Bike running poorly after a lay-up

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Michael Walsh, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. I have a Yamaha SR125 which has been laid-up for over a year.

    I took it out recently and gave it a service, oil-change, new spark
    plug and battery.

    However when I took if for a test ride it had no power. It runs
    reasonably o.k. in first and second gear but in 3rd gear and above it
    has no acceleration. It tends to 'chug' or 'bunny-hop' but that goes
    after a couple of hundred yards. However the speed never picks up.
    However if I clutch while it is bunny-hopping it seems to rev o.k.
    This suggests that it is not a carb' or fuel mix problem.

    My theory is that I have a slippling clutch. Does this sound
    plausible. The clutch has only 2,500 miles on it so I wouldn't have
    expected it to be worn out already. Could the fact that it sat unused
    for over a year be the cause.

    If I have a clutch problem is there any way of proving it short of a
    strip down. And is there any solution for it other than a new clutch.


    Michael Walsh, Sep 8, 2004
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  2. My theory is that you failed to drain the gas and run it dry
    so the carbs are filled up with varnish from the old evaporated
    fuel. Drain any old gas from the tank and get the carbs cleaned.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Sep 8, 2004
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