Biker dies in crash with bull

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by sanbar, May 9, 2005.

  1. sanbar

    sanbar Guest

    This is one of my greatest fears.
    - sanbar

    Biker dies in crash with bull
    From: AAP

    A MOTORCYCLIST has died after hitting a bull in Melbourne's outer west.
    Police said the 33-year-old man was riding on Dohertys Road, near
    Derrimut, about 6.15pm (AEST) yesterday when he struck the bull.

    Both the rider and bull died at the scene.

    The man's death takes Victoria's 2005 road toll to 139, 15 more than at
    the same time last year.
    sanbar, May 9, 2005
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  2. sanbar

    Rural QLD CC Guest

    We were in the cage yesterday and witnessed a whole paddock full of cows
    leisurely making their way into a cane paddock across the road after
    breaking through the fence. After we fought our way through the
    rubbernecking wankers holding *all* the traffic up at the intersection we
    were at, we saw a bike rider coming from the other direction at a great rate
    of knots. I got that whole 'cold sweat' I hate that!
    Fortunately he blasted through without incident, but it really serves to
    remind you of just bad it could be when the 'unexpected' crops up.

    Rural QLD CC, May 9, 2005
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  3. sanbar

    Trevor_S Guest

    Bulls you say ?

    Trevor S

    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    -Albert Einstein
    Trevor_S, May 9, 2005
  4. Dohertys you say?

    Alan Pennykid, May 9, 2005
  5. sanbar

    Gary Woodman Guest

    Don't go to the Northern Territory then... thousands of km of unfenced
    highways cutting through cattle stations.

    Gary (lucky they got rid of the wild buffalo)


    "As the Bush White House desperately maneuvers in Iraq to prevent the new
    government from being run according to the dictates of religious
    fundamentalists, it desperately maneuvers here to pander to religious
    fundamentalists who want to dictate how the government should be run."

    Maureen Dowd, the New York Times
    Gary Woodman, May 9, 2005
  6. sanbar

    Boxer Guest

    A friend was killed hitting a Buffalo in the NT on a Honda BolDor 900 in the
    first year they were produced, must be 25 years ago now.

    A cousin of mine went through the centre of a Horse on a Honda 4 many years
    ago also, he survived but the horse was well and truly stuffed.

    Boxer, May 9, 2005
  7. sanbar

    Smee R1100s Guest

    Did they name it Pharlap 2?
    Smee R1100s, May 9, 2005
  8. sanbar

    Gary Woodman Guest

    Same here, Warren Ivin riding his H-D on the Arnhem Hwy short of Humpty Doo,
    probably 30km from Darwin... a great loss and a terrible story.
    I ducked :)



    "As the Bush White House desperately maneuvers in Iraq to prevent the new
    government from being run according to the dictates of religious
    fundamentalists, it desperately maneuvers here to pander to religious
    fundamentalists who want to dictate how the government should be run."

    Maureen Dowd, the New York Times
    Gary Woodman, May 9, 2005
  9. Worst time for me was riding south from Cunnamulla to Barringun in the dark
    on the way back from the Off Centre Run at Stonehenge in August '92. "Whats
    that big dark shadow ahead of me?" A cow, of course; some of them were
    migrating to the bitumen for the night as it was warmer there. Made it a
    very slow run. Travelling after dark someplaces is just not a good idea.

    Alan Pennykid, May 9, 2005
  10. sanbar

    Rod Bacon Guest

    When _was_ the first your they produced NT buffalos?
    Rod Bacon, May 9, 2005
  11. sanbar

    Rod Bacon Guest

    This is a truly nasty story. The closest I ever came to this was
    hitting a wild pig on my IT250 in the Strathbogie ranges. That wasn't a
    pleasant experience for either party, I can tell you!
    Rod Bacon, May 9, 2005
  12. sanbar

    sharkey Guest

    I almost hit a black calf at midnight on the Hume. I saw something
    ahead, possibly its ear tag, and got on the anchors. I was still
    braking when it trotted into the oncoming lane and was hit broadside
    by a semitrailer.

    Whole lotta beef.

    sharkey, May 9, 2005
  13. sanbar

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    You hit one emu.......
    OK, and a kangaroo, several rabbits, a snake, some magpies, a parrot or two,
    a large dog........ No, make that two large dogs. I hit one on the BSA in

    Theo Bekkers, May 10, 2005
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