and me just a tad shorter so we got some ragging. When 4 guys in a
    2-door sedan got nasty Billy asked if I could grab the left door frame and
    hold the door shut. Sure, so while I did he ran around, got in the right
    door and began hitting people. Pretty soon it soon looked like a disney
    cartoon where the dog and cat get in the washing machine with feet and fists
    flying. I even got smacked a couple myself but held on. Finally Billy showed
    up at the left door and I let him out. The others didn't know that he gone
    and kept hitting everything that moved as we rode off. Life was good ....
    Vito, Jul 15, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I love it.. Brian, my son and I were coming back after a real neat day ride
    one Sunday afternoon.. We'd crossed one of the local lake areas and that
    traffic was bad.. as usual.. We were just kind of loafing along when a
    carload of those Sunday lake players came tearing up behind us tearing up
    that highway and weaving across the road.. Brian and I moved as far to the
    right as we could, I was directly behind him.. When that bunch of halfwit
    drunks passed Brian, beer cans, bottles and shit flew all over him, out of
    that carload of idiots..

    Knowing that a little town with some signals was just ahead, we just sorta
    kept up and followed them.. Sure enough, they had to stop for a light and I
    pulled up about two feet from the drivers side, Brian pulled up on the
    passenger side.. The driver looked around, and all shocked, surprised and a
    shit eating grin on his face.. He said " hey man.. didn't see you" .. I got
    off the bike and reached for his door... "See me now, sport" I asked him..

    Holy sheeyit.. the car rocked sideways and I looked over to see chrome
    mirrors and shit flying all over that highway.. Brian had leaned back and
    was tearing the whole side of that damned car up.. Damn.. I stopped what I
    was doing to watch Brian methodically doing a good demolishion thing on that
    sled.. Glass broke and that bunch of drunks were screaming and trying to sit
    in each other's lap.. The light changed and they sped off.. The other
    drivers around us were laughing their heads off.. Most of them had seen what
    had happened back down the road and those damned drunks had nearly run them
    off the road, too... A lot of them were blowing horns and cheering us on..
    We politely bowed to the crowd, remounted and finished our leisurely ride

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Besides, it was my fucking money. That nun didn't need it. I'll spend it
    how I like.


    ‘‘I heard that! Yes sir, and fucking money is some serious money,
    not that credit card money, crap type. We're talking fucking money,
    which is good as cash.!
    Yoggie Bear aka Bjay
    BJayKana, Jul 16, 2005
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