bike safety advert on tv

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by mr p, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. mr p

    mr p Guest

    I saw this yesterday, one of those THINK BIKE!! type things from the
    I thought it was actually quite a good little film, showing the
    importance of being prepared for what could be around the corner. It's
    a little patronising perhaps ?Kind of made me want to get the bike out
    for a ride anyway, now where is that sun shine ?

    mr p, Mar 17, 2008
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  2. mr p

    Dave Emerson Guest

    Dave Emerson, Mar 17, 2008
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  3. mr p

    sweller Guest

    Not as good as this:
    sweller, Mar 18, 2008
  4. mr p

    darsy Guest

    that's completely unbelievable.

    I mean, who would own a Ducati /and/ a Rover?
    darsy, Mar 18, 2008
  5. I liked that. A lot.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 18, 2008
  6. I *think* the bikes were a Yamaha RD200 twin (could have been an RD125,
    though) and a Suzuki GP125.

    x-posted to ukrmc. Anyone?
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 18, 2008
  7. mr p

    Lozzo Guest

    RD200 and a GT185. Both had the huge 'dynastart' engine case on the
    left side of the engine.

    Suzuki SV650S K5
    Honda CBR600 FW trackbike
    Yamaha SR250 Spazz-Trakka
    Suzuki GSXR750 L
    Suzuki TS50X
    Suzuki TS50X
    Lozzo, Mar 18, 2008
  8. So it is. The brake caliper's wrong for a GP125, anyway.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 18, 2008
  9. mr p

    Lozzo Guest

    You forgot the most important clue - the GP125 was a single, not a
    fucking twin, you blind numpty.

    Suzuki SV650S K5
    Honda CBR600 FW trackbike
    Yamaha SR250 Spazz-Trakka
    Suzuki GSXR750 L
    Suzuki TS50X
    Suzuki TS50X
    Lozzo, Mar 18, 2008
  10. I knew that. I just didn't get a good enough look at the engine. Bloody
    hard to see.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 18, 2008
  11. mr p

    Lozzo Guest

    **** me, even I could see it and I'm 3/4 eye-mong.

    Suzuki SV650S K5
    Honda CBR600 FW trackbike
    Yamaha SR250 Spazz-Trakka
    Suzuki GSXR750 L
    Suzuki TS50X
    Suzuki TS50X
    Lozzo, Mar 18, 2008
  12. mr p

    A.Clews Guest

    I'm sure he was far too busy taking careful note of the message concerning
    correct riding technique. :)

    It's a pity riding/driving technique 'adverts' aren't shown more commonly
    on the telly to help get the message across. They show drink/driving and
    seatbelt ads, after all. Public service broadcasting and all that.
    A.Clews, Mar 19, 2008
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