esteemed members of, I'd be very grateful for descriptions of what you had to do on your bike test. I've been riding for a few months and am wondering about doing a test next week or the week after. Did you have lessons or just go for it? I am thinking of a lesson or two just to check I am not awful. Is the test easy? I saw on a website that a new element to the test will be bought in in 2005. Is this true? If so would I be best to just get it out the way now? I have a '97 CG125/BR-T [1] (capable of 100km/hr, just about). From others' posts I summise this is steed is suitable for the test. But, the battery is dead. Hence at junctions I have to rev the engine a little for indicators to flash. Should I get this fixed before the test? Has anyone used test centres near Birmingham (Kingstanding, Coventry, Rugby, ...) for their test? I did my car test at Kingstanding and can vaguely remember the route. Can I expect the bike route to be similar? Any other tips? I don't really want to throw £50 away Thanks Pete [1] does the sign