Bikeless again

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by CampinGazz, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. CampinGazz

    CampinGazz Guest

    Just sold the suzi TS 125... made a bit of a profit in the process, 3/4 of
    the work needed to get it decent was time.. like re-wiring it, already had
    the wire, just needed 3 days to sort the rats nest out that claimed to be
    the loom etc.

    Anyhoo, that now means we have the cash to get a real bike.. tho i'm sure
    some on here will say a virago is not a real bike, it's gotta be better than
    a TS125???

    Time will tell if the virago will last more than a month in my hands.... it
    should do.. i wanted a trials style bike because when i was younger i had
    one.. now i've gotten older they no longer have the same apeal,
    so an old farts bike should do me.. shame i can't afford a harley tho.. have
    to pretend a bit more with a virago then.
    CampinGazz, Jul 27, 2004
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